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《Science & justice》2000,40(2):150-151

This study examines the theoretical issues concerning decision-making and advances a new and innovative model emphasizing the integration of the organization and environment. Political, economic, social, cultural, and other community factors are highlighted as major influences affecting the police arena. Finally, the model is discussed as a catalyst for change in current police management thinking. Futuristic concepts of organization-environmental learning, long-range planning, and strategic modeling are suggested as necessary improvements in police decision-making.  相似文献   

For approximately 50 years, police agencies have been attempting to improve police officer selection, especially through psychological testing. Regarding this effort the availability of various standardized tests has made it rather confusing. This study was undertaken to better understand what tests are being utilized and whether there is any consistency among agencies as to what is being used in the State of Texas. Seventeen major municipal police agencies and the Department of Public Safety were surveyed as to the psychological protocols used for recruit screening. The results suggest a multitude of tests are being used with only minor commonality. Suggestions for future use and research are offered.  相似文献   

Although women constitute more than 50% of the United States’ population, their percentage among police officers is approximately 9%. Despite being relatively new to policing as fully accepted officers, their growth in numbers should be higher. Nevertheless, such growth may be stagnant. The reasons for this phenomenon are still under examination, and any research that can shed light on this quandary is useful. This article examines job satisfaction among police officers and whether there is a difference by gender. The belief is that if job satisfaction among women police officers is low, this could reflect why more women are not entering law enforcement. However, the data analyzed from a purposive sample of 2,309 male and 309 female officers suggest that there is little difference in job satisfaction solely by gender.  相似文献   

This presentation looks beyond the contemporary controversy over the use of race in drug courier profiling and examines the broad spectrum of rare relations affecting police operations. Racial controversy is not new to law enforcement, nor is it a recent phenomenon in American society. American police do not get enough credit for the enormous amount of positive daily interaction within minority communities. Police are pervasively present within minority communities around the clock successfully solving disputes, responding to calls for service, and addressing community concerns. It is against this backdrop that many in law enforcement are becoming increasingly frustrated by the perception, if not the reality of deteriorating race relations between police and minorities. One thing is certain: police cannot withdraw from racial conflict. Police will continue to operate within minority communities, regardless of the racial composition of either the community or the law enforcement agency. Therefore, officer and supervisory training should not only focus on how to avoid racial conflict, but also on how to ethically and legally perform in an environment where treatment of minorities is critically examined.  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning public confidence in the police had primarily focused on demographic, attitudinal, and contextual factors in the United States. Little research, however, has used country-level variables to explain variations that exist across countries. As a result, this study examined the impact of country-level predictors (e.g., homicide rate and level of democracy) as well as individual-level predictors on public confidence in the police by utilizing data sets collected from three international surveys. Using hierarchical generalized linear modeling (HGLM) for the multinomial dependent variable, this study found a significant and negative relationship between homicide rate and public confidence in the police. People living in a country with a higher homicide rate reported lower levels of confidence in the police. Level of democracy was also found to be positively related to public confidence in the police. Of the individual-level variables, age and education were found to be significant predictors. A positive relationship was also found between political conservatism or personal satisfaction and confidence in the police. In line with attitudinal and contextual predictors, individuals with higher levels of acceptance toward deviant subcultures reported lower levels of confidence in the police. On the other hand, those who were more satisfied with their country's democratic development showed more favorable attitudes toward the police. The findings of this study implied that police organizations should put greater efforts toward the reduction of crime while protecting democratic values within a society.  相似文献   

警察职业固然危险,但我国警察伤亡人数明显偏高.警务安全指的是公安民警在接处警、盘查留置、追缉堵截、检查危险物品、抓捕逃犯、押解犯罪嫌疑人等一系列警务活动中,有效地制服对方,保护自己.当前的公安工作,面临着严峻的治安形势,公安民警面对的斗争环境更为险恶,我们必须强调从实战出发提供警务保障.警务保障是指国家对公安机关和公安工作为实现国家赋予的使命和任务,依法履行职能所给予的条件和提供的保证.为了预防和减少公安民警伤亡,国家势必要为公安机关和公安民警提供必要的法律保障、社会保障和物质保障.  相似文献   

Previous studies of police strikes take a narrow perspective. with regard to both the causes and consequences of the job action. The present case. study attempts to put the Memphis police steike of 7978 in historical perspective by viewing the antecedent conditions as important to an understanding of why the police. struck. Kdditionally, the article attempts to determine-the Auccess or failure Of the. strike by examining the long term cons equences of the strike on both the Memphis Police Department and the Memphis Police Asso ciation, the official bargaining agent of the rank and file members of the M. P. D.  相似文献   

