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摘    要:反倾销(Anti—Dumping)是WTO允许采用的为数不多的保护国内产业的重要措施。近年来 ,中国与印度尼西亚分别对来自对方国家的进口产品进行了反倾销立案调查(印尼针对中国出口商品的反倾销立案数量在东南亚位居首位)。由于中国与东盟实现真正的自由贸易还有相当长的一段时间 ,随着中国与印尼进出口贸易额的增长 ,反倾销案件不会减少 ,只会有上升的可能。因此 ,两国产业界目前最现实的选择是熟悉两国的反倾销法律制度 ,从而采取合理的应对措施。一、反倾销法律渊源比较法的渊源通常指法的形式渊源 ,即法的表现形式 ,亦指表现法律规范的各种特…

关 键 词:中国  印度尼西亚  反倾销  法律制度  比较研究  立案调查机构

A Comparative Study ob the Legal Systems of Anti-Dumping Between China and Indonesia
Abstract:The law system of anti - dumping is an important part of foreign trade law for a country. By probing into the law system of anti - dumping between China and Indonesia from all angles, such as legal origin of anti - dumping, investigating organization of anti - dumping, substantive law of anti - dumping, procedural law of anti - dumping. The author think that the system of Chinese anti - dumping is similar to that of Indonesia in a whole , but there are advantages and disadvantages in terms of legislative technology and judicial practice. Generally speaking, the system of anti - dumping in Indonesia is not so perfect as that in China.
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