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摘    要:我国自“82”宪法第一次修正案时起 ,1 5年来事实上一直没有确定原文与修正案的正式组合方式。组合方式无定制对现实生活的负面影响反映在宪法文本杂乱造成的结果中。应以下次修宪为契机 ,选定一种组合方式 ,决定和公布宪法正式文本 ;可以现有的宪法修订文本为基础 ,做必要加工、修饰 ,形成宪法正式文本 ;若将来出现需要废除宪法某条、某节的情况时 ,为保持宪法其他条和节的稳定 ,在删除全部过时文字的同时 ,可用保留所欲废除的条或节的顺序号及其相对位置的办法来处置 ;宪法若增加条或节 ,应当用增加副条、副节或副章的办法保持宪法原有的基本格局条文原有的顺序号不变

关 键 词:宪法原文  宪法修正案  宪法新文本

On the Arrangement of China's Constitution and Its Amendments
Abstract:Since the first amendment of the '82 Constitution, there has been no correct arrangement of original text and amendments for 15 years! The author of this article proposes that the coming amendment should be a good chance to fix an appropriate arrangement of text and amendments and to promulgate an official text of the Constitution. One possible solution could be an official Constitution based on present constitutional amendments: reserve the number and space of the deleted articles or sections and add articles or sections to maintain the order of original Constitution.
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