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对我国未成年犯矫正制度若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国未成年人犯罪现象越来越严重,对未成年犯的教育改造也面临着严峻的挑战,我国未成 年犯矫正制度的不完善是导致这一现象产生的重要原因。立法者应借鉴外国对未成年罪犯进 行矫正的一些有益经验,促进我国未成年犯矫正制度的不断完善。  相似文献   
父母责任的效力是责任实施要素中的重要环节,包括父亲与母亲、父母与未成年子女、父母与第三人之间的责任分配与负担关系.其中,父亲与母亲应作为整体但却不负连带责任,责任的负担以拥有监护权并事实上能行使监护权为限,允许父母一方以已尽监护义务而免除自己的责任;对具有责任能力的未成年子女致人损害,有过失的父母应与之承担连带责任,并可进行内部求偿;在父母与第三人共同过失的情况下,应严格按自己责任原则,未成年子女无需承担父母的共同过失,父母也无需承担未成年子女的过失.  相似文献   
"零容忍"警务政策是从社会大众平时最为关心和感受最深的轻微违法犯罪入手,严厉打击,不让其有机会转变为重大犯罪,进而控制犯罪率."打早打小"警务政策是当犯罪行为处于萌芽状态和初始阶段时,就及时予以打击,不让其膨胀成为影响社会治安、影响群众安全感的"肿瘤".使犯罪活动处于可控状态.上海公安机关实施的"打早打小"警务政策借鉴了"零容忍"警务政策及其战略、战术,确保了一方平安,为上海经济持续发展、社会持续稳定提供了强有力的保障.  相似文献   
《国家赔偿法》第19条规定的“情节显著轻微危害不大、不认为是犯罪”的免责事由,含义是行为人实施了一定违法行为被刑事立案,但经过侦查、审查起诉直至审判阶段,最终未被判决有罪的,对于因刑事追诉需要而予以先行羁押的.检察机关作为赔偿义务机关办理国家赔偿案,有权对公安机关的撤案理由做实质审查,而不应简单以其载明理由作为赔偿与否的依据.  相似文献   
Abused, neglected, and abandoned immigrant youth face numerous obstacles to physical safety, including potential repatriation (deportation) to abusive caretakers from whom they fled. In recognition of the special needs of abused children, Congress enacted Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) to provide a previously unavailable child welfare defense to deportation. The remedy is contingent upon a State court declaration that the youth is, in fact, in need of protection. However, unlike their counterparts in foster care or guardianships, youth detained by the federal government face numerous practical and legal roadblocks to accessing the necessary State court declarations. This article identifies several gaps in State laws which impede detained youths' access to State court declarations, and proposes several remedies which would enable the States to carry out Congress' intent that detained youth have access to SIJS, regardless of detention status.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》中增加了未成年人犯罪不成立一般累犯的规定,并扩大了特别累犯的范围,司法实践中应对本次修正中的"不满十八周岁的人犯罪的除外"、"恐怖活动犯罪"、"黑社会性质的组织犯罪"等内容作正确理解和适用,使累犯制度的作用得以真正实现。  相似文献   
This article considers the place of difference in Marx's politics through an exploration of his categories of the lumpenproletariat and the proletariat. Far from a simple set of class subjects or empirical peoples, these two categories are argued to describe particular modes of political composition . Despite the frisson of difference and excess which is usually associated with Marx's lumpenproletariat, it is argued to describe a mode of composition - and, in relation to anarchism, a politics - oriented not towards difference and becoming, but towards present identity . The proletariat, on the other hand, is shown to be not a People, historical Subject or identity, but a 'minor' political mode of composition immanent to the manifolds of capitalism, and premised on the condition that, as Deleuze puts it, 'the people are missing'.  相似文献   
根据185例轻型颅脑损伤的法医学鉴定,证实颅骨骨折是颅内并发症的危险因素,支持临床观点。31例颅骨骨折组,经CT发现颅内并发症的20例,以EDH和SDH多见.行CSF检查对诊断有价值.同时提出轻型颅脑损伤分级标准,依此明确轻伤评定等级.  相似文献   
犯罪嫌疑人刑事责任年龄的审查与确定,直接关系到对犯罪嫌疑人是否追究刑事责任,是否从轻或减轻处罚,以及是否适用死刑等问题。在对证明犯罪嫌疑人刑事责任年龄的证据种类作出分析,并探讨司法实践中未成年犯罪嫌疑人刑事责任年龄认定困难的主要原因的基础上,提出审查认定未成年犯罪嫌疑人刑事责任年龄的对策。  相似文献   
Minor parties in English local government have largely been neglected by the research literature because of their lack of electoral success at the aggregate level. However, over the past decade minor party candidates have contested an increasing number of wards and this rise is disproportionate to their share of the vote. Developing the concept of ‘presence’ and a focus on wards rather than seats we use newly reworked data from the Elections Centre Database (University of Plymouth) to plot the proportion of wards contested by minor party candidates from 1973–2008. We argue that whilst changes in vote share are minimal throughout the period, the magnitude of the recent increase in minor party activity at the ward level is unprecedented and justifies further study. We also explore the variation in minor party activity between authority types, concluding that the explanation for the recent rise in contestation is not constant across similar authorities and electoral systems. We suggest that the explanation for minor party activity is much more complex and relative.  相似文献   
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