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The evidence on the impact of higher education on police use of force is mixed, perhaps because of the characteristics of different indicators or samples. This study compares the educational levels of officers who did and did not shoot their weapons, who shot following different types of citizen behavior, and who shot with and without justification over a seven-year period in the Kansas City, Missouri police department. Virtually no significant differences emerge, but the absence of differences even when controlling for assignment, age, and length of service may be due to the lack of older college graduates in the sample. Until more and older college graduates are available for study it is probably not possible to conclude what impact college, and different kinds of college education, have upon police use of deadly force.  相似文献   

Research in the area of deadly force by police has tended to focus upon or more of the following issues: (1) trends, (2) legal and/or policy implications, (3) the appropriateness of police usage, and (4) the apparent underreporting of police homicides. This paper examines police interventions relative to possible danger indicators in the working environment of police officers. It would appear for the period in question, 1964 to 1974, that police decreasingly used deadly force. A brief discussion concerning the possible reasons for this decline is provided.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact organizational stressors have on police performance. Evidence on police stress is mixed whether or not the nature of police work is inherently stressful. A growing body of research suggests police officers are no more stressed than other groups and police work is not especially stressful. Instead, organizational stressors may be a greater source of stress due to various structural arrangements, policies and practices. This cross-sectional study uses survey data (n = 461) from two large urban police departments in Michigan and New Jersey. Multiple regression predicts lower performance as perceived stressors increase and paired-sample t test reveals organizational stressors are significantly different from operational stressors. The results imply the need for structural changes in police organizations. Future research should examine police performance in smaller and mid-size police agencies as well as suburban and rural agencies and widen the participant pool to include superior officers and civilian personnel.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of 100 police officers in the Nigeria Police Force was conducted. Almost three‐fourths (72%) of the officers indicated that they felt they had been discriminated against based upon their tribal membership. Tribal influence was thus considered by these officers to be pervasive within the Nigeria Police Force. More specifically, tribal influence was thought to play an especially important role in hiring practices, post assignments, disciplinary actions, transfers, and promotions.  相似文献   

Suicide attempts can be described to include all actions taken by an individual to end their life as a result of acute desperation. In parallel with the changes in the make-up of human societies both globally and in this country in recent years, suicide attempts are receiving attention in ever increasing proportions. The current study is aimed at investigating the psycho-socio-cultural factors that contribute to the known cases of suicide attempts. The study included 116 cases admitted to the Emergency Internal Medicine and Surgery Units of the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine Hospital between 1 December 1998 and 31 May 1999. In only 47 cases, a 30-point questionnaire was used in several face-to-face interviews with the patients following the preparation of a clinical case study. In establishing the socio-demographic, socio-cultural and socio-economic attributes of each individual case, a range of contributing effective factors is questioned. Including the specific reasons for each suicide attempt, the emotional state of the individual prior to the suicide attempt, the type of suicide action chosen and reasons for this selection, immediate family structure, personal psychiatric antecedent, substance abuse. The results of our investigations are compared with the existing literature in a multi-faceted discussion.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):165-205

Police use of deadly force first became a major public issue in the 1960s, when many urban riots were precipitated immediately by police killings of citizens. Since that time scholars have studied deadly force extensively, police practitioners have made significant reforms in their policies and practices regarding deadly force, and the United States Supreme Court has voided a centuries-old legal principle that authorized police in about one-half the states to use deadly force to apprehend unarmed, nonviolent, fleeing felony suspects. This essay reviews and interprets these developments.  相似文献   

Conclusion Police administrators must take a proactive approach in preventing and defending vicarious liability lawsuits. Their ability to verify that adequate training and supervision has occurred is essential in this type of litigation. The proper use of performance evaluations is an excellent method of demonstrating that adequate training and supervision have occurred.  相似文献   

