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目前 ,在中俄两国政治关系不断改善与升级的同时 ,两国经贸关系虽有较大发展 ,但仍有着不稳定、水平不高、进出口结构单一和不规范的特点。进入 2 1世纪 ,加强中俄经贸合作对进一步巩固两国的政治关系、促进经济发展具有重要的战略意义。为此 ,在新的历史条件下 ,应以新的思路与对策 ,积极推进两国经贸合作的发展。  相似文献   

城镇化是世界各国经济社会发展的重要目标取向,城镇化的发展是工业化和人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,也是一个国家或地区经济社会发展水平和综合实力的重要体现。东南亚是全球经济的稳定增长点和世界各国投资的重点对象之一,也是世界经济发展最具活力和潜力的地区之一。东南亚各国在城镇化的历史进程中,有许多成功的经验,也有一些失败的教训。文章引入可持续发展的理念,对东南亚城镇化发展进行客观评价。  相似文献   

This article was written to refute some common misunderstandings regarding worldwide population levels and worldwide nutrition levels. The world food supply is able to keep pace with high population growth levels. Worl food production currently meets world need; the problem is a distribution system which allocates food only to those who can pay rather than to those who need it. In many developing countries, the best agricultural lands are reserved for commercial crops rather than for subsistence crops. The U.S. food aid program does not help the most needy nations generally. The rate of world population growth is already slowing down. The desire for large families in developing countries is very often a realistic reaction to the prevailing economic system. Family planning programs will succeed. They will succeed even better in countries where general development planning is undertaken concurrently with family planning. Environmental problems are attributable to the consumption explosion in the rich countries rather than to the population explosion in the poor countries.  相似文献   

"This article points out that the societies who lack labour force and those who have a surplus, share common interests which may lead to organised or spontaneous migratory flows. Today, emigration is incapable of correcting the weaknesses of the socioeconomic structures of the host societies or of being a means of developing the societies of origin. The latter have in reality only benefited from 'passive' gains. In the future, countries providing labour force must endeavour to improve their understanding of the advantages of emigration for their development and take initiatives in order to improve the integration of population transfers in their economic and social development." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

Few issues in the development process raise as much heat as the role of the international private sector in the form of transnational corporations (TNCs) and foreign direct investment (FDI). This article reviews the most recent research on the impact of FDI on economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. A brief history of FDI is given. This is followed by discussion of the conceptual transmission mechanisms linking FDI, growth, and poverty. The available empirical evidence is then discussed. It is argued that it is not a question of whether FDI is good or bad for social and economic development, but that its impact is determined by the terms upon which FDI is accepted. Although overall the evidence on FDI, growth, and poverty is not conclusive, research has had a tendency to suggest that the benefits of FDI are linked to the FDI policy regime; and that the current orthodoxy of maintaining a highly liberal FDI policy regime leads to a situation whereby developing countries have a precarious trade-off to make between attracting FDI and maintaining policy instruments to extract the benefits of any inflows.  相似文献   

李婷  全毅 《亚非纵横》2011,(1):37-43
随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程不断加快,建立双边或多边自由贸易区(FTA)成为许多国家参与国际竞争、提高竞争力的重要途径。作为世界上最大的两个发展中国家——中国和印度近年来在经济发展上都取得了显著进步,双边贸易额不断增加。在经济全球化的背景下,中印建立自由贸易区将给两国经济带来更好的发展前景。  相似文献   

中俄区域经济合作路径探析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中俄区域经济合作始终是两国政府、学术界和实业界关注的热点问题之一。虽然近几年中俄区域经济合作得到较快发展,但总体上滞后于经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展趋势,特别是与两国经济实力和发展潜力不相称。因此,如何继续推进和深化中俄区域经济合作,现已成为两国政府面临的共同任务。随着中国西部大开发、东北老工业基地的振兴和俄罗斯西伯利亚与远东开发战略的实施,中俄区域经济合作迎来了一个新的战略发展时期。  相似文献   

