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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article:
P lough M y O wn F urrow . By M artin G ilbert .
T he O mbudsman : C itizen's D efender . Edited by D onald C. R owat .
P ersonalities and P olicies . By D. C. W att .
V ansittart in O ffice . By I an C olvin .
A N ew L ook at B ritain's E conomic P olicy . By J uliet R hys -W illiams .
V ietnam . A D iplomatic T ragedy . By V ictor B ator .
V ietnam and the U nited S tates . By H ans J. M orgenthau .
U ndercurrents in A merican F oreign R elations . By M. S. V enkataramani .
A frican S ocialism . Edited by W illiam F riedland and C arl G. R osberg , Jr.
T he F oreign P olicy of A frican S tates . By D oudou T hiam .
W illiam P ember R eeves . By K eith S inclair .
M odern B ritish P olitics . By S amuel H. B eer .
P olitics in E ngland . By R ichard R ose .
O n J ustice in S ociety . By M orris G insberg .
E conomic 'M iracles '. Published for The Institute of economic Affairs.
T he S ocialist R egister 1965. Edited by R. M iliband and J. S aville .
M iddle E astern A ffairs : N umber F our . (St. Antony's Papers No. 17.) Edited by A lbert H ourani .
P olice and G overnment . By G eoffrey M arshall .
T otalitarian D ictatorship and A utocracy . By C arl J. F riedrich and Z bigniew K. B rzezinski .
T he B ritish P olitical F ringe . By G eorge T hayer .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(4):447-462
Book reviewed in this article:
"D ownhill A ll T he W ay ." By L eonard W oolf .
T he R oyal C ommission on L ocal G overnment : E vidence in B rief . Edited by L aurence W elsh .
L ocal and C entral G overnment P olice A dministration . By J. C onlin .
E nforcing the L aw . By R. M. J ackson .
T he G overnment of H ousing . By D. V. D onnison .
T he O rigins of M odern T own P lanning . By L eonardo B envolo . Translated by J udith L andry .
R ussia in R evolution : 1890–1918. By L ionel K ochan .
M arxism : 100 Y ears in the L ife of a D octrine . By B ertram D. W olfe .
M arxism in the M odern W orld . Edited by M ilorad M. D rachkovitch .
H istory of the I nternational : 1860–1914. By J ulius B raunthal .
E conomic P erformance under P ublic O wnership . By W illiam G. S hepherd .
F reedom and T he C ourt : C ivil R ights and L iberties in the U nited S tates . By H enry J. A braham .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(3):333-353
Book reviewed in this article:
M unicipal E ntertainment and the A rts in G reater L ondon . By S. K. R uck .
R uin and R esurgence 1939–1965. By R. C. M owat .
B ritish P olitics 1918–64. By L. J. M acfarlane .
S ince 1945: A spects of W orld H istory . Edited by J. L. H enderson .
P olitics in W est A frica . By W. A rthur L ewis .
H alifax : T he L ife of L ord H alifax . By T he E arl of B irkenhead .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . I ts O rigins and D evelopment U ntil 1929. By L. J. M acfarlane .
P ower and the S oviet é lite —"T he L etter of an O ld B olshevik " and other essays. By Boris Nicolaevsky. U npersoned : T he F all of N ikita S. K hrushchev . By Martin Page and David Burg.
M arxism in the M odern world . Edited by milorad M. drachovitch.
T he P olitics of B ureaucracy . By G ordon T ullock .
T hailand and the S truggle for S outheast A sia . By D onald E. N euchterlein .
