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摘    要:为贯彻党的十八届四中、五中全会精神,全面推进深化公安改革,提升公安执法公信力,人民警察在执法过程中应依法合规、正确使用枪支。然而,近年来频发的警务枪支使用事件却显现出实践中存在配枪规则虚置、临场处置不当等现实难题。为此,在社会转型之际,面对警务枪支使用事件偶然多发、容易引发质疑等新态势,警务枪支使用要在修法的制度背景下,准确把握规范使用枪支的原则,深入剖析当前枪支使用存在的突出问题,强化舆情应对,在从严治警的理念下探索警枪使用的完善之路。

关 键 词:警务枪支  法律规范  完善  思考

The Legal Regulations on the Use of Firearms by the Police---Based on the Analysis of 21 Events Involving the Use of Firearms by the Police
Abstract:Policemen should use firearms in accordance with laws and regulations .However , some events in-volving the use of firearms by the police have frequently taken place in these years , which highlights the unsolved problems, such as disobeying the rules of firearms allocation , mishandling the emergency and so on .Therefore, in the background of the society transformation , with more and more accidental events involving the use of firearms by the police and lots of public doubt arisen , we should accurately grasp the basic principle , strengthen the daily management and exercise , take an immediate respond to the public online opinions , and should improve the use of firearms under the idea of running the police strictly .
Keywords:firearms used by police  laws and regulations  fulfillment  reflections
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