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Cooperation between China and traditional donors in Africa is a part of new triangular mode of development bringing together three parties:traditional donors,emerging donors,and the beneficiary countries.Traditional donors and emerging donors act together in favor of and in cooperation with beneficiary countries.Triangular development cooperation is an extension of classical North-South and South-South cooperation.As yet,it does not feature prominently in the global development cooperation architecture.China’s emergence as a significant contributor of development aid to Africa,however,has now become a hot topic in China,Africa and the West,and questions are being raised about the way in which China and the traditional donors will engage with each other in Africa.This article argues that while China and the traditional donors face a number of challenges,there is potential for the two parties to implement further cooperation in Africa.  相似文献   

For a long time, relations between the European Union and Africa are not on an equal footing. As early as half a century ago, the European Community, predecessor of the EU, drove the former colonies of some member states into a framework of “special relationship” with the Community and established a system to keep them dependent on their former European suzerains through unequal trade and aid. Most of those countries that were driven into the system were African states. Such a system demonstrated the one-way control by the developed European countries over the developing African countries. With the continuous improvement of Africa's strategic position, ever since 2005, the EU, for its own economic and security interests, has issued with great fanfare policy documents on Africa, adjusting its policy toward the continent and proposing to make the “equal political partnership” between the EU and Africa as the primary objective of its Africa policy. However, due to historical and realistic reasons, it is not easy to achieve genuine equality between the EU and Africa; to make it a reality, colossal efforts have to be made.  相似文献   

Worldwide attention is now focused on the prospect of Africa in the forthcom-ing twenty-first century as the present one is drawing to a close. In the latter half of this century, countries and the people in Africa eventuallywon their national freedom and independence after centuries-long bitter struggles a-gainst the colonial rule of the imperialists. The emergence of a New Africa in the  相似文献   

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of diplomatic relations between China and African countries. Over the past half a century, with the joint efforts by the leaders and peoples of China and Africa, the friendship between China and Africa has been increasingly consolidated and the relations between the two sides have grown to a new high. In November this year, the Beijing Summit and the Third Ministerial Meeting of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing to discuss the further strengthening of the relations and cooperation between China and Africa. To commemorate these historic events, the current issue of this Journal is bringing out four articles with regard to Sino-African relations and the situation in Africa to share with our readers.  相似文献   

Since the launching of the China-Africa Forum in 2000, the Chinese government has comprehensively strengthened its ties with Africa.China's trade, investment, and aid in Africa have been expanding. Africa has been placed at the forefront of national strategy. Also in 2000, President Bill Clinton signed the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), increasing America's attention towards Africa. Since then, both China and the U.S. have been increasing their trade, investment, and aid in Africa. In 2011, the trade volume between China and Africa reached US$166.3 billion while that between the U.S. and Africa was US$113.2 billion. Unfortunately, China and the U.S. have not sought a cooperative pattern of action in Africa based on complementarity, mutual respect and mutual benefit. Instead, they have accused each other of bad conduct.  相似文献   

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the beginning of diplomatic relations between China and Africa countries. In that half a decade, China and Africa had witnessed close political relations,  相似文献   

After the upsurge of domestic turmoil in Tunis last December,unrest spread rapidly through North Africa and the Middle East,having a profound effect on current international relations.It will continue to affect relations between the major powers and the international system as a whole for some time to come.The regional turmoil of North Africa and the Middle East is of particular interest to International Political Economy(IPE)studies.It seems to embody a geostrategic conflict between the US and the EU in contending for leadership in North Africa and the Middle East.It is also an expression of the competition for dominance of the global financial structure between the major powers during a period of transition in the international system.Lastly,it is a manifestation of America’s struggle to maintain its global economic hegemony.  相似文献   

On March 22-April 2,1998,US President Bill Clinton paid a state visit to sixAfrican countries,namely,Ghana,Uganda,Rwanda,South Africa,Botswana and Senegal.This was the most extensive tour of Africa ever by anAmerican President and was a major diplomatic move of the Clinton administrationafter repositioning the continent in its global strategy.Obviously,Africa is carry-ing more weight in US diplomatic considerations.  相似文献   

