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摘    要:WTO体制及其各项规则是国际经济法的一个重要组成部分。四年来举世瞩目的多哈发展回合谈判,说到底,乃是有关现行国际经贸立法进一步除旧布新的全球性多边磋商。多哈回合谈判于2001年底启动,2003年在WTO坎昆会议上因南北矛盾激化不欢而散。事后,各方又于2005年12月举行WTO香港会议,就多哈回合重启新一轮谈判,初步打破了僵局,但仍留下关键性争端难题,悬而未决。看来,2006年以内及其以后,势必又将面临另一番南北角力,前景难卜。本文根据五十年来发展中国家在南北矛盾中实行南南联合自强、力争更新国际经济立法的主要史实,并结合WTO香港会议的最新发展,以史为师,尝试探索和论证通过南南联合自强、更新国际立法的历史轨迹,指出由于“南弱北强”的实力悬殊,弱小民族要求更新国际经济立法、改变国际经济旧秩序的联合奋斗,只能在步履维艰中曲折行进,不能急于求成或盲目乐观,因此“速胜论”是缺乏足够根据的;另一方面,由于“南北依存”和“南多北寡”(得道多助,失道寡助)的时代潮流,WTO香港会议之后即使谈判再度受挫或破裂,WTO多边体制也未必就此陷于瘫痪瓦解,无须过于失望悲观,因此“瓦解论”也是缺乏足够根据的。弱小民族要求逐步更新国际经济立法,争得自身应有权益,舍韧性的南南联合自强,别无他途可循。

关 键 词:南南联合  国际经济法  WTO体制

A International Legal Reflection on "South-South Cooperation and Self-Strengthening" in Last Fifty Years
Chen An.A International Legal Reflection on "South-South Cooperation and Self-Strengthening" in Last Fifty Years[J].China Legal Science,2006(2):85-103.
Authors:Chen An
Abstract:WTO system and its rules is substantially an integral part of international economic law. The Round of Doha Development Agenda(DDA)has actually focused on the gradual improvement of international economic law embodied in WTO mechanism. WTO's Cancun Conference failed in Mid-October 2003 without any agreement. Then, WTO's Hong Kong Conference was held in Mid-December 2005 and concluded with some positive fruits, while leaving some key issues of the DDA pending to be re-negotiated and agreed before the end of 2006. It seems inevitable that the DDA would have to face a new round of haggle and wrestle between the South and the North. Nowadays it is hard to precisely predict its final results. However, this paper, from the position of developing countries, devotes to carefully research and summarize the history of and its lessons on the South-South self-reliance during the past 50 years. By learning from the history, the paper tries to forecast the possible developments on the DDA in the coming days.
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