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摘    要:当前,福建省高校的安全形势总体是安定稳定的,但也面临着校园安全复杂化、管理对象多样化、校园周边环境安全隐患多、校内案件居高不下、互联网负面影响明显和毕业生就业难引发新问题等挑战;同时,在监管上还存在着法律法规不健全和操作性差、主体和客体不明确、内容形式随意、监管力度不够、监管责任不到位等诸多不足,难以适应当前高校安全形势的发展。为此,要加快高校安全立法,推动安全监管体制和机制的创新;以监管与服务并重,推动安全监督与管理的创新;以"平安校园"为载体,推动校园安全建设的创新;加强安全监管队伍建设,提高队伍监管工作能力。

关 键 词:福建高校  安全监管  问题与对策

The Problems Existed in the Security Supervision of Universities in Fujian Province and the Related Countermeasures
Abstract:The overall situation of safety in universities of Fujian province is .,;table at present,while they are confronted with many Challenges,such as the complication of Campus Security, the diversification of managed objects, lots of potential safety hazard surrounding campus, the more cases happened in campus,the more negative effects of internet would appear and the more new problems would be initiated by the difficulties of graduate employment etc;at the meantime,there is still numerous shortcomings existing in supervision and control, for instance, the imperfect and poor laws and regulations, the ambiguous subject and object ,the arbitrary content and style the insufficient supervision, the lacking regulatory responsibility and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to speed the safety legislation of universities to promote the innovation of safety regulatory structure and mechanism;to equally emphasis on the supervis!ion and service to promote the safety supei'vision and management innovation;to regard the "safe campus" as carrier to promote the innovation of campus safety construction;and to strengthen the construction of supervise teams and im- prove their capacity of supervision and management work.
Keywords:universities in Fujian  safety supervision problem and countermeasures
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