In recent years, the growth of China's economy and the elevation of China-Africa relations have caused complex changes in China's relations with the outside world. The rapid development of China-Africa relations is a showcase for the development process of Asia and Africa, through which we can see that both Asia and Africa are revitalizing and a new world is taking shape  相似文献   

正Friendship between China and Africa started slowly after a general meeting between Africa and Asia,the conference of Bun dung in 1955.Egypt was the first African country to have diplomatic relations with China in 1956,and later at the beginning of1960 the ten African countries followed.At the end of the 1970s a total of 44 countries out of 50 that were free also joined in diplomatic relations with  相似文献   

The Chinese model has a fairly big influence in Africa. Ever since reform and opening-up, China has been focusing on the central task of economic construction, which brought rapid economic growth, strengthening comprehensive national power, improving lives of the people and extending international influence. The success of the Chinese model has aroused much interest in the world, especially Africa, and produced positive effects. It is the outcome of a combination of several factors, such as the attraction of China's development, the impetus produced by that development and the appeal of China's friendly policies. Nevertheless, China is not going to sell its model and ultimately Africa has to carve out its own way of development.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the House of Chiefs of Zambia, University of the Witwatersrand and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, a 5-member CAFIU delegation headed by Deputy Secretary-General Bai Hongkui visited Zambia and South Africa from Oct.  相似文献   

The year 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of diplomatic relations between China and Africa. Over the past 50 years, Sino-African friendship has been increasingly consolidated and bilateral relations have developed to a brand-new stage. Meanwhile, along with the rapid development of Sino-African relations, the clamor of "China threat" could  相似文献   

Cooperation with Africa under the background of globalization is an important but also interesting topic. Globalization is changing the world,including Africa and international relations as well. Against such a background, it is meaningful to discuss how to strengthen, the cooperation between the international community and Africa.  相似文献   

Africa plays an important role in China's rise. Sino-African ties bolsters up Chinese influence. African enthusiasm for taking a leaf from China's experience to shake off poverty has boosted China's soft power. Africa defends China as a responsible partner against Western slander of practicing neocolonialism. Africa provides China with the driving force for sustainable development. Africa supports China's national unification and demonstrates political solidarity with China. In recent years Africa's success in enhancing collective strength through deepening solidarity has won admiration and respect. Its strategic status is on a steady rise. It is our sincere hope that Africa will walk on the road of prosperity as soon as possible.  相似文献   

China’s presence in Africa has a long history of cordial interaction spanning from ancient to contemporary times.The history of China-Africa relations is held in high esteem by the two sides,as both share a history of foreign invasions and of solidarity for a common destiny.However,new narratives promoted by antagonists of China’s presence in Africa are constructed to portray China in a negative light without recourse to history.Arguably,the Chinese exploration of Africa can be said to have started many centuries before the arrival of Europeans on the continent.  相似文献   

Africa, which comprises a significant number of developing countries, is an important force working for world peace and stability and global economic development. The African continent is rich in natural and human resources and potentials for development. For years, however, Africa gave people the impression that it was a poverty-stricken, backward land ravaged by successive wars and epidemic diseases. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been some  相似文献   

Although China began to engage in military cooperation with Africa quite soon after the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, there are as yet few articles on Sino-African security cooperation. Now, with a much closer security relationship between China and Africa, there is a need for more study of this issue. This article gives some idea of the evolution of Chinese engagement in African security cooperation and examines new opportunities for, and challenges to, a more active Chinese engagement in Africa in this domain.  相似文献   

The EU has provided a large amount of development assistance to Africa for many decades, but it has not been very effective.Particularly afterthe end of the cold war, many internal conflicts broke out in African countries, which had serious impacts on socio-economic development.This prompted the EU to connect development and security issues, and propose that development assistance to Africa should not merely focus on economic growth, but it should also help with post-conflict reconstruction and conflict prevention.It is only by incorporating security issues into development policy that assistance could be made effective and human rights could be protected.These ideas were made a central part of EU aid to Africa.This article attempts to describe the security-development nexus as it relates to the EU' s aid policy to Africa in the 21 st century;analyse the reasons behind this policy change and point out the shortcomings.From this, the paper also looks at how Africa and the EU are working together under the Agenda 2063 framework.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 13-member African NGO delegation composed of representatives from South Africa,Tanzania and Namibia visited Beijing and Guizhou from November 10 to November 19.Members of the  相似文献   

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