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李桂瑶 《当代韩国》2013,(1):93-100
非物质文化遗产能否真正地得到保护和传承,与作为保护主体的政府部门以及作为传承主体的传承人对各自义务的履行态度和程度有着密切关系。本文以韩国的国家级非物质文化遗产——"韩山夏布织造"为例,分别从评审公正性以及经济利益侧重性的角度出发,对保护主体与传承主体中存在的、可能影响到非遗保护和传承的问题进行分析,尝试提出建立一个相对公正、透明的监督与审核机制来保障非遗的保护和传承。同时,希望韩国的非遗经验与教训能给中国非遗制度的完善提供一个良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

韩国扶持中小企业发展的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为使中小企业在新一轮的改革中增创新优势 ,本文对韩国扶持中小企业的经验加以总结 ,并提出今后我国发展中小企业应采取的扶持措施。  相似文献   

韩国文化认同和国家品牌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国政府在制定国家品牌形象战略的过程中,缺乏对国家品牌哲学和韩国文化美学的真诚反省。本文将探讨通过确立文化认同建立韩国国家品牌这一课题。为此,笔者将从三方面进行论述:第一,考察传统文化和国家认同的相互关系;第二,讨论关于对传统文化的再认识和将传统文化的哲学和美学符号化的方案;第三,讨论关于通过传统文化和韩流的融合提升国家品牌的方案。  相似文献   

日本国有铁路民营化改革的绩效与经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二战后,日本国有铁路公社在促进日本经济发展、改善国民生活水平、加速地区发展等方面发挥了重要作用。本文在分析日本国有铁路公社民营化改革的过程和绩效的基础上,总结了日本国铁改革中值得我国借鉴的几点经验,如以法律为基础、引入竞争机制、兼顾效率与公平等。  相似文献   

Abstract — Industrial policy is no longer what it used to be. In the industrialised world and in advanced developing countries alike, the focus has shifted from a top-down, statist approach that sought to create industries to a decentralised, networked approach whose aim is to shape competitive advantages and to create ‘systemic competitiveness.’ This reflects the fact that globalisation and localisation are parallel and mutually reinforcing processes: The firms which do better in a globalised market are rooted in well-developed networks of supporting firms and institutions. The analysis of the case of Santa Catarina, a state which had a strong industrial growth record in the 1970s and 1980s, shows that the relevant actors tend to be slow to move to this kind of pattern. State-level industrial policy mainly consists of participation in a ‘guerra fiscal’ geared to attracting external investment as well as, to a very limited extent, measures aimed at giving financial support to local firms. Yet there is no such thing as an explicit policy at the state level — to say nothing of the local level — designed to support firms by shaping locational advantages. This is due to limitations on the part both of the state and the private sector. As far as the state is concerned, a traditional clientelist and ad hoc style of policy making prevails. In the private sector the business associations (sindicatos and the Federation of Industries, local chambers of industry and commerce and their umbrella federation) are slowly adapting to the new conditions presented by an open economy and far more competitive pressure, though they have thus far lagged in putting more pressure on local and state government to support company-level efforts to increase competitiveness. Within this general picture, however, there are differences between industrial clusters. The most advanced of them, made up of world-class firms manufacturing ceramic tiles, may show the way by strengthening associations, shaping locational advantages, and articulating the demands of companies toward the state.  相似文献   

海洋在一国中具有重要的战略地位,而海岛作为海洋的主要组成部分,是海陆兼备的国土,蕴藏着巨大的自然资源、生态资源、经济价值和政治意义。日本是传统的岛国,依靠岛屿而生,因此非常重视海岛资源的开发和保护。从1970年颁布的《日本离岛振兴法》开始,海岛的管理就上升为日本国家法典。日本在海岛开发和保护方面的一些经验值得他国借鉴。  相似文献   

认同会对政治的认识与行为带来重要影响。但从国际关系视角对这一问题进行研究尚处于起步阶段。本文就构建东北亚共同体为背景,以韩中日三国为主轴,通过问卷调查的形式,对东北亚地区民族国家认同的强度和影响力,民族国家认同对地区认同的形成以及东北亚国家的对外认识的影响,超国家的接触对国家、地区认同及对外认识的影响等三个问题得出了结论。并认为,韩中日三国均表现出强烈的国家认同,并对地区共同体的形成产生不良影响;东北亚地区存在的否定相互认知,根源在于日本帝国主义的侵略战争。  相似文献   