Do female police officers use force at the same rate as male police officers? This research examined the use of force by officers in a large, suburban police department during a seven-year period (1993-1999). Use of force reports completed by departmental policy for each use-of-force incident (n = 1,863) and data on arrests (n = 31,778) were examined. A rate of force, defined as the number of use-of-force incidents per one hundred arrests, was computed for male and female officers for each type of force used. A suspect-injury rate, defined as the number of suspects injured per one hundred arrests, also was computed.Force was used in only a small percentage (5.9 percent) of the arrests made. Injury to the suspect (not including the effects of OC spray) occurred in an even smaller percentage (1.6 percent) of arrests, and injury to the suspect resulting in treatment at a hospital (generally, emergency room treatment) occurred in a still smaller percentage (0.7 percent) of arrests.No statistically significant difference between female and male officers was found in the overall rate of force or in the rate of unarmed physical force. Female officers had a lower rate of weapon use when all types of weapons were considered together (p. < 0.05), but not when the different types of weapons were considered individually. Female officers also had a lower rate of any suspect injury (p. < 0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference in the rate of suspect injury resulting in treatment at a hospital. The differences found, even when statistically significant, were small in absolute terms.  相似文献   

Measuring the efficiency of local police force   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study proposed a methodology of analysis for estimating the efficiency with which the competences in matters of public and road safety are carried out. This proposal seeks to mitigate (i) the subjectivity in the selection of variables; (ii) the partiality inherent to the productivity indicators; and (iii) the generality of the analysis in previous studies. Applying the methodology proposed to the areas of public and road safety, individually and jointly, obtaining the main conclusions: the mean pure technical efficiency of the police force as a whole is 69.42, with eight towns (27.59%) showing efficient behaviour and, in the evaluation of the disparity between behaviour by activity and the overall result, the comparative shows a high degree of similarity between the ordering of the towns in the overall analysis and in public safety. This is not extendable to the road safety service, since they differ notably in the results obtained both with the area of public safety and with the overall action of the force.   相似文献   

Organizational explanations of police behavior differ in terms of the influence on street-level discretion attributed to the formal administrative apparatus. Rational and constrained rational models emphasize the influence of formal policies and structures, whereas the loosely coupled model emphasizes the informal structure and environment. This study examined the relevance of these models for explaining patrol officers' decisions to arrest in the drinking-driving situation in four police agencies. Analysis of officer questionnaire responses (N=71) to a drunk driver scenario showed that officers in the two larger, bureaucratized departments were much less likely to arrest than those in the smaller departments. Loose coupling of the administrative apparatus and officer discretion were pronounced in the large departments, but administrative priorities were closely coupled to officer discretion in the small agencies. Unable to employ elaborate bureaucratic forms due to size constraints, the small departments pursued DUI arrests to demonstrate their professional worth. The larger departments, operating with fewer resources relative to demand, were preoccupied with other issues and did not find a high DUI arrest rate particularly useful for sustaining community support. They were able to rely on institutional forms that signified commitment to DUI arrests without actually constraining officers to make them.  相似文献   

This paper highlights those organizational factors which the research literature indicates as having an impact upon an organization's likelihood to exhibit innovative behavior. Measures of technical progressiveness, characteristics of firms receptive to outside information, the effect of organizational size, internal structure and procedures, and other factors are investigated, as are policies which encourage innovation. It is concluded that most research offers little of value to one desiring to make agiven organization more innovative (such as through effective internal communication of technical information), but is of value to an outsider attempting to identifywhich organizations are likely to be receptive to new technology.  相似文献   

In September 2000, Amnesty International reported that nine transvestite sex workers were detained by police in Guayaquil, Ecuador on 5 July 2000 for over three weeks on charges of crimes against decency and violating "public morals." AI believes they were detained solely because of their identity as transvestites, and notes that these are not isolated cases.  相似文献   

This research examined the skills and abilities required of officers to effectively manage situations where the use of force may be required. The research also considered the nature of training required to facilitate the development of these skills/abilities. Seventy Western Australia Police officers participated in focus groups. Identified skills/abilities fell into seven categories: Aware, Assess, Approach, Act, Automatic, Appraise and Adapt. With regard to developing proficiency in these skills, officers emphasised the importance of relevant, applied and dynamic training, debriefing and the use of scenarios/role plays. The research highlights the need to change the scope of annual refresher training from the appropriate and effective application of force to the effective management of situations in which the use of force may be required, in their entirety. Findings also highlight the need to change the focus of training from performance and assessment to continued skill development (i.e. practice and learning).  相似文献   

