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StoneCarvingsoftheHanDynasty,DuringtheHanDynasty(206B.C.A.D.220),Stonecaryingswereusedtodecorateancestraltemplesandtombs.ThecarvingswerefirstusedintheWesternHanDynasty(206B.C.A.D.25)andbecamewidelyusedduringtheEasternHanDynasty(25-220).Mostwerefoundinfoeeconomicallyand culturallydevelopedprovincesofShandong,Henan,JiangsuandSichuan.Thecarvingsdepicthistoricalfigures,legends,scenesofworkandsociallife.Characterizedbyroughtechniquesandvividyetsimplemodeling,theseworksnotonlyrecordvari…  相似文献   

ColumnsStamp1:MarchingTowardstheNewCenturyStamp2:IBuildtheBridgeThatLeadstoTaiwanStamp3:APalaceintheTreeStamp4:ProtecttheEarthStamp5:TransportationintheNewCenturyStamp6:CruisinginOuterSpaceStamp7:TheEarthHasBecomeYoungStamp8:WorldPeaceTHESEstampsarethesecondsetintheseries,CentennialRetrospect,initiatedin1999bytheStatePostalBureau.Inpreparationfortheissueofthisseries,thebureauhostedanationwidecompetitionforchildrentodesignstampsentitledProspectsfortheNewCentury,startinginJune…  相似文献   

In December 2002, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four special stamps featuring gibbons.There are nine species of gibbon, mainly distributed through Southeast Asia. China's Yunnan and Hainan provinces, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are home to four of these species. This 0.4-0.6-meter-tall primate's most distinguishing feature is its unusually long forelimbs. It lives in groups, in tropical rain forests and subtropi-  相似文献   

On June 12, 2001 the Chinese and Belgian Post Offices jointly issued a special set of two stamps on the theme of ceramics, comprising a picture of a painted pottery vase and afamille-rose pot.The painted salamander patterned pottery vase, over 5,on years old. is part of theGansu Provincial Museum collection .Its shape, color,and pattern are representative of Neolithic Age aesthetics. The famille-rose pot was produced in Jingdezhen in the QingDynasty and is an example of the zenith of Chi…  相似文献   

正Only three people raised their hands in the audience of around 40.I was shocked with this response,Having passed around a stamped envelope mailed to myself from someone in North America,my question was,"How many of you have ever received a personal letter,delivered by the post office?'A majority of the Chinese audience—  相似文献   

Chinaisthehomeof56ethnicgroups.InlieuofthePRC's50thanniversary,theStatePostalBureauissuedasetof56commemorativestampsentitled"TheUnityofEthnicGroups-Markingthe50thAnniversaryoftheFoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChina(1949-1999)Eachstamprepresentsoneofthe56ethnicgroups.AlongthreesidesofthestampsheetsarepicturesoftheGreatWallandtwodragons.ThestampsweredesignedbyZhouXiuqing,aprofessorattheCentralUniversityforNationalities,andherdaughterJinxian.ProfessorZhouisanaccomplishedpainter;man…  相似文献   

In July 2001 the State Postal Bureau issued a set of three special stamps picturing theHuangguoshu Waterfalls.Located on the Baishui River, Guizhou Province in southwest China, HuangguoshuWaterfalls are among the largest in China and in the world as well. They are 81 meterswide, and have a drop of 74 meters.Huangguoshu waterfalls are located on a typical karst terrain. Over the long period ofchanges in various river courses, the riverbed has gradually subsided, forming the cascadesthat n…  相似文献   

In September 2002, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four special stamps depicting Yandang Mountain scenery.Yandang (Chinese for "where wild geese frolic") Mountain in southeastern Zhejiang Province is famous for its splendid peaks, caves and waterfalls. Its summit, Baigangjian, is over 1,000 meters above sea level. According to traditional belief, there was once a pool here where wild geese would nest in autumn.There are over 380 scenic sites on the mountain, three of the most famous being Ling Peak, Ling Crag, and Dalongqiu Waterfall.  相似文献   