The growth of non-standard work since the Asian financial crisis of 1997 has emerged as the central political concern in South Korea. Important legislative interventions, the Non-standard Employment Protection Acts, were introduced in 2007 to protect workers from insecurity and precarity. This article investigates the effects of the Acts on women workers by comparing the employment characteristics before and after the introduction of the law. The Acts reduced the proportion of non-standard employment to a certain degree, but employers continued discriminatory practices against women workers and aggressively took advantage of more precarious forms of non-standard work. Due to severe sex segregation in the dualistic labour market, more surreptitious forms of discrimination against women workers remained intact. The results of this study point to the fact that social protection for non-standard work and more egalitarian gender relations in the labour market require a new paradigm of social rights.  相似文献   

日本首都圈规划及中国区域规划对其的借鉴   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着我国城市化进程的加速,大都市圈的形成发展成为我国城市化过程中空间格局演化的必然,大都市圈规划因而成为新一轮区域规划的热点问题.本文概括了日本首都圈形成背景,介绍了首都圈规划的发展历程,总结了日本首都圈规划的特点,并提出了其对中国区域规划的指导意义.  相似文献   

‘Come, Make in India’, India’s Prime Minister has invited global firms to invest and manufacture in India and also to promote exports. As with this campaign, India has given a scope of promising growth to the companies which is also been seen to solve India’s multiple economic problems. Many countries have shown their interest to invest in India and one of them is South Korea. Now the question arises whether companies from South Korea in this competitive environment can mark their presence in India—a nation of cultural diversity, which can affect the initial start-ups, if ignored. Apart from the historical cultural ties, there are cross-cultural differences between South Korea and India. So, this paper aims to build up a study that brings together the parity and cross-cultural differences between South Korea and India. The paper opens with the discussion about the various historical, cultural and poetic relations to describe the scenario between the two countries, whereas for the analysis, a macro-meso-micro framework has been used to answer the research question. The three-level analysis helps this paper to see the overlooked influence of culture from a broader perspective. The results of the study reveal a list of cultural adaptations suited for South Korean start-ups to run businesses in India by avoiding the cultural threats and contribute to the existing literature. The study findings could be used by companies, marketers and practitioners to devise and re-vamp their strategies in India, and it will also serve as a cultural guide for them.  相似文献   

在区域经济一体化深度推进的同时,中国与东盟的国际文化合作也快速拓展。从国际文化交流、文化贸易及文化产业国际合作等三个层面与双边和多边两方面来分析,可将其发展历程分为1991—2000年的奠基与2001年以来的制度化合作两个时期。笔者通过研究发现,尽管双方文化合作呈加快势头,但主要文化产品贸易份额仍偏低,整体上处于初级阶段;在动因及效果方面呈现政府主导、经济推动、网状关联、空间集中等特点。鉴于人文合作对自由贸易区建设等经贸合作具有促进作用,同时区域经济一体化亦需要国际文化合作,国际合作进程中文化与经济呈一体化趋势,故中国—东盟区域文化合作应进一步增强。  相似文献   

竞争与合作:地区视角下的中印关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张贵洪 《当代亚太》2006,(12):12-18,51
本文主要从地区视角考察中国和印度在南亚、东南亚和中亚经济和安全方面的竞争与合作关系。中印作为两个崛起中的亚洲大国,其利益和影响正扩展到亚太各个次区域。由于历史和现实的因素,在可预见的将来,中印在南亚的竞争会多于合作;在东南亚,经济合作要大于竞争,但安全上的竞争要大于合作;在中亚,中印竞争或冲突的可能性较小,而合作的潜力和前景看好。在促进(次)地区的经济和安全方面,中印应承担更多的责任,在不断改善双边关系的同时,正确处理两国在亚太地区的利益和影响,深化合作,健康竞争。  相似文献   

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