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Many developing countries would like to increase employment in the formal sectors. One way to accomplish this goal may be to encourage the entrance of foreign firms. We examine employment growth in Indonesian plants taken over by foreign owners from domestic ones. We also examine the effect of FDI during different trade regimes and the timing of employment effects following an acquisition. For plants that change the nationality of ownership, we find a strong effect of shifts from domestic to foreign ownership in raising the growth rate of employment, but no significant effects of shifts from foreign to domestic ownership.  相似文献   

余翔 《当代世界》2009,(12):72-73,77
近来一系列经济数据表明,欧元区经济开始进入“筑底”阶段,“自由落体”式的经济下跌已经结束,二次探底或W型走势可能性不大。在经历一个企稳阶段后,预计2010年中期欧元区经济会重拾增长步伐,经济季度增幅将反弹至正值区间。  相似文献   

Using parametric and non-parametric methods this article examines the evolution of poverty and inequality in Chile between 1990 and 1996. This period is interesting because of the rapid growth exhibited by the Chilean economy. Using the Datt-Ravallion decomposition economic growth accounts for over 85 per cent of poverty reduction. The evidence suggests that the sustained level of high inequality is not necessarily associated with a lower welfare level. By comparing the evolution of poverty and inequality over time, we observe a continuous decrease in poverty, while inequality remains stable. This pattern has left everyone (both poor and rich individuals) better off.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of agricultural liberalisation on different farming classes in the region of Telangana in South India. The region has been witnessing significant growth in real agricultural output over the last 15 years. At the same time, as NSS (National Sample Survey) household survey data indicate, there have been significant welfare declines not only for marginal farmers and landless labour, but for other groups as well. There have also been more than a thousand farmer suicides between 1998 and 2002. I argue in this article that during the liberalisation period, that is, post 1990, agricultural growth and increased distress have become mutually intertwined. I use the terms, growth-inducing distress and distress-inducing growth to explain this apparent paradox.  相似文献   

Using a political economy approach, this study examines the nature, dynamics, and causes of the expansion of the Liberian public sector. The findings show that the major causes for the expansion of the Liberian public sector did not fit those provided by the literature—citizens’ demands for new services, and other issues that emerge from state-building. Instead, the politico-economic interests of the Liberian ruling class (both the internal and external wings) are the major causes for the increase in the size of the government. These interests include serving the interests of corporate capitalism, and the private accumulation of wealth.  相似文献   

2021年是全球经济经历二战后最大幅度衰退后又快速复苏的一年。随着疫苗研发与接种人数增长以及各级防控加强,新冠肺炎疫情对世界经济的冲击呈减弱态势,各国尤其是主要经济体为应对疫情而推出的财政与货币政策也在不同程度上助推了经济复苏。疫情的不稳定和应对政策产生的一些副作用,再加上疫情前便已存在的各种问题和各主要经济体未来政策调整的方向与力度,共同构成了影响2022年世界经济走势的基本因素。  相似文献   

This article explores the ongoing negotiation over the boundaries between the world of political economy and families by analysing the reactions and responses of the Japanese government and feminists to changes in the political economy as well as popular patterns of family forming since the 1990s. This negotiation has occurred through the transition in the political economy brought about by globalisation and neo-liberal political reforms, and the re-calibration of family and gender roles has emerged as its primary ground. As a result, Japanese women are being required to make a hasty leap from the Fordist model of family life to a more self-steering idea of the individual. This ineluctably re-calibrates the bio-political arrangement into a more advanced mechanism, while discussion of the ‘ethics of care’ has been left relatively absent. Taking up these issues, this article discusses the implications of a changing political economy on Japanese families.  相似文献   

Chi Zhang 《欧亚研究》2017,69(8):1333-1334

21世纪的头十年,国际形势进入大发展大变革大调整的时期,中国在全球经济发展史上写下了浓墨重彩之笔。在这辉煌的十年里,中国在经济总量上先后赶超意大利、法国、英国和德国。2011年2月14日,日本公布的经济数据证实中国又超过日本,经济总量跃居世界第二,成为全球经济总量排行榜上的“榜眼”。  相似文献   

This paper revisits Harrison and Wood's (1999) account of health service organizational design in the UK to bring that account up to date. It also attempts to broaden it through an increased use of the political economy perspective it incorporated. As a consequence, the paper presents a number of alternative findings to Harrison and Wood, reconsidering their analysis of organization from 'blueprint' to 'design', and finding that Jessop's framework, utilizing the movement from the Keynesian Welfare National State toward the Schumpeterian Workfare Postnational Regime ( Jessop 1999 ), is more appropriate in explaining the reasons underpinning change in health services in the UK, and also in demonstrating their likely future direction.  相似文献   

