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全面检视合伙法律制度的现状,不难发现我国的合伙法律制度在合伙主体地位的确立、合伙财产法律性质的明确、合伙责任承担方式的多样化、合伙立法体系的统一等多个方面均存在不足。为澄清理论,完善制度,笔者拟就我国合伙法律类型做一系统探讨  相似文献   

论我国有限合伙法律制度的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有限合伙是合伙的特殊形式之一,具有其他企业形式所不能取代的独特优势。在当今世界许多经济发达的国家,有限合伙都是一种重要的企业组织形式。我国至今尚无关于有限合伙的法律规定,现行法律法规的许多规定对有限合伙造成了适用障碍。因此,国家应制定统一合伙法和统一有限合伙法,解决诸如合伙人权利义务、合伙人数量限制、法人能否成为合伙人等具体问题,从而建立、健全我国的有限合伙法律制度,适应经济发展和风险投资业发展的立法需求。  相似文献   

众所周知,现实生活中,不仅人事、人物、人情失真,而且物品假冒。真的缺场在于虚伪的在场,这使人想起道家的真人人格形象;真人的特征在真即真性、真身,实现真的方法是修道,而不是简单的修身。因此,现实社会需要客观、公正的"道"来彰显力量,来威慑、消解人的欲望的膨胀,营建这种"道",当是人们直面的任务,是现代化的俭约之道。  相似文献   

特殊的普通合伙制无疑是近十年来我国立法在专业服务机构组织形式上的一大创举。特殊的普通合伙制律师事务所优势在于专业化、规模化、国际化。特殊的普通合伙制律师事务所小众化的主要原因是设立条件较高、关于法律责任承担存在错误认识等。解决之道是:建立"直索责任"规则;改良律师事务所年检制度;完善法规,政策支持。如此,特殊的普通合伙制中国律师事务所则必有光明的未来。  相似文献   

The Marxist human rights theory is embodied in several important works by Karl Marx and Friedrich engels. The key point to understand Marxist human rights theory is to read the texts of classic works of Marx. only in this way can we grasp the essence of the theory more clearly and internalize it as genuine belief and emotional identity. This theoretical guide should be implemented in concrete actions through concerns and answers to practical questions, in order to highlight the era value of the classic Marxist human rights theory.  相似文献   

上市公司关联交易可能背离合同法的基本原则,其最核心的原因在于:关联交易双方当事人的地位实质上不平等,或者利益实质上不独立,可能导致一方当事人意思表示不真实或利益部分混同.因此,法律规制的路径,就是通过一系列的制度设计在交易中校正双方地位,使双方在交易中达到法律上的拟制平等,从而使上市公司意思表示真实,或通过强行法的介入,校正其不公平的后果,使其达到与非关联交易一样的效果.  相似文献   

和谐的民族关系、良好的民族社会秩序是和谐社会的坚实基础.以信任、互惠规范和关系网络等形式存在的社会资本能够增强民族地区的凝聚力和认同感;为民族内部和谐稳定提供良好的社会规范与秩序,为民族区域自治提供参与网络.通过民族间的信任与合作,巩固民族团结、增强民族互助、促进各民族共同繁荣发展,从而确立和发展平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系.  相似文献   

Collaborative partnerships have grown in prominence as vehicles for systems change and organizational development among a network of organizations, particularly in the complex field of public health. Likewise, supporting the functioning and effectiveness of collaborative partnerships has become a key interest among organizational development scholars and community psychologists alike. In the question of capacity-building, no aspect of collaborative capacity has received greater attention than that of leadership. Research on collaborative partnerships has highlighted the importance of shared leadership while at the same time acknowledging that specific individuals do and often must emerge and assume more prominent roles in the partnership in order for the work of the partnership to move forward. However, we have limited knowledge of these key individuals and the roles that they play in non-hierarchical, voluntary partnerships. The present study is a comparative case study of prominent leaders in three regional public health partnerships. The aim of this investigation is to explore the questions: (1) What does it mean to be a leader in a context where no one is "in charge?" (2) What roles do those individuals identified as leaders play?, and (3) What are the specific capacities that enable the enactment of these roles? We find that those viewed as leaders by their partnerships shared a similar profile both in the range and types of roles they play and the capacities that enable them to carry out these roles. Further, we find that while individual attributes such as passion, knowledge, and leadership skills are important, some of the most prominent capacities are rooted in the organizational and institutional contexts within which the leader is nested.  相似文献   

