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This paper reports data on terms and conditions of share‐cropping contracts collected in 1975–6 from 334 randomly chosen villages in four states in India. Among other things, it suggests some evidence of higher crop share for the tenant positively associated with higher‐yielding varieties of grains and negatively with cost‐sharing by the landlord. Unpaid and obligatory service by the tenant for the landlord is quite uncommon; even less common is the phenomenon of a tenant being tied to a particular landlord. The landlord quite often gives production loans to the tenant, shares in costs of seeds, fertilizers, etc., participates in decision‐making about the use of these inputs and in general takes a lot of interest in productive investments on the tenant farm, quite contrary to the traditional image of rentier or usurious landlords associated with “semi‐feudalism”  相似文献   

A better option?     
Gorman C 《Time》2006,167(18):70

The idea of local governance has gained much prominence but can elected local government be sustained in a role as network coordinator alone? To investigate this question this article focuses attention on four societal roles that local government systems undertake. They can support political identity, underwrite economic development, facilitate social welfare provision or act as a lifestyle co‐ordinator through the practice of community governance. Tying our investigation to the embedded societal roles of local government in different systems opens up the opportunity for a global comparative perspective. It also supports an argument that a sustainable system of local government is likely to be one that is able to combine societal roles to a substantial degree and those systems left with community governance as their key societal function are particularly likely to find themselves pushed to the sidelines of governing arrangements.  相似文献   

灵感,转瞬即逝却能够带给人永恒的感动美度表的制表哲学是永恒设计和实用功能相结合而不是追随潮流。真正的设计比一时潮流时尚更经得起考验。美度旨在制造出一块拥有高品质的材料、精准的机芯并具有卓越防水性能可长时间拥有的手表。一块能成为你亲密朋友的手表,当你看着美度表时心情愉快,在你需要时,它会伴你左  相似文献   

墨海冰 《南风窗》2008,(11):60-61
高管辞职套现、弃A股而去,是牛市中的暗流,是暴露市场价值的最清楚的信号。从2005年6月到2007年10月的这波大牛市,掀起了一波前所未有的淘金热。疯狂的不仅是对这个市场尚且生疏的散户投资者,还包括那些分析师、基金管理者等极具专业知识背景的投资人。当投机的欲望把指数烧得火热,一个又一个高管悄悄套现走了,而且.走得是那么坚决,甚至不惜通过辞职来规避制度的制约实现落袋为安。当人们从狂热中警醒,"黄金十年"的神话瞬间肥皂泡般破灭。市场走出了惨烈的跌势,高管套现也撕裂了A股的牛市面具。  相似文献   

The willingness of some single-issue groups to use violence in the pursuit of their cause has received surprisingly little attention within the literature on terrorism. This article seeks to add to our understanding of this phenomenonnamely that of single-issue terrorismby focusing on the increasing tendency of groups within the British animal rights movement to utilize violent methods in order to achieve their objectives. The article will seek to further the argument that some single-issue groups have been willing to use violence in past campaigns, thereby highlighting the understudied nature of the phenomenon. This will be illustrated by examining the campaign of single-issue terrorism undertaken by the militant suffragettes in Britain in the 1910s.  相似文献   

前几年汽车市场超常规的井喷,让汽车厂商忙不迭地扩充产能。当汽车生产技术同质化严重、无法在同一级别车型中找出特别突出的技术优势,价格一度成为消费者选择车辆时的重要衡量标准,一场场价格战也随之而来,而当所有人都开始厌恶价格竞争的时候,又有一种观点,浮现在我们眼前——"汽车价值"  相似文献   

Market Power Europe (MPE) constitutes an important contribution to the literature on the global role and actorness of the EU. In order to develop MPE as a theory, this contribution provides an assessment of how Russia, the USA and China have converged towards three EU trade policies in 2013. The analysis finds that MPE fails to account for important dynamics related to externalization in the three cases. In order to improve MPE analytically, the article suggests that MPE should include three intervening variables to account for the EU’s ability to externalize its policies and act as MPE in practice.  相似文献   

正进入2016年以来,各种"造市"策略已经暗流涌动。在所有策略中,真正对市场走向有决定性影响的,非退市制度的落实莫属。4月11日,一张微博照片显示,艺人黄渤现身一家券商营业厅。"网友"爆料说,黄渤去开户了。"现场群众"劝他远离股市,但黄渤反驳:赵薇能赚,我不能赚?事后,黄渤在微博中否认了这件事,但用语模糊。"明星开户",事实无论真假,这则新闻本身无疑是A股新一轮"造市大潮"的一个截面。可以说,它是利益相关主体所使用的一种极端方式。进入2016年以来,各种"造市"策  相似文献   

牟致谦 《工会博览》2008,(14):55-55
继北京现代“悦动”、上海通用“凯越”推出新车型后,上海大众首款全新自主设计、扦发的量产车——朗逸(LAVIDA)近期推出了1.6升和2.0升排量的6款车型,售价从11.28万到14.98万元不等。  相似文献   

一旦极权这一最隐秘最凶残的"大规模杀伤性武器"被解 除,独裁者就即刻被打回了原形,露出其虚弱丑陋的本相。  相似文献   

缥缈 《南风窗》2008,(9):62-63
大量的投资者,对投资所知甚少,当他们进入股市,最终的结果,或是成为市场中被永远沉淀的成本——企业融资、券商佣金、印花税、基金管理费用计提,为这些他们尚且理解不了的高昂交易成本"埋单";或是永远离开股市,一去不再回头。  相似文献   

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