The study of police use of deadly force is a complicated issue because of the scarcity of observed high-risk encounters in the field. The present research explores police shooting behavior in both life-threatening and non-life-threatening situations in a simulated environment. The results suggest that officers’ characteristics, such as race and gender, are not associated with officer shooting behavior. The one exception is that officers with less police experience show more restraint than veteran officers in responding to non-life threatening situations. Suspect demographics, such as race, gender, and age, show inconsistent relationships with officer shooting behavior. One consistent finding is that officers who show poor judgment, slow response, or poor marksmanship suffer a high casualty rate in reacting to life-threatening situations involving multiple suspects.  相似文献   

Although many police departments use Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams, surprisingly there is very little research on them. This study examined the use of force by SWAT and non-SWAT police officers. SWAT officers may be socialized to use force as a result of the dangerous situations they frequently encounter, and thus more likely to use force in non-SWAT situations. The results of this research note, however, indicated there was a statistical nonsignificant relationship between SWAT status and the use of force. Implications of the findings of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Literature often emphasizes the use of force as a distinctive feature of police work, while risky encounters and uncertainty are conditions under which such work is carried out daily. Conditions leading to the use of force by the police have been associated with the presence of menacing minorities, losing verbal control, the youth and lack of experience of officers, and critical physical proximity between officers and suspects. Additionally, defiance towards the police has often been linked to increased force used by the police. It is here proposed that uncertainty also fosters police officers’ dispositions to use force. In this study, four focus groups were conducted with officers from two Venezuelan municipal police departments in October 2003, presenting a hypothetical scenario progressing from contact with suspects towards an open confrontation involving a shooting. Officers perceived, through different phases of the scenario, an encounter of no easily predictable outcome with suspects, involving potential harm to the police and bystanders. A pattern seemed to appear among officers in which overcoming real or assumed resistance became the central issue. When physical confrontation with suspects became evident, self defence was the clearest justification for the use of force, though the use of force was also defended by officers without further elaboration on the requirements and conditions for effectively thwarting aggression. It appears that uncertainty about the outcome of a situation fosters both the disposition and the justification for using force.
Luis Gerardo GabaldónEmail:

Conclusion When we consider a variety of indicators concerning the disproportionate use of deadly force by police-the ratio of civilians killed to those wounded, the ratio of civilians killed to police killed, and the ratio of police killings to the total homicide rate-the statistics, both official and unofficial, for Jamaica, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro all point toward the conclusion that the police are summarily executing suspects in routine, non-partisan cases. Directed almost exclusively against anonymous, poor people, this abuse of deadly force appears as an extreme form of coercive social control. When the threat of social unrest seems high--because of increased social mobilization together with increased economic misery--the police may summarily execute a large number of suspects, providing that both elite and lower-class opinion tolerates the executions as legitimate. In all these locations, while opinion is split, the police violence is minimally acceptable; indeed, the prevalence of private vigilantism signals its acceptability with the mass of people.Nonetheless, because Jamaica, Argentina, and Brazil are liberal states, it is difficult to view police homicides as legitimate except under the rubric of crime control and under the rule of law. Accordingiy, virtually all police killings are justified to the public as acts of self-defense, typically in the context of shoot-outs. This justification appears to be essential for organizing public opinion even though, for at least some people at all socioeconomic levels, summary executions, like vigilantism, are considered the proper punishment for alleged crimes. Experience in other countries suggests that it is possible for the authorities to limit and even prevent police violence. This effort will not be made in Jamaica, Argentina, or Brazil, however, so long as police use of deadly force constitutes a means of social control acceptable to both elite and mass opinion.B.A. Yale University 1957; LL.B., Harvard University 1960. My thanks are due to Bell Chevigny, Russell Karp, and Lois Whitman; to Americas Watch for sponsoring human rights investigations in Brazil and Jamaica; to the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales in Buenos Aires, Argentina; to Paulo Sergio Pinheiro and to the Nucleo de Estudos da Violência in Sâo Paulo, Brazil; and to Frances Piven and Anne Buckborough for essential research assistance. Thanks to my colleagues from the Law and Society Colloquium at New York University and from the 1988 annual meeting of the Law and Society Association for helpful comments. I am grateful for the generous support of the Filomen D'Agostino and Max E. Greenberg Research Fund of New York University School of Law.  相似文献   

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