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摘    要:一、美军欲派兵马六甲海峡引发的区域安全问题1.马六甲海峡问题的浮现2004年4月 ,驻亚太地区美军总司令托马斯·法戈上将在美国会就国防部2005年预算作证时 ,披露了美军方名为《区域海事安全计划》的反恐新方案。根据这项正在制订中的计划 ,美国将向马六甲海峡派驻海军陆战队和特种部队 ,以防止恐怖主义袭击 ,打击武器扩散、毒品走私和海盗等犯罪活动。此消息一出 ,引起马来西亚、印度尼西亚的强烈反弹。在法戈发表讲话的当天 ,马来西亚副首相兼国防部长纳吉布明确表示 ,保证马六甲海峡的安全是沿岸国家的责任 ,美国未经允许不能在海峡部署…

关 键 词:马六甲海峡  区域安全  美国  东盟安全共同体  中国  南海

The Latest Development on the Issue of the Malacca Strait and the Inspiration on South China Sea Issue
Abstract:In April, 2004, the news report that US would deploy its military forces in the Malacca Strait raised great concern among the littoral countries and other countries such as Japan, France, Australia and India also cared about the safety in that area. After the discussion with Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, they have decided to cooperate in anti - piracy patrols in the strait since the middle of July. They all recognize the needs for an international cooperation to deal with the maritime terror threats in the region. From all the evolution of the event, we can see the spirit of ASEAN collectivism has made great impact on it and that they have made some substantial steps in the commonwealth of its security. Meanwhile we must make it clear that the gate has opened to Multi - lateral cooperation to deal with the issue of the Malacca Strait by means of cooperating with big countries such as the United States and India to exchange intelligence and technology. The Malacca Strait issue has also implied strategic significance on both China and its later development in South China Sea.
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