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The paper explores intra-governmental processes in migration policy-making, using the example of Switzerland and examining its preparations for chairing the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2011. Switzerland's “one joint position”, presented at the forum, required intensive negotiations and cooperation between different Swiss federal offices. The paper highlights how and why Switzerland achieved this joint position. It analyses the intra-governmental tensions between national securitisation and global migration and development debates and how they were overcome. This experience of a “whole-of-government approach” offers an insight into politics underlying migration and development debates within donor countries, and its implications for global migration debates.  相似文献   

Using clues from transaction cost economics this note develops an intertemporal agricultural household model to explain the demand-side credit rationing from formal financial institutions in agrarian economies. The model employs ex-ante transaction costs, namely search cost and negotiation cost to explain this phenomenon. The model shows that with market failure an agricultural household's production decision is not separate from its consumption decision. This is when the policy analysis household approach, which includes simultaneous decision making in production and consumption side, becomes essential.  相似文献   

This article explores perceived shifts in roles for NGOs and religious actors after the creation of the Palestinian National Authority with the 1993 Oslo Accords, using original data from a survey of more than 1,000 community members in the West Bank and Gaza. The survey data show a centralisation of requests for assistance from the Palestinian National Authority, with a decrease in requests from local government, NGOs, and religious actors after the creation of the Palestinian National Authority. The support the empirical findings lend to theories of government and voluntary failure is discussed.  相似文献   

There have been enormous political, economic, and social changes in West Papua. Every governor of West Papua has designed programmes to boost economic development and reduce poverty. The influx of migrant workers under the ‘transmigration programme’ into West Papua has limited the job opportunities for indigenous people in the labour market. This article concludes that the local government's strategies failed to deliver suitable development programmes to the local people, which resulted in increased poverty, the continuing poor development of the education system, and the deterioration of the population's health condition, with a rise in the number of Papuans infected with HIV and AIDS.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, 72 per cent of urban and 98 per cent of rural households use fuelwood for energy. In Kenya use of charcoal in urban areas has risen by 64 per cent in two decades. Despite the charcoal industry providing employment to 500,000 people and generating over US$427 million that benefits grassroots communities, it has been kept out of the formal economies of this country. This review presents the status of the charcoal industry in Kenya, highlighting its contribution to livelihoods, production, utilisation, and implications for the environment; policy issues; and stakeholders' involvement. The review also proposes strategies to improve the sustainability of this sector.

La production de charbon de bois au Kenya et des stratégies pour l'augmentation de sa durabilité

Dans l'Afrique subsaharienne 72 pour cent de ménages urbains et 98 pour cent de ménages ruraux se servent du bois combustible pour leur propre énergie. Au Kenya l'usage de charbon de bois dans les secteurs urbains a augmenté par 64 pour cent au cours de deux décennies. Malgré le fait qu'elle fournit un emploi à 500,000 personnes et qu'elle génère plus de US$427 million de bénéfice aux collectivités populaires, l'industrie du charbon de bois reste écartée des économies formelles de ce pays. Cet examen présente la situation de l'industrie du charbon de bois au Kenya, en soulignant sa contribution aux moyens d'existence, à la production, et à l'utilisation ainsi que les implications pour l'environnement ; des questions concernant la politique ; et l'implication des parties prenantes. L'examen propose également des stratégies pour l'amélioration de la durabilité de cette industrie.

Producción de carbón y estrategias para aumentar su sostenibilidad en Kenia

En el África subsahariana, 72% de los hogares urbanos y 98% de los hogares rurales utilizan la leña como fuente de energía. En las áreas urbanas de Kenia, el uso de carbón ha aumentado 64% en dos décadas. A pesar de que la industria de carbón crea empleo para 500 mil personas, generando us$427 millones en beneficios para las comunidades de base, se la ha marginado de las economías formales de este país. El presente artículo examina la situación de la industria de carbón en Kenia, analizando, por un lado, su contribución a los medios de vida, y por otro, su forma de producción y su utilización, así como sus implicaciones para temas de política ambiental, además de la participación de los actores en la misma. Asimismo, el artículo propone estrategias para mejorar la sostenibilidad del sector.

