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侦讯取证与人权保障是案侦活动的两个方面,但它们不是均衡发展的。维护人权观念的崇高,不能也不应掩盖打击犯罪在先的事实真相。侦讯活动与限制人身自由是同步的。考察我国的未决羁押与律师会见,如实供述与不自证其罪,相对的默示沉默权,辩护取证的显形化与规则化,律师在场权与全程同步录音录像,口供自愿性的证明能力,司法甄别、排除和认定口供的复杂性等问题。回答如何处理证据的法律真实和客观真实、形式真实和实质合理,取证打击犯罪与保护人权的关系。它们在侦讯取证制度的完善中,需有相应的配套举措。  相似文献   
With interest in queer socialities, the author considers Jacques Derrida’s provocation in Of Hospitality to “say yes” as hospitable gesture in order to challenge the gendered and racialized demands of this charge. If Orientalist conflations of the East with femininity have in turn sexualized Asian women as simultaneously hypersexual and submissive, then how can we as viewers and readers performatively read Asian femininity in a different, and not anti-relational, orientation to hospitality? Building upon Anna Watkins Fisher’s concept of parasitic performance, this article posits inscrutability as a feminist methodology by considering Yoko Ono’s performances of Cut Piece and Laurel Nakadate’s video Happy Birthday for their interesting solicitations to audience-participants, costars, and viewers.  相似文献   
Editor's note     
This study applies Elisabeth Noelle‐Neumann's spiral of silence theory to the controversial issue of whether children with AIDS should be allowed to attend public school. The study tests the theory's hypotheses in light of two content analyses of the media's treatment of the issue. The findings offer tentative and qualified support for Noelle‐Neumann's theoretical propositions about the relationship between individuals' perceptions of the issue and the media's tenor of the issue; particularly that of television. The findings suggest the need to address the role of other agents of influence, including reference groups, and to use time‐based data to unravel the causal order of the relationships.  相似文献   
Democratic theory hears silent citizenship as disengagement or disempowerment. Normatively, silent citizenship evokes the specter of civic passivity – of democratic citizens variably characterized by apathy, disaffection, selfishness, or a lack of political knowledge. Empirically, silent citizenship is linked to deficits of democracy – including voter turnout rates, the quality of political representation, and overall government responsiveness. One problem with these conclusions, however, is that we lack any systematic conceptualization of the range of different attitudes democratic citizens might hold in silence. This article seeks to fill in this conceptual gap by mapping the range of possible motivations for citizens to remain silent in developed liberal democratic systems. The key to doing so, I argue, is to distinguish between two measures of democratic citizenship: empowerment and communication. Separating these two measures reveals an entire spectrum of motivations for silence, which I organize into five distinct degrees of silent citizenship.  相似文献   
欧洲国家在适用不强迫自证其罪原则方面有着比较成熟的做法,为了保障被追诉人此项特权的有效性,具体从如下三点着手:其一,将此特权的适用领域拓展至行政法领域。其二,对秘侦措施中的隐秘探话进行必要的限制。其三,对刑事扣押对象进行必要的限制。我国新刑事诉讼法也确立了此项特权,但与之相关的立法存在冲突,有关的配套制度付之阙如,严重影响了被追诉人此项特权的有效性,需要借鉴欧洲人权法院的做法予以完善。  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the perceived seriousness of integrity violations and the impact of ethical leadership on integrity and the code of silence by using structural equation modeling. The results suggested that integrity violations are regarded by Turkish officers as serious offenses, as they are perceived by their colleagues in other countries. The study also revealed the existence of the code of silence among police officers. Finally, it suggested that leadership positively affects the integrity of police officers and has a significant effect on breaking the code of silence in Turkey. Based on the findings, policy implications were discussed.  相似文献   
现行刑诉法自 $141 年制定后于今迎来了第二次大面积修改。针对此次修改,尤其是对有关侦查程序的修改,有人忧虑其是刑诉法条款倒退的表现。通过对秘密拘留和逮捕、传唤和拘传时间的延长、技术侦查措施的引入和沉默权与如实供述这四个方面进行理性分析并提出完善建议,指出此次修正案在侦查程序的修改中,兼顾了打击犯罪和保护人权两方面,整体上是有进步的。对于其不细致、不周全、有矛盾而可能导致实施者自由裁量权滥用的地方,需要进行合理的完善。  相似文献   
我国不宜草率采用沉默权制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沉默权制度有利亦有弊 ,我国不宜草率采用沉默权制度。应当正视不同国家历史文化传统的差异 ,我国目前司法实践的现状不容忽视 ,沉默权制度并非遏制刑讯逼供的唯一药方  相似文献   
员工沉默使得信息被过滤和扭曲,影响组织决策质量、纠错及创新能力,引发员工工作倦怠和低工作满意度。而职工民主管理的理念和举措,缩小了组织权力差距、保护了少数派、增进了组织信任和员工满意度,能够有效地消减员工沉默行为。  相似文献   
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