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西方对西藏的误读及其原因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于历史和现实原因,西方人对西藏和西藏文明有一种独特的“西藏情结”和“香格里拉情结”,这不仅对西方人的西藏观产生了很大影响,也是西方人误读西藏的重要原因。西方人的西藏观不仅为流亡藏人的“藏独”运动提供了理论基础和学理依据,也推动了“西藏问题”的国际化和西化。鉴此,有必要像美国学者赛义德批判和挑战西方的东方学那样,以批判意识和抗争意识分析和研究西方人的西藏观,澄清其对西藏的误读,从而廓清迷雾,匡正视听。  相似文献   

Will China's authoritarian leaders succeed in building a future by erasing the past? Can the ideology of “nationalist consumerism” obliterate memory altogether? Will the Olympic applause drown out the weak and exiled witnesses of the Tiananmen crackdown? In this section we listen to a key Tiananmen student leader two decades on as well as check in with today's young elites in Beijing. A political leader from the reformist regime in 1989 calls for justice from house arrest and a young Chinese novelist wonders what kind of identity is possible without memory.  相似文献   

随着宣传媒体的飞速发展,尤其是电视在世界上的普及,4年一度的国际体育盛事--奥林匹克运动会已经成为全世界关注的一大焦点.  相似文献   

俞邃 《当代世界》2008,(8):15-16
举世瞩目的世界体育盛会——第29届奥运会,即将于2008年8月8日开幕,奏响“和平、友谊、进步”的乐章。整个北京,整个中国,整个世界,沉浸在巨大的喜悦、密切的关注和热烈的期盼之中。  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,第二十九届夏季奥运会在北京拉开帷幕,这一举世瞩目的全人类体育盛会在中国举行,有着非同寻常的意义。来自世界各地的运动健将将在28个大项、302个小项的争夺中一决高下。北京奥运会,将一个更加开放、更加和谐的中国展现给世界,使源于西方文明的奥林匹克精神在东方得以更广泛地弘扬,必将永载人类文明史册。  相似文献   

体育外交在构建人类命运共同体的过程中发挥着重要作用,奥林匹克运动的宗旨和精神与人类命运共同体理念的内涵高度契合。习近平主席强调,成功举办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,不仅可以增强我们实现中华民族伟大复兴的信心,而且有利于展示我们国家和民族推动构建人类命运共同体的坚定信念及阳光、富强、开放的良好形象,增进各国人民对中国的了解和认识。作为举世瞩目的体育盛会,北京冬奥会和冬残奥会有助于增进世界对中国的了解,为传播中国文化和治理理念、展示国家形象提供了世界级平台,也将为推动构建人类命运共同体作出重要贡献。  相似文献   

薛琳 《当代世界》2008,(6):53-54
2008年4月28—29日,由中国民间组织国际交流促进会(简称中促会)和联合国经社理事会经社事务部NGO处联合主办的“可持续发展与绿色奥运”第三届联合国非政府组织非正式网络/亚太地区研讨会(以下简称研讨会)在北京举行。会议聚集了联合国官员、亚太及世界其他地区11个国家的非政府组织(NGO)代表,以及中国80多家民间组织代表近200人,全国人大常委会前副委员长成思危、中促会会长张志军、中国奥委会副主席屠铭德、北京市民问组织国际交流协会会长黄承祥等出席会议并致辞,联合国副秘书长沙祖康向会议发来视频贺辞。  相似文献   

马辉 《当代世界》2011,(6):61-62
2011年5月8日至17日,应澳大利亚、斐济及新西兰政府有关部门邀请,中共中央委员、西藏自治区党委书记张庆黎率中共代表团对上述三国进行了友好访问。西藏自治区党委常委、秘书长公保扎西陪同访问。  相似文献   

“宣传”是外来词,指一种传播行为,可以说是在国际传播中最早被讨论的一种功能和作用。然而从传播主体和传播客体双方关系看,宣传更强调行为主体的意志和行为,带有主方主导的色彩。在现代汉语中,“宣传”一词是褒义词,或是中性词,至少从推翻帝制的民主革命起就开始流行,有公布、描述、推广、沟通、说明、说服、解释等诸多含义。  相似文献   

西藏是中国的一部分,但西方国家有些人却在国际上频频炒作所谓“西藏问题”,与以达赖喇嘛为首的藏独势力相互勾结,煽动民族分裂情绪,对中国说三道四、施加压力。这已经成为中国在外交实践中需要应对的重要问题,为此,本刊专门采访了外交部外交政策咨询委员会委员,中国前驻法国、驻瑞士大使蔡方柏。  相似文献   

President Barack Obama has extended the hand of engagement to the Muslim and Arab world, while warning Israel against new settlements in occupied Palestine and hedging his bets with remote drone strikes against Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistan. The new CIA director, a military historian and the Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali assess his strategy.  相似文献   

It is argued that an understanding of the role and nature of the state and of processes of state collapse are vital for understanding Complex Political Emergencies for various practical reasons and for drawing general lessons from particular experiences: CPEs are often rooted in prior state collapse; humanitarian assistance may have to contend with a fractured, ineffective or nonexistent state; part of post-conflict recovery will involve reconstituting the state. Such lessons can only be generalised where there is some degree of shared context and experience. As a tool for facilitating comparisons of like with like and for understanding the inter-relatedness of several factors, a typology of situations is drawn up on the basis of the state and its dynamics and of the origins, forms and trajectory of the CPE and of interventions into it.  相似文献   

This article examines how the USA's growing ‘Holocaust consciousness’ has impacted on conservative interpretations of the transatlantic rift. Presenting the Holocaust as an antipode to US national identity has helped signal a moral divergence between the USA and Europe. The instrumentalisation of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism has allowed US conservatives to reframe norms of self-defence, victimisation, and liberation in justifying the invasion and occupation of Iraq. In the wake of Iraq claiming anti-Semitism as a ‘European disease’, and anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism as ‘twin brothers’, helps delegitimate European criticism of the war on terror. A new form of exceptionalism portrays the USA not only as the liberator of death camps and the protector of the Jewish people but, after 11 September, as a victim itself.  相似文献   

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