Produção de carvão e estratégia para aumentar sua sustentabilidade no Quênia

Na África Subsaariana, 72 por cento de famílias da zona urbana e 98 por cento de famílias da zona rural utilizam lenha como fonte de energia. No Quênia,o uso de carvão nas áreas urbanas cresceu 64 por cento em duas décadas. Apesar da indústria de carvão proporcionar emprego a 500.000 pessoas e gerar mais de US$427 milhões que beneficiam comunidades de base, ela tem sido deixada de fora das economias formais deste país. Esta revisão apresenta o status da indústria de carvão no Quênia, destacando sua contribuição para os meios de subsistência, produção, utilização e implicações para o meio ambiente; questões de políticas e envolvimento dos stakeholders. A revisão também propõe estratégias para melhorar a sustentabilidade deste setor.  相似文献   

Widows are one of the socially excluded groups in India. This study primarily focuses on the needs of widows in Rajasthan for social security, and also seeks to examine the outreach of existing social security schemes to them. The study found that a considerable proportion of widows are engaged in physically-demanding casual work. Involvement in casual employment reveals the vulnerability of widows since such employment is often considered the last resort for earning a living. Social security in various forms can play a crucial role in their lives.

La sécurité sociale et les veuves rurales au Rajasthan : une étude empirique

Les veuves constituent en Inde un des groupes exclus de la société. Cette étude est axée essentiellement sur les besoins de sécurité sociale chez les veuves au Rajasthan ; elle essaie aussi d'examiner les programmes actuels de la sécurité sociale qui sont destinés à leur aide. L'auteur de cette étude a trouvé qu'un pourcentage important de veuves sont engagées dans un travail physiquement éprouvant et à titre temporaire. L'emploi à titre temporaire met à jour la vulnérabilité des veuves puisqu'un tel emploi est souvent considéré comme la dernière solution pour survivre. La sécurité sociale sous ses différentes formes peut jouer un rôle capital dans leur vie.

Seguro social para las viudas del área rural en Rajastán: un estudio empírico

Las viudas de India conforman uno de los grupos socialmente excluidos. El presente artículo se centra en las necesidades de seguro social existentes entre las viudas de Rajastán y pretende examinar el alcance que distintos programas de seguro social tienen para este sector. Las conclusiones del estudio demuestran que un número significativo de viudas participa en el sector del trabajo informal físicamente exigente. En este sentido, la participación en el empleo informal constituye un indicador de la vulnerabilidad de las viudas, ya que este sector se considera como el último recurso para ganarse un ingreso. El seguro social en sus distintas variedades puede llegar a desempeñar un rol importante en las vidas de las viudas.

Segurança social para viúvas da área rural em Rajasthan: um estudo empírico

As viúvas são um dos grupos socialmente excluídos da Índia. Este estudo primariamente concentra-se nas necessidades das viúvas em Rajasthan de segurança social, e também busca examinar o alcance de esquemas de segurança social existentes para elas. O estudo constatou que uma considerável proporção de viúvas está engajada em trabalho temporário fisicamente demandante. O envolvimento em emprego temporário mostra a vulnerabilidade das viúvas, uma vez que tais empregos são frequentemente considerados a última opção para se ganhar a vida. A segurança social pode, de várias formas, desempenhar um papel crucial em suas vidas.  相似文献   

In developing countries the analysis of energy poverty has been framed in terms of a nexus; linking poverty, gender, and energy as obstacles to sustainable development. This article considers the dual challenges of energy and fuel poverty in Malaysia, a middle-income country boasting high levels of grid penetration, suggesting that there are limitations to this approach in relation to articulating the relationship between energy and poverty, specifying the dynamics of energy poverty, and informing policies to address this. Locating energy deprivation in the context of multidimensional poverty offers a basis for addressing energy poverty in a wider range of spatial and temporal contexts.  相似文献   

This article aims to assess the impact of microfinance through a government-sponsored SHG–bank linkage programme (SBLP) of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in India, on poverty alleviation, employment, and achievement of financial inclusion in the Bodoland area of Assam. Empirical results from an impact evaluation showed that the programme had a positive and statistically significant impact on the monthly income, employment days, and financial inclusion level of participants of the SHG programme, compared to a control group of non-participants.  相似文献   

The article studies how local risk perceptions are influenced by state support for provision of public goods and overall institutional arrangements for the management of common pool resources (CPRs). Purposively selected communities from tribal and settled areas with variations in access to irrigation flows (perennial and non-perennial) set up a matrix for analysis. The composite risk index was constructed by calculating an incidence and severity index based on the local perceptions. The research findings have policy implications for development planning through the identification of livelihood risks, and risks associated with the management of CPRs.

