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作者单位:中南财经政法大学 湖北武汉430073
摘    要:在中国现行单一的“高度盖然性”证明标准下 ,环境侵权诉讼面临着受害人利益难以得到保护、诉讼成本高、错判率高的巨大难题 ,为解决这些问题 ,必须重新确定合理的证明标准。我国应在无过错责任基础上 ,通过设立多元证明标准体系、确定对不同主体与不同证明对象适用不同证明标准规则、借鉴先进国家合理的证明方法等 ,以建立中国环境侵权诉讼的证明标准制度。

关 键 词:环境侵权诉讼  证明标准  证明责任  无过错责任  因果关系推定

Preliminary Probe into the Standard of Proof in Environmental Infringement Actions
Abstract:Under the present single "high probability" standard of proof in China, environmental tort action is faced with some serious problems: difficulty in protecting the victims interests, high litigation cost and high rate of wrong judgment. To solve these problems, it is necessary to set reasonable standards of proof.the standard of proof system in environmental tort action in China shall be established through setting a pluralistic standard of proof system, applying different rules of standard of proof to different subjects and different objects of proof, making use of reasonable methods of proof in advanced countries, etc.
Keywords:Environmental Tort Action  Standard of Proof  Burden of Proof  Liability without Fault  Presumption of Causality
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