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引用本文:蒋新苗. 现代大陆法系国际私法学人与学说管窥[J]. 时代法学, 2005, 3(4): 5-19
摘    要:大陆法系国际私法的理论学说经过无数学者的努力构建与发展,初步奠定了基本模式。自20世纪以来,大陆法系国际私法学说林立,呈现出百家争鸣、百花齐放的繁荣景象。对荷兰、德国、法国、意大利、日本、希腊等大陆法系国际私法学人与学说的检视和点评,不仅在国际私法理论研究方面有巨大的学术意义,而且在国际私法实务运作方面也极具实践价值。

关 键 词:大陆法系  国际私法学说  点评

A Study on the Model Doctrines of Private International Law in the Continental Law System
Jiang Xinmiao. A Study on the Model Doctrines of Private International Law in the Continental Law System[J]. Presentday Law Science, 2005, 3(4): 5-19
Authors:Jiang Xinmiao
Abstract:The theory of Private International Law in the Continental Law System has been basically established through the efforts of so many scholars' construction and development. Since last century, there has been existing various theories of Private International Law in the Continental Law System, that is, there are a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. To examine and review the doctrines of Private International Law in the Continental Law System concerning the nations as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Greece is not only of great significance in terms of the studies of Private International Law theory, but also of great value in the aspect of Private International Law practice.
Keywords:Continental Law System  doctrines of Private International Law  review  
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