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摘    要:刑法上的身份,在我国刑法学中属于特殊的主体问题。我国刑法总则中并无身份之专门规定,刑法理论对身份之理解也没有达成基本共识,尤其是身份与共同犯罪联系起来时显得更为复杂。本文在探讨了身份和共犯的基本内涵的基础上,对共犯与身份关系进行了辨正。在定罪关系方面,认为在两种纯正身份犯互相加功而实施共同犯罪的情况下,全案要反映共同犯罪的性质,确定一个合适的罪名,而不能分别定罪,在一般情况下应根据为主的职权行为来认定;在两种职权行为分不清主次的情况下,应采取就低不就高的原则来认定共同犯罪的性质。在量刑关系方面,解决的原则应是“同罪异罚”。“为主职权行为决定说”既符合哲学关于矛盾的主要方面决定事物性质的基本原理,又能体现公平、公正的基本要求。

关 键 词:共犯  身份  职务犯罪  共犯与身份关系

A Study on Accomplice and Identification
Abstract:Identity of criminal law belongs to the field of special subject in Chinese Criminal Jurisprudence. In the general provisions of Chinese criminal code, there is not a concrete article of Identity. The commonsense on the problem of identity has not been formed in the theory of criminal jurisprudence. On the basis of exploring the concept of accomplice and identity, the walter has analysed the relationship between accomplice and identity. On the conviction part, when two or more genuine identity actors help each other to commit offence together, the suitable crime should be chosen according to the essence of the whole case, and generally the main functional act should be the fundamental and decisive element, If the two or more functional acts can't be classified which is the main or accessory, the essence of the joint crime should be defined according to the less severe crime. On the penal discretion part, the principle should be convicted the same crime and discrete different punishment. Such resolution is not only consistent with the philosophical theory, but also embodies the equality and faimess of criminal law.
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