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After the period of hyperinflation (1989, 1990) the Argentine economy stabilized and most of public companies were privatized. The return on investments was concentrated on promoting the technological change which adopts two basic forms: systemic modernization and revamping of existing teams.

The first variant -ilustrated by the national telephone network- makes obsolete the knowledge accumulated during the period when the company was public. To confront the structural deficiency of knowledge and experience which result, the private operators invest massively in transfering educational technologies and in the development of costly and sofisticated internal systems of training, while they negotiate numerous and various agreements of cooperation with educational system institutions, public as well as private.

In the second variant - illustrated by a steel and metallurgic company - the preexisting knowledge continues being necessary even though it may need a vis-a-vis updating facing the new demands which are stated referring to the productivity, quality, effectiveness and productive efficiency in markets which are open to competition.

Taking into account the significant achievements which are being obtained by this second alternative of modernization - most of the privatized companies fall into this pattern- the article invites to a reopening of the old debate on technological blending.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the technological challenges arising from two broader challenges of the Mexican state: growth and equity. In order to face the first one, Mexico needs safer and more comprehensive property rights, especially given the changing array of goods characteristic of contemporary economies. Mexico also needs to take into account the new context of a global economy, subject to rapid changes and highly dependent on information flows. Securing property rights and growing within a global economy call for the technological modernization of the Mexican state. The second challenge, equity, also requires of such modernization: nowadays policy-making in areas such as education, health, etc. requires complex analytical capacities and extensive data bases. That is more the case when the Mexican state needs to act through incentives and market signals instead of through the traditional mechanisms of command and control.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon one particular aspect of new institutionalist thinking – that which analyses the scope for, and constraints upon, deliberate interventions in institutional change. New institutionalist insights are used to illuminate the challenges faced by the British Labour government in its programme for modernizing local government. The focus is upon two core concepts: robustness and revisability – a pairing which highlights the potential contradictions that exist within the new institutionalist approach to design. It is argued that New Labour struggled to achieve a balance between these key design criteria during its first term, with revisability increasingly sacrificed in favour of robustness. In its second term in office (since June 2001), Labour has sought to rebalance robustness and revisability, largely through the principle of 'earned autonomy'. In this context the values informing the institutional redesign of local government have become less clear and more contested, and there has been a progressive shift from commitment-based to control-based strategies for change.  相似文献   

Five accounts of New Labour's style of public management reform can be identified in the recent academic literature. Although each has merits, none is wholly convincing. After a discussion of their scope and limits, this article offers a distinctive account, grounded in wider social theory, which also synthesizes the most valuable elements in the five mainstream accounts. The article then uses the case of New Labour's reforms of the mental health system to support this account, showing how it exemplifies each of the 15 major strands of reform activity that have together been the hallmark of what in practice New Labour has meant by 'modernization'. This provides the basis for a critique of the limits and dangers of the New Labour style.  相似文献   

This article examines the process of change in Taiwan during the past forty years under rapid industrialization and economic growth. Distinctions among the three concepts of industrialization, economic growth, and modernization are outlined. Changes in Taiwan’s economy, demography, class structure, health care, education, welfare system, and political participation are discussed. Based on Taiwan’s experience, a model of interlocking relationships between macro and micro levels of change is presented.  相似文献   

印度号称世界上最大的民主国家,拥有11.5亿人口和数千个政党。问及印度任何一个政党负责人:最重要的事情是什么?对方必然回答:选举。若问:最重要的选举是什么?答案一定是:人民院大选。印度人民院相当于议会下院,是国家主要立法机构,主要职能包括制定法律和修改宪法、调控联邦政府收支、对联邦政府提出不信任案,  相似文献   

在当今社会,随着经济全球化和世界经济一体化的深入发展,国际货物贸易往来日渐频繁,随之而来的贸易摩擦与纠纷也层出不穷。而在国际货物买卖过程中,风险转移的划分直接涉及到买卖双方对于风险损失的承担。因此,国际货物贸易的风险转移问题一直是国际货物买卖双方的关注重点。文章旨在通过对国际货物买卖中的风险转移问题进行研究,简要分析风险转移的相关理论,以期对我国合同法中的风险转移问题提出建议,保证我方当事人在国际货物买卖中的合法权益,并保障我国对外贸易的健康发展。  相似文献   

数百万“网瘾少年”现象引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年8月28日,在十一届全国人大常委会第四次会议上,全国人大常委会副委员长、秘书长李建国代表全国人大常委会执法检查组作关于检查<未成年人保护法>实施情况的报告时披露了一个惊人的数字,那就是目前我国约有4000万未成年网民,其中"网瘾少年"占10%左右.  相似文献   

中国共产党百年奋斗实践构成一部党的建设科学化发展的历史。把科学化要求植入党的建设,事关马克思主义党建思想的中国化、事关党的建设的与时俱进、事关对马克思主义执政党建设规律的认识和把握、事关党的建设思想向实践的转化,意义十分重大。党的百年建设实践在科学化轨道发展,马克思主义政党的生命力随着党的建设科学化水平的不断提高而日益旺盛。坚持科学化的建设逻辑,驱动着中国共产党在加强自身建设的探索过程中收获了丰硕的理论成果。中国共产党百年建设实践科学化发展积淀的理论和实践成果是一笔宝贵财富,是党团结和带领中国人民在新长征路上砥砺奋进的巨大资源优势。  相似文献   

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