Knowledge in development has been perceived as a one-way commodity that developed nations could bring ‘down to’ the level of ‘developing countries’. Sharing knowledge is generally seen as a North–South operation. This vertical approach to knowledge in development echoes the vertical approach to development in general, whereby knowledge is perceived as an ingredient of the technical assistance given by those who have it to those who do not. However, no organisation can offer social transformation or knowledge sharing if it is not itself engaged in an internal learning process that systematically questions certainties, authorities, and decision making. Learning is a complex process of acquiring knowledge, both within the organisation that facilitates social change and among the subjects of and partners in social change.  相似文献   

The notion of a geopolitical system known as the South Atlantic is severely tested when it comes to science and technology (S&T), especially given the enormous disparities between (and sometimes within) countries of the region. The essay attempts to characterise the S&T policy pursuits of these countries by dividing them into the most advanced (Brazil and South Africa) versus the poorer remainder, and identifying the most powerful drivers for S&T investment for each group. The practical needs of social and economic development for the latter group are self‐evident. Rather more subtle are the multifaceted initiatives of the two more developed countries, with drivers ranging from prestige and national security to economic competitiveness and growth. The increasing complexity of policy making in Brazil and South Africa is driving analysis of their behaviour more towards the model of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. A major restraint on better research is the parlous state of data on research and development in all of the countries of the region; finding a remedy for that weakness would not only benefit policy researchers but also the policy makers themselves, who lack adequate feedback mechanisms for their investment paths in S&T.  相似文献   

比较美国历史上三次经济衰落,可以看出此次衰落虽然使美国从经济霸权的顶峰跌落下来,世界经济进入了多元发展的时期,发展中国家和发达国家之间,无论是经济规模还是经济内涵的差距,都将呈现缩小的趋势,但是美国经济目前依然强大,还会迎来科技革命新的浪潮,今后相当长时期美国经济仍然会进一步发展。  相似文献   

To achieve a top-to-bottom growth of the “green economy”, incentives and enablers need to be identified for those micro enterprises working at the grassroots level. A three-year study of 1,300 social and environmental enterprises in developing countries reveals how they are developing new products and services for their communities, using new business models. But their scale-up is hampered by lack of access to research and technology support and gender barriers, as well as challenges with complex partnerships, progress monitoring, and financial viability. A large pool of innovative ideas remains untapped and an opportunity to build a sustainable economy is being missed.  相似文献   

从不同国家和地区的政治经济中找出共同之处,是发展问题研究的一个重要方面,所以对发展模式的归纳是有意义的。东亚模式本质上是一种政治经济综合发展模式。它是在既不全盘否定传统东方文明,又不照搬西方社会制度的前提下,成功地走出了自己的政治经济发展道路。  相似文献   

陈雅慧 《东南亚》2011,(1):17-21
二战结束后,东亚的“发展型国家”普遍奉行“经济增长第一”的发展战略,工人阶级作为一个整体,与资产阶级的矛盾因经济增长的需求和国家振兴的民族主义压力,让位于经济发展,工人运动的目标由政治领域转向经济领域。依靠劳动力优势扩大出口和吸引外资,是东亚现代化模式的重要内容,也是东亚工人运动产生的客观根源;东亚国家所经历的政治民主化和社会结构的变化,对工人运动产生重要影响。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,中国政府充分认识安全问题的重要性和安全威胁的变化,成功地实现了安全战略的转变,在复杂的情况下维护了国家安全。主要经验是:创立新安全观;客观理性分析,准确把握局势;化危机为转机,建机制防患未然。面临未来的安全挑战,中国应立足时代前列,突破难题,继续前进。  相似文献   

Donors and exogenous versus endogenous development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economic and social development has occurred through the millennia. The post-World War II and post-colonial periods have ushered in a new era of donor-led development assistance policies and of professional development practice. Since the 1950s, development has been conceived of as rich and technologically advanced countries helping poor countries develop – a delivery system of development. The dominant development priority has been economic growth as opposed to livelihoods and social/human development. With some interesting exceptions, development, seen as development assistance, has been largely top down, or exogenously driven. In recent decades, scholars, practitioners, and even donors have called for participatory approaches, building on local institutions, culture, capacity, and local ownership. There remains a gap between the rhetoric and the practice of development. If we want to move from top-down, exogenous development to development that encompasses endogenous approaches, we must understand the barriers posed by practices in both donor and recipient country development organisations. This paper explores the barriers and possible remedies open to practitioners, policymakers, and academics at different levels.  相似文献   

