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作者单位:中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京 100720
摘    要:核安全风险超越国界,可能跨越地区,甚至影响全球,因而核安全的治理必然是全球治理。各国对核安全风险的评估、核安全意识的养成是一个演进的过程,与此同步的是核安全全球治理。核安全全球治理经历了冷战、冷战结束和九一一事件以来的三个发展阶段,治理的主要内容随着国际安全形势的变化而调整。冷战期间的核安全全球治理主要体现为建立国际原子能机构以管理核能的和平利用,防范无核国家以发展民用核能为由发展核武器,签署和履行与核安全密切相关的国际公约、培育核安全的意识;冷战结束初期,国际原子能机构强化了保障监督能力,多边出口管制机制加强了对涉核物项出口的管控,国家间展开了实质性的核安全合作;九一一恐怖袭击之后,核安全全球治理呈现加速度的趋势,国际社会日益形成核安全共识,全球性制度建设加速,多边合作加强。经过多年努力,核安全全球治理的制度建设取得了显著成就,双边和多边国际合作得到实质性推动,但核安全全球治理仍然面临如何有效减少核材料存量、如何推动相关国家切实履行国家责任等挑战。

关 键 词:核安全  核安保  全球治理  国际原子能机构  核恐怖主义

Nuclear Security and Global Governance: A Historical Review
Authors:Jishe FAN
Institution:Director of Strategy Research Division, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing, 100720
Abstract:Any nuclear incident, by either human or natural causes, will produce profound and significant repercussion and ramification on the immediate affected country, in the surrounding region, or even across the globe in a globalized world and consequently, the governance regarding nuclear security is bound to be a global effort. The assessment and awareness of challenges posed by nuclear security issues is an incremental process, and so is the development of the global nuclear security governance. Ever since the discovery of the terrifying force of nuclear arms, nuclear security has been one of those issues addressed at a global level. The importance and emphasis attached to nuclear security varies in different periods, and the attention paid to it had reached the peak in the last decade, as markedly demonstrated by the three Nuclear Security Summits. Over the past six decades, the international community has steadily and incrementally strengthened global governance on nuclear security issues, which can be seen from the founding and strengthening of International Atomic Energy Agency, the pass of several United National Security Council resolutions and international conventions directly relevant to nuclear security issues, the bilateral and multilateral cooperation regimes addressing nuclear security challenges, and the cultivation of nuclear security awareness and nuclear security culture. Based on an analysis of the evolution of nuclear security assessment and the necessity for global governance, this paper assesses in detail the incremental institutionalization of global governance, and summarizes the achievements and challenges of global nuclear security efforts.
Keywords:Nuclear security  nuclear security effort  global governance  International Atomic Energy Agency  nuclear terrorism
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