Perceptions locales du risque afin d'identifier les besoins de planification institutionnels et sur le plan du développement

Cet article étudie la manière dont les perceptions locales du risque sont influencées par le soutien apporté par l’État à la fourniture de biens publics et de dispositions institutionnelles globales en vue de la gestion des ressources mises en commun (RMC). Des communautés sélectionnées sur la base d'objectifs définis dans des zones tribales et sédentaires avec un accès variable aux flux d'irrigation (pérennes et non pérennes) forment une matrice pour l'analyse. L'indice composite de risque a été élaboré en calculant un indice de fréquence et de gravité basé sur les perceptions locales. Les conclusions des recherches ont des implications sur le plan des politiques générales pour la planification du développement à travers l'identification des risques pour les moyens de subsistance, et des risques associés à la gestion des RMC.

Percepciones de riesgo locales para identificar las necesidades de planeación institucional y de desarrollo

El presente artículo tiene como objetivo examinar cómo las percepciones de riesgo locales son determinadas por el apoyo estatal para la provisión de bienes públicos y por las normas institucionales generales para la gestión de recursos utilizados en común (common pool resources o cpr). Para el efecto, se seleccionaron comunidades de áreas tribales y urbanizadas que presentaban variaciones de acceso a los flujos de irrigación (perennes y no perennes). Dichas comunidades establecieron una matriz para su análisis. Basándose en las percepciones locales se construyó el índice de riesgo compuesto, calculando un índice de incidencia y de severidad. Los hallazgos de la investigación tienen implicaciones a nivel de políticas públicas para la planeación de desarrollo mediante la identificación de riesgos para los medios de vida y de riesgos asociados al manejo de los cpr.

Percepções de risco locais para identificar as necessidades de planejamento institucional e de desenvolvimento

O artigo estuda como as percepções de risco locais são influenciadas pelo apoio do estado para provisão de bens públicos e arranjos institucionais em geral para a gestão de recursos de uso comum (Common Pool Resources - CPRs). Comunidades selecionadas propositadamente de áreas tribais e de assentamento, com variações no acesso a fontes de irrigação (perenes e não-perenes), estabeleceram uma matriz para análise. O índice de risco composto foi construído calculando-se um índice de incidência e de gravidade com base nas percepções locais. Os resultados da pesquisa possuem implicações de políticas para o planejamento de desenvolvimento através da identificação dos riscos dos meios de subsistência e os riscos associados à gestão dos CPRs.  相似文献   

This article investigates trust among dairy value-chain actors to understand the innovative process in a local productive sector in Tunisia. It uses a sample of 45 smallholder farmers chosen randomly nearby existing collection centres in the region. A trust variable is constructed employing 11 ordinal variables based on principal component analysis, and institutional arrangements then modelled to examine the effect of trust on contracting decisions and cooperative membership. The results show that trust is defined by values such as “integrity”, “competence”, and “existence of credible information”, which are preconditions to sustainable contracts. The article contributes to the growing literature which considers social capital, networking and trust as determinants of farmer’s behaviour, as opposed to the classical model of rationality.  相似文献   

Using a case of a dairy cooperative in Bhutan, this study investigates how social capital enhances individual household income and community development in rural areas. It also examines the influence of cooperatives in social capital formation. The study finds that social capital facilitates households that are resource-constrained by working together to reduce costs through economies of scale, enhancing information accessibility, building confidence, and strengthening teamwork. It fosters not only an improvement in the livelihoods of cooperative members, but also provides a positive influence for non-members and the community as a whole. The study also reveals that cooperatives influence formation of three forms of bonding, bridging, and linking social capitals. While bonding social capital facilitates strong teamwork among the members, bridging and linking social capitals connect the cooperatives with the outside networks and provides them more opportunities and services for its sustainability.  相似文献   

