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作者单位:中国社会科学院 世界历史研究所,北京,100006
摘    要:宪政党内阁在日本近代政治史上开辟了一个重要的历史阶段,以本届内阁为转折点,在此之前持续的萨长藩阀交替执政的政权模式宣告终结。作为近代日本政党内阁的首度尝试,宪政党内阁时期出现了猎官、内部倾轧、与藩阀势力妥协等一系列负面现象。由于宪政党内阁是由藩阀开明势力的代表——元老伊藤博文推荐产生,而以山县有朋为代表的诸元老鉴于当时藩阀政府难以掌控政权,故被迫在表面上同意宪政党组阁。因此,无论是在宪政党最初组阁还是在其施政过程中,都受到以山县有朋为代表的元老、官僚、贵族院、军部势力的掣肘,加之宪政党内部的明争暗斗,由此导致了宪政党分裂和宪政党内阁瓦解。

关 键 词:日本宪政党  宪政党内阁  藩阀政府

Study on the Kenseito Cabinet of Modern Japan
Abstract:The Kenseito Cabinet is the beginning of an important stage in the political history of modern Ja-pan,which marked the end of the long-termgovernmental model of Satsuma and Choshu Hanbatsu’spresi-dency rotation.As the first party cabinet of modern Japan,hunting office holder,having internal strife and compromising to Hanbatsuo ccurred during Kenseito cabinet period.The Kenseito cabinet was set up on recommendation of the elder statesman ItōHirobumi who was are presentative of enlightened force in Hanbatsu.The other elder statesmen leaded by Yamagata Aritomo had to agree with Kenseito to form a cabinet on the surface,because it was difficult for Hanbatsu govement to control the regime.Therefore, the Kenseito cabinet was constrained by elder statesman,bureaucrats,Kizokuyin and Gunbu,among which Yamagata Aritomo was a representative man.There were internal disputes in Kenseito,all of which leaded to division of the Kensei to and collapse of Kenseito cabinet.
Keywords:Kenseito  Kenseito cabinet  Hanbatsu
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