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Researchers in the field of domestic violence have derived “typologies” to better conceptualize the differences found among batterers (e.g., Holtzworth-Monroe and Stuart [1994]. Psychol. Bull. 116: 476–497). Efforts have since been made to evaluate clinicians' accuracy in classifying batterers into subtypes (Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Huss, and Ramsey [2000]. J. Fam. Violence 15: 37–53). The present study investigated the accuracy and consistency with which experienced clinicians could sort profiles into an empirically derived MCMI-based batterer typology (Hamberger, Lohr, Bonge, and Tolin [1996] Violence Vict. 11: 277–292). Seven PhD level psychologists with experience in the field of domestic violence were asked to sort 36 MCMI profiles into three piles. Each pile was represented by each of the three prototypical cluster types described in Hamberger et al. (1996) using the Basic 8 MCMI subscales. Overall, expert raters were able to sort most profiles into the three clusters accurately. However, the expert raters had the most difficulty correctly sorting some of the “nonpathological” profiles, as 40% were placed into the antisocial cluster and (6%) were sorted into the negativistic-dependent cluster. There are a number of possible explanations for the lower accuracy in sorting the nonpathological cluster. Results suggest that psychologists with domestic violence training can accurately sort MCMI profiles of batterers into the main three subtypes derived from empirically-based typology research. Clinical implications for typology assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the utility of using the instrumental variables (IV) method to estimate batterer program efficacy, i.e., the program effect among batterers who complete batterer programs. This method takes account of possible confounding due to unmeasured traits of compliers and non-compliers. A structural model is used to estimate the impact of program completion on reassault using instrumental variables (IV) regression. Data on 640 batterers enrolled at three batterer programs are used. Results obtained from IV regression are compared with those obtained from a more traditional regression analysis. The results indicate that usual regression methods yield estimates of program effect that may be biased due to confounding by unmeasured batterer characteristics. Unfortunately, IV estimates may be unreliable due to failure of some of the assumptions on which they are based. If equations are adequately identified by the non-linear functional form used to estimate them, then IV results indicate that among a very select group of batterers, program completion significantly reduces the probability of reassault. The implications of confounding due to program non-compliance, program non-enrollment and attrition for future evaluations of batterer programs are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):297-316
Using domestic violence incidence and arrest data from Maryland (1991–1997), this research examines whether the proportion of incidents that result in arrest increased due to a legislative initiative implemented in 1994 and, if so, whether this change is uniform across different types of offenders (race and gender) and offense characteristics. Using interrupted time‐series analysis (ARIMA), we observe an increase in both the number of incidents reported to police and the percent of reported cases resulting in arrest. The legislative intervention has a significant positive impact on arrest likelihood above and beyond the increase over time for the state as a whole. While arrest probabilities increased across the board for males and females, African American and Whites, the ARIMA models do not suggest that the legislation differentially impacted arrest probabilities for these groups.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Criminology - Our goal is to understand the social dynamics affecting domestic and sexual violence in urban areas by investigating the role of connections between area...  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(4):119-144

Research suggests that survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are more at risk than the general population for substance abuse and/or mental health disorders (Kendler et al., 2000). Additionally, research suggests that survivors of both crimes are at risk to be “multiply diagnosed-have” a history of victimization, a mental health diagnosis, and abuse of alcohol and drugs (Steele & Rechberger, 2002). While advocates have called for a change in the treatment of trauma survivors to treat their multiple needs, the availability of collaborative care between victim advocates and behavioral health professionals remains questionable. Using survey data collected from victim advocates, mental health service providers, and substance abuse treatment providers, this study assesses the extent to which providers of different backgrounds agree on how to effectively and appropriately serve domestic violence and sexual assault survivors-the first step in achieving the goal of holistic care.  相似文献   

This study assessed the contribution of the men's stage of change to the prediction of attrition among men attending a batterer treatment program. As outlined by the transtheoretical model of change, men were classified into the precontemplation, contemplation, or action stage based on their level of change motivation and behavior. It was hypothesized that men in the precontemplation stage would dropout of treatment at higher rates than men in later stages of change. Participants were 308 men who enrolled in a batterer treatment program over the course of 1 year, 61.4% of whom dropped out of treatment. Counselor rated, but not self-rated stage of change significantly predicted treatment completion once traditionally used demographic, contextual, and personality variables were taken into account. Specifically, men identified by counselors as being in the precontemplation stage were 2.3 times as likely as men rated in the contemplation stage and 8.8 times as likely as men rated in the action stage to dropout of treatment. Referral source, age, and history of arrest also made significant contributions to the prediction of attrition. The best combination of predictors led to the successful classification of 72% of the cases, 98% of the dropouts but only 19% of the completers. Discussion focuses on the limitations of current findings and their implications for the use of the transtheoretical model to predict attrition from batterer treatment.  相似文献   

