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摘    要:在刑事诉讼中,犯罪嫌疑人供述是证据种类之一。在侦查实践中,犯罪嫌疑人的供述是获取线索,查明案件事实真相的重要途径。正是基于供述之于刑事诉讼程序和侦查实践的重要性,导致了侦查机关为获得犯罪嫌疑人供述而对其进行强制讯问的危险。基于国家社会治理的现实需要,侦查讯问权的存在有其目的正当性,基于程序的正义要求,侦查讯问制度的构建应当符合法治的精神。犯罪嫌疑人在侦查讯问中应当享有沉默权、知情权、律师帮助权。侦查讯问应当保持在必要的限度内,确保犯罪嫌疑人的供述是在一种理智、理性、自觉、自由的状态下作出。

关 键 词:侦查讯问  程序  法治化  沉默权  知情权  律师帮助权

On legalization of criminal interrogation procedure
LIU Fang - quan.On legalization of criminal interrogation procedure[J].JOurnal of Hubei University of Police,2004,17(2):22-29.
Authors:LIU Fang - quan
Abstract:Criminal suspects confession is one kind of evidence in criminal justice procedure, and is an important route of finding investigation clue and verifing the facts of the case as well. Just because of the importance of the confession, there would be some potential danger of policing compulsory interrogation. On one hand, there is objective justification of criminal interrogation basis the states social governance need; and on the other hand, the struction of criminal interrogation should be based on the due process spirit. In order to insure the suspects confession is derived under a knowingly, rational, conscious, free status, criminal interrogation should be b'mited in a necessary bound.
Keywords:Criminal interrogation  procedure  legalization  right to keep silence  right of knowing the inside story  right of getting touch with counsel
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