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未成年人涉网现象较为普遍.值得重视的是,一些网吧经营管理混乱,客观上为部分青少年不良交友提供了机会和场所;部分学生认识能力和自我控制能力较弱,往往在上网后沉迷其中,难以自拔,因过度迷恋其中就会影响学业.社会各方应协同职能部门齐抓共管,就如何引导学生正确上网的现象进行研究,有利于全面了解当前青少年动态,对未成年人上网出现的问题及时治理.  相似文献   

In the context of Indian industry, this article argues that in the presence of capital market imperfections and sub‐optimal contractual arrangements, small firms face higher transaction or selling costs in the domestic market. One of the strategic responses by small firms towards overcoming the mobility barriers imposed by high transaction costs in the domestic market is to break into the competitive world market. Small firms that could realise a critical level of production efficiency and possible information externalities that arise through inter‐firm linkages might be the ones that could succeed in exports. The empirical observations derived from the analysis of firm level survey data provide reasonable support to the main arguments.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to tell the stories of female victims of human trafficking from Ethiopia. It discusses the causes of trafficking and how it affects the social and emotional well-being of women. The study is conducted using a constructivist framework and involves in-depth interviews with five returnees whose experiences as victims are explored. The goal is to provide insight into the challenges faced by the wider population. Emergent themes in the stories are discussed in line with relevant literature. The study shows lack of job opportunities, limited income, and false promises made by brokers as the major factors drawing women into human trafficking. The findings also show that even after return, the victims experience further difficulties as a result of post-traumatic psychological factors. Looking at the significance of the research outcomes, the gleaned information could be of value for organizations working on migration and countering human trafficking.  相似文献   

This research explores the differential impact of unanticipated and anticipated foreign capital flows on Mexico's economy for the period 1965–85. If unanticipated flows cause appreciation of the real exchange rate and do not affect domestic expenditure, one can assume that the country's foreign exchange constraint is not binding. Based on empirical evidence, this hypothesis can be rejected. The implication is that Mexico's problems probably do not stem from overborrowing. Anticipated capital flows do affect private spending, but a negative coefficient suggests that the private sector has borne the brunt of post‐crisis adjustment. The results show that the Mexican government has dominated the expenditure of foreign loans throughout the period.  相似文献   

This study deals with the relative performance of major exponential smoothing models (Simple exponential (SES), Holt's double parameter exponential (HTPES) and Winter's three parameter exponential (WTPES) used in forecasting exchange rates of emerging countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) measures by analyzing subjects’ judgments of economy, efficiency and effectiveness of road maintenance. Subjects made performance judgments using SEA data and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report data in a three treatment between-subjects design. Generally, the results support the hypothesis that SEA data provide incremental information to decision makers and support including SEA measures with traditional financial data in at least some reports to constituents.  相似文献   

Using data from the 14 major states of India, we investigate whether state governments' fiscal policy choices are tempered by political considerations. Our principal findings are twofold. First, we show that certain fiscal policies experience electoral cycles: state governments raise less commodity tax revenue, spend less on the current account, and incur larger capital account developmental expenditures in election years than in all other years. Second, we show that coalition state governments raise less own non-tax revenues and spend less on the current account than state governments that are more cohesive in composition. In sum, the dispersion of political power affects government size.  相似文献   

The impact of fiscal decentralisation on LDC economic growth and development is widely debated in the development literature. Notwithstanding this, there has been little attempt to test systematically this relationship. Accordingly, in this note we present an empirical examination of the relationship between the level of fiscal decentralisation and economic growth rates across a sample of twenty‐three LDCsfrom 1974 to 1991. We fail to find, however, any strong, systematic relationship between the two among our sample of LDCs.  相似文献   

Following a brief introduction the second section of this paper analyzes Brazil's policy of import‐substituting industrialization (ISI), as it relates to a number of variables suggested by economic theory. The third part investigates the inter‐industry structure of Brazil's protection as it relates to the country's comparative advantage in manufactured goods. Finally, the concluding section takes up certain policy implications suggested by the previous analysis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of foreign ownership on export performance by the largest corporate firms in India, to analyse whether the ‘monopolistic advantages’ of multinationals survive in its highly restrictive and regulated environment. After controlling for industrial characteristics and export incentives, foreign ownership has a positive impact on export performance. The statistical significance of the result is not very strong, but the finding counters earlier works based on simple comparisons of exports at the firm level. The analysis also sheds light on other influences of policy significance on export performance.  相似文献   

The present fixed‐rate levy on major rural exports exerts a highly regressive and burdensome impact on marginal estates and smallholders at low external prices. In an export boom, however, it fails significantly to compress substantial plantation windfall profits and abnormally high village incomes. Thus the duty tends to destabilise producers' earnings over the export cycle. These undesirable effects can be considerably reduced under the proposed export tax schedules, with a cut‐off point to eliminate fiscal absorption at lower prices. However, the built‐in graduated rate structures will enable the government to mobilise greater excess agricultural resources during a price upswing. This serves not only to compensate for the tax losses through Marketing Boards' accumulations, but also to provide government revenue for rural improvement and development purposes.  相似文献   

浅谈未成年人犯罪案件侦查的全面调查原则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对未成年犯罪人的全面调查符合未成年人犯罪的特点,是教育、感化、挽救失足未成年人的必然要求。全面调查主要应在侦查阶段由公安机关进行。公安机关在侦查中对未成年犯罪嫌疑人的全面调查包括对案件事实的调查、社会调查和生理调查以及心理测试三部分。  相似文献   

This paper looks behind the hypothesis that materials‐saving technical change has played a significant role in the relative decline of world trade in materials. Data from the US Census of Manufactures are employed to calculate changes by industry of the ratio of materials inputs to output from 1948 to 1963. These ratios were observed to decline, but it was not possible to reject the hypothesis that the declines from 1948 to 1954 were the result of substitution against an input whose relative price was rising. But at least a part of the decline from 1954 to 1963 was the result of materials‐saving technical change.  相似文献   

As financial crises followed capital account opening in the 1990s the hard peg of a currency board regime was seen as the remaining ‘polar’ alternative to flexible exchange rates. With the Argentine peso devaluation of early 2002 suggesting that the fundamental requirement may be peg abandonment through either floating or ‘dollarisation’, the issue as it confronts highly open LDSs reliant on a narrow export base of primary commodities has been substantially neglected. Under pressure to increase financial openness, and with exchange rate variability posing a threat to their price level stability, the study asks whether pegging could remain an effective choice for such economies. Saudi Arabia has combined extreme commodity dependence with financial openness under a rigid peg and her experience is examined for the wider lessons it may contain. While sensitive to fluctuating confidence in the exchange rate evidence on demand for the Riyal suggests that, with appropriate policy support, currency pegs remain appropriate for commodity-dependent economies.  相似文献   

Joining a society of some kind requires the fulfillment of certain standards. In international society, states acknowledge the need for certain collective standards of international conduct if international order is to be maintained. The first truly global application of international norms took place during the nineteenth century through the process of the expansion of the European society of states and its gradual transformation to the contemporary global international society. In this process, the standard of ‘civilization’ played an essential role in determining which states would join the expanding European society and which ones would not. Despite the major changes that have occurred, the standard of ‘civilization’ has remained an international practice as well as a benchmark against which the attitudes and policies of states are assessed. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the EU policy of ‘membership conditionality’. Although many explanations for EU expansion have been put forward rather absent from debate has been the civilization dimension which is embedded in membership conditionality and which should be given more emphasis.  相似文献   

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