The mandate‐independence controversy still features prominently in studies of political representation even though the problems with its theoretical foundation and empirical operationalization have long been recognized. This article proposes an alternative typology of modes of representation. By combining type of control (ex ante or ex post) with direction of the interactions (bottom‐up or top‐down), our study captures the most important aspects of the relationship between voters and representatives. We demonstrate how the typology can be used in a survey instrument by comparing the attitudes toward representation of Dutch members of Parliament with the attitudes held by voters, and by relating the views of the members to their behavior.  相似文献   

Domestic violence cuts across all demographic groups. The factors related to why police officers arrest in some domestic violence situations but not others have been often studied. Little research, however, has been conducted on the arrest views of rural police officers. One hundred seventy line officers in six rural Midwestern counties were surveyed to determine the impact of officer personal characteristics and agency type on arrest decisions in various hypothetical domestic violence scenarios. First, the same situational factors appeared to be important in shaping the arrest decision in domestic violence calls of rural officers as have previously been found with urban officers. Second, the characteristics of officers and the type of agency had some impact on the likelihood of arrest, particularly if there was evidence of a physical assault. Third, the presence of evidence of a physical assault helped shape the arrest decisions of rural officers. Fourth, situational factors were more important than officer characteristics and the type of agency. Nancy Hogan and Shannon Barton contributed equally to the paper. The authors thank Janet Lambert for editing and proofreading the paper. The authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

In response to the lack of research on the effect of arrest in deterring domestic violence in minority communities, a qualitative exploratory study was conducted with Korean American social workers providing services to Korean domestic violence victims in the New York metropolitan area. The authors examined study participants' perceptions about their clients' experiences of arrests in domestic violence situations. Findings reveal major barriers for Korean victims that prevent them from utilizing help from the police. Main themes from the data show both negative and positive results from arrests. Participants perceived arrest as an ultimately necessary tool for deterring domestic violence in the Korean community in the U.S. Participants suggested some changes in the criminal justice system to better respond to immigrant victims of domestic violence. Practice and policy implications are discussed. This study was, in part, presented at the 23rd APPAM (Association for Public Analysis and Management) Annual Research Conference in Washington, D.C. on November 1, 2001.  相似文献   

Gender has been hypothesized to affect how violent offenders are treated within the criminal justice system, but studies have tended to ignore the role of the victim in decision making. This study explores the interactive effects of offender and victim sex (i.e., the sex dyad) on reporting and arrest of one-on-one assaultive crime. Using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey and National Incident-Based Reporting System, findings show that male-on-female offenses are reported to police more often than other dyads, but female-on-male offenses result in more arrests. Meanwhile, female-on-female offenses result in fewer arrests, despite nonsignificant differences in reporting. Implications of findings for theory and future research on gender discretion are discussed.  相似文献   

The vast majority of offenders released from prison will re-offend, about two-thirds will be re-arrested with three years, most current prison inmates have prior prison experience, and many repeat offenders are devoted to what has been termed a criminal lifestyle. Findings from a survey of over 700 incarcerated adult offenders explore the effect of different measures of past punishment on inmates’ perceptions of the certainty and severity of future sanctions, and self-reported likelihood of re-offending after release. Results are mixed, with measures of current imprisonment being associated with a deterrent effect, while measures of past imprisonment (juvenile and adult) and experience with alternative sanctions being associated with a criminogenic effect. Recognizing that the data are not longitudinal and contain no measures of actual re-offending, the implied positive punishment effect is explained by applying social learning dynamics and insights from ethnographic studies. Specifically, a) non-social reinforcers-particularly affective costs and benefits experienced through offending, b) association with criminal reference groups in and out of prison, and c) a lack of legitimate, reintegrative opportunities upon reentry all serve to promote re-offending. Findings have implications for the study of offender decision-making processes, and speak to the efficacy of imprisonment as a deterrent to crime.  相似文献   