The present article proposes a reconceptualization of police organizational hierarchy as a multidimensional construct. This notion of a multidimensional police hierarchy was derived from the sociological literature of stratification and the prior management literature of organizational hierarchy. It is proposed here that police employees are stratified based upon the differential allocation of various resources (such as rewards and formal power) and attributes (such as skills). This differential allocation stratifies employees into five different hierarchies. This article describes these five hierarchies and suggests how they might be measured, at both the individual and comparative/organizational levels. Finally, the possible interrelations among these hierarchies is discussed as well as three management issues concerning this multidimensional conception of police hierarchy.  相似文献   

Qualitative interviews were undertaken with 53 Australian police officers with specialist expertise in liquor law enforcement to ascertain their perspectives concerning the liquor licensing legislation in Australia’s eight states and territories. Respondents generally indicated that current arrangements favoured the interests of the alcohol industry and did not sufficiently empower them to reduce alcohol-related harms. Other key themes included: ambiguity surrounding the police role in liquor licensing; difficulties in enforcing drunkenness-related offences; partnerships; strategies to enhance enforcement; data/intelligence gathering; and the separation of Ministerial responsibilities for liquor licensing and policing. Overall, police in Australia are not currently being given the tools they require to effectively reduce alcohol-related harms.  相似文献   

This article examines how the values communicated by Field Training Officers (FTOs) influence the behaviors of police recruits to conform to the norms of the police culture. Analysis and interpretation of the written responses of police recruits to a program evaluation form in a police department located in the western United States were used to identify the explicit and implicit values that were communicated during the Field Training Program (FTP). The findings of this study indicated that although positive explicit values were communicated during the FTP, several potentially negative implicit values were also communicated to police recruits. Consequently, the perceived status of the FTO is an important factor in police recruits learning job-related values. Recommendations are made for developing effective leadership strategies for bringing greater levels of congruency between the explicit and implicit values of law enforcement organizations that are communicated to police recruits during the training process and organizational socialization. Author Note: Wade Engelson is a lieutenant with the Fresno Police Department. He has been with the department for 12 years and is currently assigned as the Commander of the Special Investigations Bureau. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business/Economics and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from California State University, Fresno. He holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of California, Davis/California State University, Fresno Joint Doctoral Program. He has taught in a variety of settings and has published articles in the fields of sexual harassment, organizational socialization, tactics, and training issues. His research interests include leadership issues, organizational socialization, and the hidden curriculum of organizations.  相似文献   

The Delphi Forecasting technique was utilized to assess the general direction and magnitude of broad future trends in the occupationally-related values of police officers. Two panels of experts were established and utilized in the Delphi Process: one composed of veteran police officers and the other consisting of law enforcement educators, top echelon police administrators, attorneys, and social ethicists.Two major trends emerged in the course of the study: a movement toward professionalization and a movement toward unionization. These two movements were found to embody generally conflicting sets of occupationally-related values.The increasing emphasis of police chiefs and their administrators on managerial efficiency was identified as the critical factor influencing the future of these trends.  相似文献   

The author identifies the evolution of discourse about human rights to health in medical law, health law and public health law, as well as in major international instruments. He emphasises the importance of General Comment No 14 on Art 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. He argues that its breadth but also its specificity in terms of accountable benchmarks and measures of health service provision are likely to frame discourse on "rights to health" in the succeeding years. He identifies the need for translation of the rhetoric in such instruments into meaningful and patient-informed data so that it becomes possible to compare and contrast advances (or otherwise) in rights to health within and among different countries.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):111-115

崔海龙 《政法学刊》2012,(4):101-104
警察优先使用权也是行政征用权的一种,可以从行政征用的角度,对应然意义上的警察优先使用权进行界定,并据此提出有针对性地立法建议。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(1):32-41
Traditional forensic drug profiling involves numerous analytical techniques, and the whole process is typically costly and may be time consuming. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of prioritising techniques utilised at the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for the chemical profiling of 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA). The outcome would provide the AFP with the ability to obtain more timely and valuable results that could be used in an intelligence perspective. Correlation coefficients were used to obtain a similarity degree between a population of linked samples (within seizures) and a population of unlinked samples (between different seizures) and discrimination between the two populations was ultimately achieved. The results showed that gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) was well suited as a single technique to detect links between seizures and could be used in priority for operational intelligence purposes. Furthermore, the method was applied to seizures known or suspected (through their case information) to be linked to each other to assess the chemical similarity between samples. It was found that half of the seizures previously linked by the case number were also linked by the chemical profile. This procedure was also able to highlight links between cases that were previously unsuspected and retrospectively confirmed by circumstantial information. The findings are finally discussed in the broader forensic intelligence context, with a focus on how they could be successfully incorporated into investigations and in an intelligence-led policing perspective in order to understand trafficking markets.  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - Examine changes in officer behavior, when wearing body-worn cameras, as revealed by pedestrian stops, vehicle stops, arrests, use of force, and citizen...  相似文献   

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