S outh E ast A sia in T urmoil . By B rian C rozier .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(2):206-229
Book reviewed in this article: English History : 1914–1945. By A. J. P. Taylor . The Liddell Hart Memoirs . The Clydesiders . A Left Wing Struggle for Parliamentary Power . By Robert Keith Middlemas . Government and the Railways in Nineteenth -Century Britain . By Henry Parris . The Railways and the Nation . By A. J. Pearson . Dark Ghetto : Dilemmas of Social Power . By Kenneth B. Clark How Colour Prejudiced is Britain? By Clifford S. Hill . Crisis in the West . By Drew Middleton . NATO in Transition . By Timothy W. Stanley . NATO in Quest of Cohesion . edited by K. H. Cerny and H. W. Briefs . Detente : Cold War Strategies in Transition . Edited by Eleanor Lansing Dulles and Robert Dickson Crane . de Gaulle . By Alexander Werth . John F. Kennedy . Portrait of a President . By Hugh Sidey . Three Faces of Fascism . By Ernst Nolte . Translated by L. Vennewitz . Politics in the Congo : Decolonization and Independence . By Crawford Young . Castroism : Theory and Practice . By Theodore Draper . Obstacles to Change in Latin America . Edited by Claudio Veliz . French Electoral Systems and Elections Since 1789. By Peter Campbell . Viscount Bolingbroke . By Jeffrey Hart . The Works of Joseph de Maistre . By Jack Lively . Writers and Politics . By Conor Cruise O'Brien .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(2):252-268
Book reviewed in this article: The Enterprise Years : A Businessman in the Cabinet . BY David Young . Upwardly Mobile. by Norman tebbit . Ministers Decide : A Memoir of the Thatcher Years . By Norman Fowler . My Style of Government . By Nicholas Ridley . Right at the Centre . By Cecil Parkinson . Staying power . By Peter Walker . A Sparrow's flight . By Lord Hailsham . Kill the Messenger . By Bernard ingham . The View From No. II: Memoirs of a Tory Radical . By Nigel Lawson . Britons : Forging the Nation 1701–1837. By Linda Colley . Myths of the English . Edited by Roy Porter . Beaverbrook: a life . By Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie . Murdoch . By William Shawcross . Vers Une Nouvelle Europe ? Towards a New Europe ? Edited by Mario Telo .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(4):466-493
Book reviewed in this article:
H arold laski ; A L ife on the left . By I saac K ramnick and B arry S heerman , MP.
H arold laski ; A P olitical biography . By M ichael N ewman .
A C itizens'inquiry : T he O pshal R eport on N orthern I reland . Edited by A. P ollak .
P rivatization , P ublic O wnership and the R egulation of N atural M onopoly . By C hristopher F oster .
E thics in P ublic S ervice . Edited by R ichard A. C hapman .
P ost-liberalism : S tudies in P olitical T hought . By J ohn G ray .
D emocracy ; T he U nfinished J ourney , 508 bc to 1993 ad . Edited by J ohn D unn .
T he N ature of F ascism . By R oger G riffin .
E rnest B evin . By P eter W eiler .
T he P ower G ame : T he S truggle for C oal . By D avid P owell .
U nderstanding S cotland : T he S ociology of a S tateless N ation . By D avid McC rone .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1955,26(4):399-418
Book reviewed in this article:
C hina and the C old W ar . By M ichael L indsay .
N o F lies in C hina . By G. S. G ale .
C hina P hoenix . By P eter T ownsend .
O n E conomic T heory and S ocialism . Collected Papers by M aurice D obb , M.A.
T he A ustralian F ederal L abour P arty 1901-1951. By L. F. C risp .
A merica at M id -C entury . By A ndrea S iegfried .
L iberated F rance . By C atherine G avin .
M r . F rance . By D onald M c C ormick .
E conomics and A ction . By P ierre M endeas -F rance and G abriel A rdant .
A H istory of the S cottish M iners . By R. P age A rnot .
B ismarck : T he M an and the S tatesman . By A. J. P. T aylor .
T he H olstein M emoirs . Edited by N orman R ich and M. H. F isher .
T he P refects and P rovincial F rance . By B rian C hapman .
T he R oad to A bundance . By J acob R osin and M ax E astman .
P ersonalities and P owers . By S ir L ewis N amier .
S ir A nthony E den . By L ewis B road .
S ir A nthony E den . By A lan C ampbell J ohnson .
J ames M axton . By J ohn M c N air .
M y P olitical L ife . By L. S. A mery .
C onflict W ithout M alice An Autobiography. By E manuel S hinwell .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
L ocal G overnment in C risis . By W illiam A. R obson .
C entral D epartments and L ocal A uthorities . By J. A. G. g riffith .
D evelopment P lanning . By W. A rthur L ewis .
T he P rocess of P lanning . By A. H. H anson .
W inds of C hange , 1914–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
T he M iddle W ay . By H arold M acmillan .
N igerian G overnment and P olitics . By J. P. M ackintosh et al .
N igeria and E lective R epresentation 1923–1947. By T. N. T amuno .