The way we frame a given problem structures the content that is brought into focus and thus the kinds of practical steps seen as necessary to alleviate it. This article interrogates two competing partial framings implicated in ongoing controversy over mangrove destruction in Vikhroli East, Mumbai, which have precluded integrated conservation and development. The article analyses the content of each particular framing, identifies their respective “blind spots”, and evaluates the validity of various frame components. It concludes with an exemplary alternative reframing arguably more conducive to social justice and sustainability in Vikhroli East and beyond.  相似文献   

Policies in Brazil promoting family agriculture such as the Food Acquisition Programme (PAA) and the 30% minimum procurement law for the National School Meals Programme have had varying success across the country. To understand why these policies work effectively only in some areas, the implementation processes must be clarified. This exploratory, ethnographic study identifies the causal mechanisms involved in implementing PAA and the 30% law in the city of Belo Horizonte. The findings reveal that although beneficial, large supply volumes and transportation costs are challenges faced by farmers in the implementation process.  相似文献   

This article addresses the persistent claim that the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has a negative impact on the availability of labour for agricultural operations, which has significant implications for the induced demand for child labour as a cheaper substitute for unskilled adult labour on agricultural farms in peak seasons. The study contributes to this debate by examining three issues: (i) effects of seasonality on child intensity of labour; (ii) impact of MGNREGS on child intensity of labour; and (iii) impact of seasonality and MGNREGS on human capital formation.  相似文献   

Many residents of urban areas face joint obstacles to basic service access, but these barriers are more prevalent and severe in slum settlements. Analyses of obstacles have typically been conducted in a piecemeal rather than synthetic framework and have focused on access to single services rather than the range of services needed to support household welfare. By contrast, this study uses data from fieldwork in four slum settlements situated in Hyderabad, India to develop a typology synthesising the obstacles – economic, spatial, social, institutional, and political – to the full range of service access desired by residents. Economic differences explain little of the access deficit within this population. While social and institutional obstacles are more likely to explain slum formation and residence over the long term, variation in spatial and political factors present the most acute short-term access barriers. The article concludes by suggesting the most promising means for slum residents and supporting stakeholders to overcome multi-faceted obstacles.  相似文献   

This article documents wages and working conditions for landless female and male agricultural labourers in Morocco. We found that higher-paid, equipment-intensive tasks were predominantly assigned to men, whereas women often performed lower-paid, time-intensive tasks. Women were systematically paid less than men even when they performed the same tasks. Enforcing existing legislation in Morocco to ensure equal pay for women is an essential first step towards enabling women to benefit equitably with men from their agricultural labour contributions. A revalorisation of the importance of agriculture is also necessary so that agricultural labour is not perceived as an occupation of last resort.  相似文献   

This article examines how farmers use mobile phones to obtain information about rice varieties in eastern India and investigates if this contributes to rice varietal replacement. The findings show that farmers located farther away from the market were more likely to pay for the calls. Moreover, about 26% of the farmers who had to pay to receive calls purchased seeds of at least one rice variety that they had never planted before, while less than 16% of farmers who received no calls did so. Regression results confirmed that paying charges to receive rice varietal information is associated with varietal replacement.  相似文献   

Recent interest in migrant remittances as a development resource calls attention to a deeper issue: the relationship between migration and development. Remittances may be a significant source of economic inflows to poor countries and regions, but their actual development impact (positive or negative) is tied to the migration processes that generate them. Attention to migration in turn creates an opportunity to think about the broader context of development policy and practice, and to re-think the boundaries that we put around our work.  相似文献   

One of the key factors why international development cooperation programmes do not achieve sustainable results is their failure to respond to the dynamics of local stakeholders’ relations. This article highlights the case of a fruit and vegetable market in an informal area of Greater Cairo that was redeveloped by a programme supported by German International Cooperation. Although the market was developed using participatory methods, the vendors deserted it. Analysis reveals the conflicting interests of vendors and the district administration were reflected in divergent models of market operation. The paper recommends that development cooperation recognise the legitimacy of existing power structures and stakeholders’ relations.  相似文献   

In many cases protected areas in South Africa have been established with little or no regard for communities living in or adjacent to them. The new challenge to protection of biodiversity is to find an equitable balance between conservation, beneficiation of the new land owners, and “balancing the books”. This article discusses the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve as a case study to illustrate some of the potential outcomes that co-management of protected areas can offer towards income generation, and highlights challenges towards success: it asks, can co-management be financially sustainable for both the conservation agency and the land claimants?  相似文献   

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