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Book notices
Abstract:William C. Fuller, Jr., Civil‐Military Conflict in Imperial Russia 1881–1914. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985, 295 pp., £28.40.

Vladislav Krasnov, Soviet Defectors. The KGB Wanted List. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1986, 264 pp., $16.95.

Tsien‐hua Tsui, The Sino‐Soviet Border Dispute in the 1970s. London: John Calder, 1985, 151 pp., £8.95 paperback.

E. H. Carr, What is History? Second edition, ed. R. W. Davies. London: Macmillan, 1986, xlvi + 155 pp., £25.00.

Spiridon Paraskewopoulos, Konjunkturkrisen im Sozialismus: Eine ordnungstheoretische Analyse. Stuttgart, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1985, xiii + 207 pp., DM 72,—.

Alain Rémy, Un Retour a l'Or? Analyses sovietiques sur le Systeme Monetaire International. Paris: Economica, 1985, x + 148 pp. 85 F.

Heinrich Machowski, ed., Harmonisierung der Wirtschaftspolitik in Osteuropa. Berlin: Arno Spitz, 1985, 86 pp., DM 18.80.

Wladislaw Jermakowicz, Das Wirtschaftliche Lenkungssystem Polens: Indikatoren und Determinan‐ten seiner ēntwicklung 1944–1984. Marburg an der Lahn, J. G. Herder Institut, 1985, 89 pp. No price.

Yu. G. Fel'shtinsky, Bol'sheviki i levye esery: oktyabr’ 1917‐iyul’ 1918. Na puti k odnopartiinoi diktature. Issledovaniya noveishei russkoi istorii. YMCA‐Press, Paris 1985. 287 pp., No price.

Vendulka Kubalkova and Albert Cruikshank, Marxism and International Relations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985, 281 pp., £22.50.

Vojtech Mastny, ed., Soviet/East European Survey, 1983–84. Selected Research and Analysis from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Durham NC and London: Duke University Press, 1985, 436 pp., £45 cloth/£14.75 paper.

Esther Kingston‐Mann, Lenin and the Problem of Marxist Peasant Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985, 237 pp., £10.95 paperback.

Leonard Schapiro, 1917: the Russian Revolutions and the Origins of Present‐day Communism. Harmondsworth, Mx.: Penguin Books, 1985, 239 pp., £3.95 paperback.

E. A. Preobrazhensky, The Decline of Capitalism, trans, and ed. Richard B. Day. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1985, 205 pp., $30.00 hardback.

Alvin Z. Rubinstein, Soviet Policy towards Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan. The Dynamics of Influence. New York: Praeger, 1982, 201 pp., $24.95 hardback/$10.95 paperback.

Alan Bookbinder, Olivia Lichtenstein and Richard Denton, Comrades. Portraits of Soviet Life. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1985, 176 pp., £11.95 hardback.

Marilyn Rueschemeyer, Igor Golomshtok and Janet Kennedy, Soviet Emigre Artists. Life and Work in the USSR and the United States. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1985, 170 pp., $25.00 hardback.

Basile Kerblay and Marie Lavigne, Les Soviétiques des années 80. Paris: Armand Colin, 1985, 215 pp., unpriced, paperback.

David R. Jones, The Advanced Guard and Mobility in Russian and Soviet Military Thought and Practice. Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1985, 139 pp., $10.50 paperback.

Raymond G. Rocca and John J. Dziak, eds., Bibliography on Soviet Intelligence and Security Services. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1985, 203 pp., £16.25 paperback.

Paul Robert Magocsi, Galicia. A Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983, 300 pp., $24.95 hardback.

Barbara Alpern Engel, Mothers and Daughters. Women of the Intelligentisa in Nineteenth‐century Russia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 230 pp., £7.95 paperback.

John B. Dunlop, Richard S. Haugh and Michael Nicholson, eds., Solzhenitsyn in Exile. Critical Essays and Documentary Materials. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1985, 414 pp., $19.95 hardback.

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