T he P olice and the P ublic in N igeria . By C. O. O konkwo .
C hinese I ntellectuals and the W est . By Y. C. W ang .
A S tudy of the C hinese C ommunist M ovement . By S hanti S warup .
C hinese P olitical T hought –M ao T se-tung and L iu S hao-chi . By Y ung P ing C hen .
A Q uarter of M ankind . By D ick W ilson .
C ommunist C hina and W orld P olitics . By H arold C. H inton .
T he P olitical V ocation . Edited by paul tillett.
C ontemporary F rench P olitical T hought . By R oy P ierce .
G roundwork to E conomic P lanning . By J oan M itchell . Foreword by T he R t . H on . G eorge B rown .
R osa L uxemburg . By J. P. N ettl .
D israeli . By R obert B lake .
O rganisation and R evolution . By P. A. N oyes .  相似文献   


《The Political quarterly》1993,64(3):356-386
Book reviewed in this article:
C ommon G round on T errorism : S oviet -A merican C ooperation A gainst the P olitics of T error . E dited by J ohn M arks and I gor B eliaev .
T error . B y C onor G earty .
T errorism and M odern D rama . E dited by J ohn O rr and D ragan K laic .
T errorism in the 1990s. B y R ichard L atter .
T errorism R esearch and P ublic P olicy . E dited by C lark M c C auley .
V iolence , T errorism and J ustice . E dited by R. G. F rey and C hristopher W. M orris .
T he H ighest S takes : T he E conomic F oundation of the N ext S ecurity S ystem . B y W. S tandholtz , M. B orrus , J. Z ysman , J. S towsky , S. V ogel, and S. W eber .
N ationalism : F ive R oads to M odernity . By L iah G reenfeld .
M oney , P olitics and L aw . By K eith E wing .
I n the H ighest D egree O dious : D etention without T rial in W artime B ritain . By A. W. B rian S impson .
R ace and P ublic P olicy : A S tudy of L ocal P olitics and G overnment . B y S hamit S aggar .
G reen P olitical T heory . By R obert E. G oodin .
A treaty T oo F ar : a N ew P olicy for E urope . By M ichael S picer MP.
A S ingle M arket and B eyond . Edited by D ennis S wann .
T he EC and the U nited S tates . By P eter C offey .
M acroeconomic P olicy C oordination in E urope: the E rm and M onetary U nion . Edited by R ay B arrell and J ohn W hitley .
R eligion and M odernization : S ociologists and H istorians D ebate the S ecularization T hesis . Edited by S. B ruce .
R eligion : C ontemporary I ssues . Edited by B. W ilson .
I llusions of T riumph : A n A rab V iew of the G ulf W ar . By M ohamed H eikal .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1956,27(3):340-354
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S ervice : S ome H uman A spects . By F rank D unnill
B eatrice W ebb's D iaries , 1924–1932. Edited with an introduction by M argaret C ole .
I n T wo C hinas . By K. M. P anikkar .
C hina U nder C ommunism . By R ichard L. W alker .
T he P rospects for C ommunist C hina . Edited by W. W. R ostow .
A dministration of W ar P roduction . By J. D. S cott and R ichard H ughes
L abour P olicy in the USSR, 1917–28. By M argaret D ewar .
S ome P roblems of I ncentives and L abour P roductivity in S oviet I ndustry . By G. R. B arker .
H ow P eople V ote . By M ark B enney , A. P. G ray and R. H. P ear .
G ermany and the N orth A tlantic C ommunity . A Legal Survey. By M. E. B athurst and J. L. S impson .
N ew S tates and I nternational O rganizations . By B enjamin A kzin .
H igher L earning in B ritain . By G. F. K neller .