吴崇伯  丁梦 《东北亚论坛》2020,(3):75-89,128
第三方市场合作是中韩两国参与国际分工协作的新型合作模式,也是两国发展战略对接与比较优势互补的重要经济实践。中韩第三方市场合作在产品服务、工程建设、投资合作、产融结合和战略合作五个领域打造了一系列重要工程,不仅加深中韩两国的合作基础,还为第三方市场的经济发展注入新动力。但其中存在诸多挑战,产业结构的竞争、复杂的营商环境、域外大国因素的介入以及中韩经济波动等都对中韩第三方市场合作造成了阻力。因此,开拓战略新兴产业、打造示范工程、创新金融合作和完善协调机制,是实现中韩第三方市场合作可持续发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

Although the correlation between the Internet and globalisation is well recognised, we know relatively little about the social impact of the networked world order. Based on research on Internet growth in developing countries, this article seeks to identify some of its most salient features and how these influence, and in turn are influenced by, the broader processes of modernisation and globalisation. Through a closer examination of the social and cultural embeddedness of the Internet, the article will discuss how the organisational principle of networks is becoming more prominent in contemporary society, leading to the rise of the networked society. Rather than representing a post-modern social form, the networked society reaffirms some of the most fundamental, and rather contradictory, aspects of modernity, especially the dual processes of globalisation and individualisation. Representing a new medium for communication and interaction, the Internet allows users to establish and maintain social relations on a global scale. Rather than erasing local identities, these 'glocal' interactions have a tendency to enforce a localised sense of belonging. Nonetheless, the boundary-crossing nature of networks also has a tendency to make existing boundaries rather fuzzy and subject to mediated redefinition and re-imagining. This article builds on some of the findings of my recently completed research on the social dynamics of Internet development in developing countries (Uimonen 2000).  相似文献   

By 2050, two thirds of the world's population will live in cities, and the greatest growth in urban populations will take place in the least developed countries. This presents many governments with considerable challenges related to urban governance and the provision of services and opportunities to a burgeoning urban population. In the current article, we use a new event dataset on city-level urban social disorder, drawing upon prominent theories in the conflict literature. The dataset spans the 1960–2009 period, covering 55 major cities in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and includes data on nonviolent actions such as demonstrations and strikes and violent political actions like riots, terrorism, and armed conflict. We find that urban social disorder is associated in particular with low economic growth rates and hybrid democratic regimes, while level of development, economic inequality, large youth bulges, and economic globalization do not seem to affect levels of urban social disorder.  相似文献   

韩国零售业态发展及政府规制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一国零售业态的发展与其经济发展阶段具有明显的相关性。韩国经济经历了高速增长和市场开放及资本自由化阶段后,便利店、廉价店等新业态大量进入,给韩国以大型百货店和商品交易市场为主导业态的传统零售业态带来了冲击。新型业态基本是模仿国外业态形式或随外资进入的,大型廉价店等新业态在本土化适应过程中不断调整,形成韩国特色。将韩国零售业态置于经济发展过程来考察,会发现与日本战后经济发展的阶段性以及现代零售业态的发展轨迹和政府政策规制的方向具有极大的相似性。我国也呈现出与韩国、日本的相似性。观察韩国零售业态演进过程及其特征,给中国零售业态发展研究提供了一个参照,对总结后发展国家零售业态发展规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses optimal tradeoffs between economic growth and economic volatility given the risk of open capital markets in developing countries due to their financial vulnerability to unfettered capital flows. It is argued that free policy choices are efficiently superior to free capital mobility and that a developing country can be open to higher growth and lower volatility only if its financial system is substantially strengthened.  相似文献   

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