Chenghong Li 《当代中国》2007,16(52):477-497
The deepening rapprochement between China and Russia, those two formidable continental powers, constitutes one of the most noteworthy phenomena in post-Cold War world affairs. Through detailed investigation of this vital bilateral relationship over a variety of issue areas, we characterize the current Sino–Russian relations as a limited defensive strategic partnership, with strategicness constituting the core of the Sino–Russian relationship. More than that, we further argue that the Sino–Russian rapprochement is externally-driven rather than internally-driven. More specifically, realism's balance of power theory, or its variety balance of threat theory, provides a relatively convincing explanation regarding the increasingly strengthened Sino–Russian strategic partnership. In a roughly chronological way, this paper will demonstrate how America's increasing unilateralism in its foreign policy approaches was correlated with, and thus contributed to, the deepening rapprochement between China and Russia.  相似文献   


The study aimed to identify the meanings and mechanisms of partnership between health professionals and self-help group members. The three project stages involved in-depth individual interviews of professionals (n = 47) and of members (n = 49) using a semistructured interview guide; separate group interviews of professionals and members to rank themes which emerged in Phase I, and a joint professional/member workshop. A Partnership Framework was developed. The predominant partnership characteristics identified by professionals were egalitarian, flexible, decreased professional control, understanding and shared goals; and by members were trusting, reciprocal, shared goals, flexible and understanding. The five critical obstacles to partnerships, from professionals' standpoint were communication, attitudes, role ambiguity, the format health care system and ideological conflicts, and from self-help groups' perspectives were knowledge, the system, skills deficiency, attitudes and ideological conflicts. The foremost mechanisms for achieving partnership according to health professionals involved education, clearinghouses, and role and goal clarification; to self-help group members, they entailed trust building, communication building, and education. [Note: italics denote consensus by professionals and members.]  相似文献   

随着社会形势的不断发展,基层边防部队的执法执勤环境也变得更加复杂,对部队建设的要求也越来越高。同时,基层官兵的思想也更加复杂,需求更加多样化。在这种形势下,必须认真贯彻落实“以人为本”的核心治军理念.推动基层边防部队各项建设,解决好部队建设中存在的突出矛盾和问题,提高部队战斗力,促进官兵全面发展.把党的执政新理念转化为指导部队建设的具体思想观念、工作思路和制度措施,贯彻和体现到部队的各项工作中去。  相似文献   

服务型政府是一种新型的政府管理模式,西方新公共管理运动所提出的先进理论为服务型政府的构建提供不少借鉴。其中被新公共管理运动视为改革指南的顾客理念就被众多学者力捧于指导服务型政府的构建,在指导服务型政府构建起积极作用的同时也存在众多不足,且其对服务型政府构建带来的消极影响没有引起足够重视。所以,通过研读关亍顾客理念的相关文献,总结归纳出顾客理念的积极作用和消积影响因素,并做出相应文献综述和评价,对促进服务型政府构建需理性吸纳顾客理念的研究具有一定价值意义。  相似文献   

为了更好地发展和建设本科警务指挥与战术专业,有必要认真研究和总结警务指挥与战术专业本科人才培养的模式,分析其人才培养模式构建结构的合理性、适用性、科学性,不断改进和完善该专业人才培养模式,使专业人才培养目标定位更为精准,培养规格更为清晰,培养过程更为有序可靠,培养质量更有保障,毕业生需求更为紧俏,就业途径更为宽广。  相似文献   