B ritish G overnment I nspection as a D ynamic P rocess . By J ohn S. H arris .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(4):453-472
Book reviewed in this article: The Member of Parliament and the Administration . By David Coombes . The Kerensky Memoirs —Russia and History's Turning Point . By Alexander Kerensky . Uganda : The Development of its Laws and Constitution . By H. F. Morris and James S. Read . The French Army in Politics 1945–1962. By John Steward Ambler . The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle . By David Schoenbrun . Japan 1931–45: Militarism , Fascism , Japanism ? By Ivan Morris . Democracy in Prewar Japan : Groundwork or Facade ? By George O. Totten . Intellectuals in Politics : John Stuart Mill and the Philosophic Radicals . By Joseph Hamburger . Speaking European (The Anglo-Continental Cleavage). By W. Horsfall Carter . Economic Advice and Presidential Leadership : The Council of Economic Advisers . By Edward S. Flash , Jr . Law and Social Change in Ghana . By William Burnett Harvey . The British Monopolies Commission . By C. K. Rowley . Leslie Mitchell : Lewis Grassic Gibbon . By Ian S. Munro . Foreword by Hugh Mac Diarmid . The Spanish Republic and the Civil War , 1931–1939. By Gabriel Jackson . Whatever Will Happen to the National Plan ? By Ralph Oppenheimer and Harold Lind .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1968,39(2):205-232
Book reviewed in this article:
A S urvey of S ome R ecent L iterature on T he L abour M ovement
T he T roubled G iant : B ritain A mong T he G reat P owers 1916–1939. By F. S. N orthedge .
P arliament and F oreign A ffairs . By P eter G. R ichards .
P enal R ights P reserved : T he S elect C ommittee on P arliamentary P rivilege G. M arshall .
T he P ower of P arliament . By R onald B utt .
L atin A merican D evelopments : R ecent L iterature  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(4):491-515
Book reviewed in this article:
G eorge O rwell . A L ife . By B ernard C rick .
B lood of S pain . T he E xperience of C ivil W ar 1936–1939. By R onald F raser .
T he B ackbench D iaries . By R ichard G rossman . Edited by J anet M organ .
T he R ise and F all of the P olitical P ress in B ritain , VOLUME 1: T he N ineteenth C entury . By S tephen K oss .
A narchism . A T heoretical A nalysis . By A lan R itter .
A D iscourse on P roperty . J ohn L ocke and his A dversaries . By J ames T ully .
T axation and S ocial P olicy . E dited by C edric S andford , C hris P ond and R obert W alker .
I nequality in B ritain : F reedom , W elfare and the state . By F rank F ield .
T he C auses of T he P resent I nflation . By A ndrew T ylecote .
T he R ealities B ehind D iplomacy : B ackground I nfluences on B ritish E xternal P olicy 1865–1980. By P aul K ennedy .
T he M eaning of C onservatism . By R oger S cruton .
B iological H usbandry : A S cientific A pproach to O rganic F arming . E dited by B. S tonehouse .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(2):200-223
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P olitical S ystem of C hile . By F ederico G. G il .
T he M exican P olitical S ystem . By L. V incent P adgett .
A cción D emocrática , E volution of a M odern P olitical P arty in V enezuela . By J ohn D. M artz .
T he A lliance for P rogress . By J. W arren N ystrom and N athan A. H averstock . [ D. van Nostrand Co .
A H istory of M odern B razil 1889–1964. By J osé M aria B ello . Translated from the Portuguese by J ames L. T aylor . With a new concluding chapter by R ollie E. P oppino .
T he P olitics of F inancial C ontrol . By G ordon R eid .
I nfluencing V oters . By richard rose.
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1966. By D. E. D utler and A nthony K ing .
H obbes's S cience of P olitics . By M. M. G oldsmith .
P olitical B ehaviour in I ndia . A C ase s tudy of the 1962 G eneral e lections . By V. M. S irsikar .
M inority P olitics in the P unjab . By B. R. N ayar .
S uccession in i ndia. A S tudy in D ecision -M aking . By M ichael B recher .
A tomic E nergy P olicy in F rance under the F ourth R epublic . By L awrence S cheinman .
P hilip S nowden . By C olin C ross .
T he A ccountability and A udit of G overnments . By E. L. N ormanton .
T he P aranoid S tyle in A merican P olitics . By R ichard H ofstader .
I ronies of H istory : E ssays on C ontemporary C ommunism . By I saac D eutscher .
M odern T rade U nion L aw . By C yril G runfeld .
T rades U nion L aw . By H. S amuels .
T he B lackcoated W orker . By D avid L ockwood .
W hite C ollar T rade U nions . Edited by A dolf S turmthal .
W orkers , U nions and the s tate . By G raham W ootton .
D e G aulle and the W orld : T he f oreign P olicy of the F ifth F rench R epublic . By W. W. K ulski .