IN November 2002, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of five special stamps whose common theme is museum construction. The five museums pictured ?Tibet Museum, Shanghai Museum, Henan Museum. Shaanxi History Museum, and Tianjin Natural History Museum, are representatives of the 2,000 museums built in China since reform and opening up.  相似文献   

China has a vast territory, with a varied terrain and distinctive climatic conditions. Since the founding of new China, meteorological science has rapidly developed, to the benefit of the national economy and people's lives. The current scale of modernization and the technological and research level of Chinese meteorological field put China in the leading position among developing countries, and, in certain aspects, it is at a world advanced level. This set of special stamps is issued to mark…  相似文献   

Scarlet kafirlily (Clivia miniata) is a perennial plant. Its leaves are long, and flat, and are lus-trously green all year round. This plant is admired for its beautiful leaves and clusters of flowers atthe stem's apex. The plant originates in South Africa and was introduced into China in the mid-18thcentury. It is particularly popular in the northeast, and has been selected as the emblem flower ofChangchun City in Jinn Province. The blooms of this plant are yellow, red, pink and white.Wit…  相似文献   

Mount Wudang, also known as MountTaihe, is located in northwestern HubeiProvince. It is celebrated as the "firstcelestial mountain under heaven." Dottedamidst its magnificent peaks, encircled bywhite clouds, are numerous historic relicsand sites of interest. The mountain haslong been a Taoist "Mecca", where thoseversed in Taoist teachings and disciplineshave nurtured the profound philosophy ofTaoism and through it created the martial art of Wudang Boxing. In 1994, the MountWudang Scenic …  相似文献   

IN August 1982, the First Congress of the All-China Philatelic Federation convened in beijing, and the Chinese ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued a stamp sheetlet in commemoration. The stamp motif depicts an ancient courier galloping on horseback, while in the background wild geese fly in graceful formation. Wild geese are migratory birds, and every au- tumn they can be counted on to set off on their thousand-kilometer migration southward to warmer climes.  相似文献   

This set of four stamps portrays the tranquility and elegance of courtyard houses in Guangdong Province. Such houses are not very large, but display architectural diversity. with their open, pavilion-style sitting rooms, bedrooms built inside bungalows or towers, and corridors arranged in sequence. The architectural concept is to create a congenial environment, conducive to mental cultivation and a peaceful family life. Gardens. therefore, are an important feature of these houses.The designer…  相似文献   

The year 2001 is the Year of Xinsi in the Chinese calendar - the Year of theSnake. The She Postal Bureau has issued a set of two stamps commemorating theYear of Xinsi.The snake is famed as a miniature dragon in China, inspiring great awe andbeing a subject of worship for Chinese ancestors. The snake's tremendous supple-ness and agility has made it the symbol of flexibility and auspiciousness.The system of 12 symbolic animals, created 3,000 years ago by Chineseancients, is an easy method …  相似文献   

On August 26, 2001, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four stamps picturing the Datong River Diversion Project.The Datong River Diversion Project is a large-scale water conservancy project that traverses Qinghai and Gansu Provinces. It is 884.3 kilometers in length and diverts Datong river-water, originating in the Qilian Mountains in Qinghai Province, to the Qinwangchuan area north of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.This set illustrates four sections of the project, namely, the K…  相似文献   

随着印章制作自动化程度的提高及计算机排版系统的广泛应用,高仿真印章印文越来越多地出现在有关案件中.只有对印章制作原理和印章在应用过程中特征的变化做进一步的认识,提取高质量的样本进行比对检验,同时全面分析构成文件物证的各个要素及其他相关物证,才能作出准确、客观的鉴定结论.  相似文献   

IT was in 2007 that Didi Zhang decided that her sons - five-yearold Zhuoyang and three-year-old Zhuo’ai-should receive their basic education in China. Joseph, her French husband and the boys’ father, joined them in Beijing three months after Didi had settled in the capital.  相似文献   

<正>The revolution that ended the rule of the autocratic monarchy in China 100 years ago continues to inspire people to rejuvenate the nation The 1911 Revolution,also known as the Xinhai Revolution, is an important milestone in China’s history.  相似文献   

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