逮捕是一种最为严厉的强制措施,正确理解和适用现行逮捕制度,对于打击犯罪,保证刑事诉讼的顺利进行具有重要作用。该制度在实践中存在许多问题与弊端,应构建控制犯罪与保障人权并重的新型逮捕制度。  相似文献   

This study explores the existence and predictive ability of a behavior-based typology of men who were adjudicated for a domestic violence crime in an urban criminal justice system. Data from 671 men who completed a 2-hour biopsychosocial assessment were analyzed using cluster analysis. Findings indicate a typology of low level criminality (25.6%), dysphoric volatile behavior (42.2%), and dysphoric general violence (32.2%) similar to previous typologies, but with some unique characteristics. The behavior-based typology predicted both program completion and subsequent rearrest. This study provides preliminary support for the development of typological assessment in criminal justice and BIP settings for early identification of men who may need additional interventions.  相似文献   

逮捕权是检察机关的一项重要权力,运用得恰当与否,既关系到打击犯罪的力度,又涉及犯罪嫌疑人的权利,必须慎之又慎。我们通过实证分析的方法,用数据解释了当前逮捕权运用中存在的逮捕率偏高、逮捕人员处轻刑比例偏高、外地人与本地人适用不平衡、未成年人逮捕比例偏高等问题,分析上述问题的深层次原因,并提出通过转变司法观念、完善捕后变更强制措施、利用社区矫正制度等相应方案,解决这些问题。  相似文献   

This paper reviews and critiques two prevailing program models for batterer intervention in order to highlight both their valuable achievements and attendant costs and consequences. We analyze these batterer intervention program models at 3 levels. First, we describe the historical development and basic program components of the intervention models. Second, we trace differences in the models to their grounding in different psychological assumptions and theories about behavior change, masculinity, and violence. Third, differences between the models are mapped onto contrasting approaches to the regulation of human deviance in the criminal justice and mental health systems. Based on this analysis, we conclude that further attention to structural and contextual factors, such as class, race, economic stress, and substance abuse in explanations of domestic violence is needed, together with alternative approaches to collaboration between victim advocates and batterer intervention providers.  相似文献   

我国实行逮捕的提请权、审批权和执行权相分离的制度 ,其中 ,审查批捕权是专属于检察机关的权力 ,是检察机关实现法律监督职能的重要内容和手段。检察机关恢复和重建二十余年来 ,经过不断的探索和实践 ,审查批捕工作积累了丰富的经验 ,并形成了一些相应的工作制度 ,对于保证严格执法 ,正确履行法律监督职能发挥了积极作用。但是 ,随着检察事业的发展和检察改革的整体推进 ,现行的审查批捕工作机制已不能完全适应形势发展的要求 ,需要改革和完善。一、价值取向审查批捕是一项法律和政策性都十分强的业务工作 ,具有时效性和准确性的特点。这一…  相似文献   

Preference discrepancy is the difference between partners’ ideal and real relationship, and is assumed to have a negative effect on the relationship. This study examines its effect on psychological and physical intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization, and hypothesizes this effect will be mediated through relationship satisfaction, communication quality and/or conflict resolution ability. A sample of 156 respondents participated in this study. Bias-corrected bootstrap analyses revealed indirect effects of preference discrepancy on psychological and physical violence victimization through conflict resolution. People with high preference discrepancy scores report lower conflict resolution abilities, and in turn, higher victimization rates. There was also a significant total effect of preference discrepancy on physical violence perpetration, suggesting high preference discrepancy increases the chance of using physical violence against one’s partner. Further investigation is thus recommended, to assess if preference discrepancy could function as an additional anchor in the prevention of IPV within couples.  相似文献   

逮捕功能的异化及其矫正--逮捕数量与逮捕率的理性解读   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国实行逮捕与羁押一体化,实践中极高的逮捕率导致羁押普遍化,超期羁押问题亦一直存在,对国家、社会和个人而言都有损害.逮捕措施的滥用源于逮捕功能被异化.改革逮捕制度,不仅要解决超期羁押问题,走出"前清后超"、"边清边超"的怪圈,更要着眼于落实"国家尊重和保障人权"的宪法条款,减少逮捕数量,降低批捕率.根本之道在于确立无罪推定原则,矫正异化了的逮捕功能,改进逮捕审查决定程序,完善逮捕的替代性措施.  相似文献   

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