C entral and L ocal G overnment . By R. E. C. j ewell .
T he L ife of the M ind in A merica . By P erry M iller .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(3):315-331
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A utobiography of B ertrand R ussell , 1872–1914.
T he M irror . A P olitical H istory . By M aurice E delman .
A ustralian P olicies and A ttitudes T owards C hina . By H enry S. A lbinski .
A ustralian N ational G overnment . By L. F. C risp .
A ustralian D emocrat . By B ruce M ansfield .
D ilemmas D own U nder . By A. J ames R ose .
T owards a P ax A fricana . By A li A. M azrui .
P arliament and A dministration : T he E stimates C ommittee 1945–1965. By N evil J ohnson .
M odern I nternational N egotiation . By A rthur L all .
D ivision and C ohesion in D emocracy —A S tudy in N orway . By H arry E ckstein .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1992,63(1):101-116
F or P arty or C ountry : N ationalism and the D ilemmas of P opular C onservatism in E dwardian E ngland . By F rans C oetzee .
L eopold M axse and the N ational R eview , 1893–1914: R ight -W ing P olitics and J ournalism in the E dwardian E ra . By J ohn A. H utcheson jnr .
P erestroika A nd S oviet N ational S ecurity . By M ichael M cc G wire .
S tate S ecurity , P rivacy and I nformation . By J ohn D. B axter .
A H ard P ounding : P olitics and E conomic C risis 1974–76. By E dmund D ell .
C ommunity and the E conomy –T he T heory of P ublic C ooperation . By J onathan B oswell .
J ohn D ewey and A merican D emocracy . By R obert W estbrook.
D avid A stor and T he O bserver . By R ichard C ockett .
B lasphemy , A ncient and M odern . By N icolas W alter .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1992,63(3):350-367
T he F uture of N orthern I reland . Edited by J ohn MCG arry and B rendan O'L eary .
I nterpreting N orthern I reland . By J ohn W hyte .
I nequality in N orthern I reland . By D avid S mith and G erald C hambers .
N orthern I reland since 1945. By S abine W ichert .
N orthern I reland : P olitics and the C onstitution . Edited by B rigid H adfield .
T he N orthern I reland Q uestion : M yth and R eality . Edited by P atrick J. R oche and B rian barton .
T he B ritish P ress & B roadcasting S ince 1945. By C olin S eymourure .
T he L anguage of the N ews M edia . By A llan B ell .
R egulating the M edia . By T homas G ibbons .
T he E nd of H istory and T he L ast M an . By F rancis F ukuyama .
T he L egitimation of P ower . By D avid B eetham .
T he W aning of H umaneness . By K onrad L orenz .
G reen P arty M embers: a P rofile . Green Politics Research Group Reports No.l. By W olfgang R udig , L ynn G. B ennie , M ark N. F ranklin .
A J ourney T hrough the R uins : T he L ast D ays of L ondon . By P atrick W right .  相似文献   


《The Political quarterly》1956,27(1):101-121
Books reviewed in this article.
T he A frican A wakening . By B asil D avidson .
B lack M oses , the S tory of M arcus G arvey .
E lections and E lectors . By J. F. S. R oss .
L e R egime P olitique B ritannique . By A ndre M athiot .
M oslems on the M arch . By F. W. F ernau .
B ritish P ost -W ar M igration . By J ulius I saac .
P eopling the B ritish C ommonwealth . By G. F. M c C leary .
C ulture and H uman F ertility . By F rank L orimer , with special contributions by Meyer Fortes, K. A. Busia, Audrey I. Richards, Priscilla Reining and Giorgio Mortara.
A merican C onstitutional L aw . By B ernard S chwartz .
T he "H igher L aw " B ackground of A merican C onstitutional L aw . By E dward S. C orwin .
I ndia : N ew P attern . By L ady H artog .
I ndia at a G lance . Edited by G. D. B inani and T. V. R ama R ao .
T he T heory of E conomic G rowth . By W. A rthur L ewis .
S oviet E ncounter . By R ear -A dmiral P eltier .
T rade U nions and T he L aw . By H oratio V ester and A nthony H. G ardner .
T he U nknown P rime M inister : T he L ife and T imes of A ndrew B onar law , 1858–1923. By R obert B lake .  相似文献   

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