Fresh water has no substitute, and its availability has been declining sharply around the globe. In Asia, China's role as a multidirectional and transborder water provider is unmatched. Analysis of China's behavior towards its transboundary rivers is therefore pivotal. By examining three different case studies—the Mekong River in Southeast Asia, the Brahmaputra River in South Asia and the Irtysh and Ili Rivers in Central Asia—this article seeks to lay the theoretical groundwork for understanding China's behavior. It pits previously applied realist rationales against the more recent notion of desecuritization strategies and makes a case for the latter. While desecuritization implies non- or de-escalation, it does not necessarily mean genuine long-term cooperation. The future of Asia's shared waters may thus be a contentious one.  相似文献   

在“两型社会”建设中积极推进新型工业化进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐晓兰 《中国发展》2009,9(6):31-35
该文讨论了“两型社会”建设的背景、意义、主要内容和主要特点,阐述了工业化和新型工业化的联系与区别,分析了作为“两型社会”综合配套改革试验区之一的武汉城市圈的优势与不足,指出要在两型社会建设中实现新型工业化,重点在科学理解“两型社会”和新型工业化问的联系、积极转变经济增长模式、以信息化带动新型工业化、构建“两型”产业链和产业集群以及加强人才队伍建设等五方面。  相似文献   

在高校学生管理工作中树立“以生为本”的指导思想,就是要树立“以生为本”的管理工作理念和新思路。确立学生在高校管理工作中的主体地位,营造更富人性化的育人氛围,这是促进学生成才和就业的重要管理途径和内在要求,也是在高校的人才培养中贯彻和落实科学发展观的要求。  相似文献   

The acceptance and promotion of partnerships among major countries reflect an attempt on the part of China to re-define its position in the new international strategic pattern. They also reveal a strategic idea offered by China in the post-Cold War era in which it is emerging as a major power. The key questions are as follows. (a) What are the contents of such partnerships among major powers? (b) What are the differences between this partnership model among major powers and the Chinese foreign policy of independence and peace in the 1980s? (c) What are the motivations behind China's promotion of this model of partnerships among major powers? (d) Does the new model of partnerships among the major powers provide an important innovation in the management of relations among the major powers in the coming century? This article attempts to answer these questions so as to better understand China's international strategic behaviour patterns in the post-Cold War era, the inner logic of partnership relationships, and the trends of China's international strategy in the coming century.  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育的生活化,是新时期思想政治教育发展的趋势,也是实现大学生全面发展的必然要求。只有深刻认识和理解大学生思想政治教育生活化的内涵,把握好大学生思想政治教育生活化的主要原则,构建行之有效的途径,才能把思想政治教育与实际生活科学地、有机地联系起来,实现大学生思想政治教育的生活化。  相似文献   

王蓉 《中国发展》2010,10(3):11-18
知识产权制度作为促进个体创新的微观制度,其根本性体现为塑造了富有创新激情的主体。国家创新体系制度作为从宏观上推动技术创新和应用创新有机结合和相互转化并将两者的结合和转化注入经济增长过程中的制度安排,其根本性表现为创造了降低个体创新的社会成本的制度空间。知识产权制度与国家创新体系制度,虽然具有"个体性"和"社会化"的不同制度特征,但两者却是相互支持和相互体现。应对全球气候变化下经济增长模式的"减物质化"和"个体与社会共治"的特质,引发了其模式下知识产权制度的"社会化主导下的个体性"基本特征、国家创新体系制度的"政府主导下的个体参与"基本特征。  相似文献   

Despite COVID-19, China became the EU’s largest trading partner last year, overtaking the U.S., according to Eurostat data. They also concluded negotiations on a comprehensive agreement on investment that will cement their cooperation.Zhang Ming, head of the Chinese Mission to the EU, talked about the opportunities and challenges facing this partnership to Beijing Review reporter Wei Hongchen. The following is an edited excerpt。  相似文献   

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