Tummers and Knies (2016) have recently introduced a 21-item scale for the measurement of public leadership to the burgeoning field of leadership research in public administration. However, due to restrictions in survey length and response time, scholars often face practical difficulties when adopting measurement scales of such length. In many subfields of public administration, this results in a proliferation of ad hoc measures of unknown validity, which impedes scholarly progress. The goal of the present study is to develop a short form of the public leadership scale. We build on data from a two-wave study in the German public sector and follow a step-by-step scale reduction procedure. The result is a reliable and valid 11-item scale of public leadership for utilization in public administration research. Since a short scale allows researchers to include additional measures of other constructs, it facilitates the exploration of the nomological network of public leadership.  相似文献   

PAUL HARE 《欧亚研究》1999,51(1):101-122
THE IDEA FOR THIS ARTICLE came from a visit to Tomsk that took place in May 1997. The authors visited the State University of Tomsk, one of Russia's leading universities, with an enviable research record and very good library and computing facilities, and were fortunate enough to be able to interview senior staff of the university concerning their budgets and financial situation. Apparently the situation in Tomsk is not especially bad; indeed it may well be rather better than elsewhere in Russia. In order to have a little basis for comparison and to provide a second case study, we also investigated some aspects of the financial arrangements at the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. What we learned from these two cases-admittedly far from a representative sample-not only revealed a great deal about the current state of higher education reforms in Russia but also provided a snapshot of the state of Russian economic reforms in general. Hence although this article is partly about Tomsk and Moscow, it is also about these wider issues. In significant respects, Russia remains quite distant from a well-functioning market-type economy, and some of these respects are important for the higher education sector. In a very fundamental sense, one could identify the main source of Russian shortcomings in reforms as a general problem of the state.1 However, this is not the place for a general review of such a major topic. Instead, in this article we focus on a few aspects of Russia's reforms in so far as they affect higher education, namely (1) ownership, property rights and governance issues; (2) funding issues and the state budget; (3) the tax regime and (4) non-functioning of the market economy. In what follows, therefore, we proceed as follows. First we outline some general issues relevant for the reform of a system of higher education moving away from former, Soviet-type structures, focusing on the Russian situation; then we present the case studies of Tomsk and Moscow. The following section examines issues concerning higher education in particular and the reform process more generally, as highlighted in the two case studies and in the light of the above four issues. We end with a short concluding section.  相似文献   

The United States accuses China of subsidizing its entire export economy through artificially undervaluing its currency. China accuses the United States of fiscal profligacy while flooding the world with easy credit to keep its economy afloat. This dispute reflects the reality that the world's two largest economies are built on opposite dynamics of production and savings vs. consumerism and debt. In Europe, the wages of unsustainable debt that financed the welfare state have also come due. Rebalancing the global economy in this context is not only a matter of fixing exchange or interest rates and extending the retirement age. It must also involve a recalibration of democracy in both East and West. Two Nobel economists, the Greek prime minister, a ranking Chinese economist and the former chief economist of the IMF address these issues.  相似文献   

娜琳 《当代世界》2009,(12):78-80
近5年来,蒙古国的GDP年均增速约为9%。2008年蒙国民经济的基础即农牧业喜获丰收,其他各项经济指标亦均好。但是,席卷全球的金融危机并没有绕过这个内陆小国,使其照样遭受了严重的负面影响。面对金融危机和经济危机,蒙古国政府正在积极采取应对危机的各种措施,并寻求国际社会的广泛合作和援助,特别是仰赖与中国的合作。  相似文献   

作为世界经济第二大实体的欧盟,在经历了90年代中后期经济的短暂较快增长后,很快"变脸",一直愁云紧锁.自2001年以来,经济发展形势持续低迷,甚至濒于衰退的边缘.  相似文献   


Following the collapse of the socialist governments of Eastern Europe, the United States provided aid to assist those countries transition to a free market economy. A common model was to provide expert assistance for a defined period with the expectation that changes would be sustained after the project ended. In Romania U.S. aid included assistance to universities to revise curriculum and teaching pedagogy and to establish small business development centers. Ten years later only one small business development center still exists. The experience of the surviving center indicates that commitment to the continuance of the bureau is as important as the quality of service delivery in maintaining small business assistance programs.  相似文献   

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