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通过在理论上和立法上区分意思能力与行为能力,既可简化对行为人意思能力的认定,又可在某些特定情形中保护行为人的个人利益。意思能力在青少年保护方面的作用体现在:未成年人的财产法律行为通常是无效的或者可撤销的,但是,当出现认定有关行为有效可以更好地保护未成年人利益的情形进,法官可以通过确认行为人在行为时具备相应的意思能力,进而认定有关行为有效。依我国现行法,未成年人不能作出遗嘱和遗赠。但考虑到未成年人的真实意思具有一定的合理性,法官司可以通过确认未成年人在表示有关意愿时具备相应的意思能力,从而认定其意思表示属于有效的遗嘱或遗赠。《收养法》实际上承认了十周岁以上的未成年人具有作出收养法律行为的行为能力,但有关规定仍须进一步完善。  相似文献   

姜跃春 《国际展望》2012,(1):26-33,47,115
"跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定"作为美国重返亚太地区的重要战略之一近年得到国际社会广泛关注。日本作为东亚区域合作的重要国家在东亚区域合作政策上采取何种立场在很大程度上反映出日本大国外交的趋向。野田新内阁已经明确表示参加TPP谈判。日本热切参加TPP谈判的主要意图是重振日本经济,在地区问题上纠偏中美关系,制约中国在地区合作进程中的影响。参加谈判可能给日本国内政治带来分裂,也将对东亚地区合作进程带来影响。  相似文献   

Les présidentielles de 2019 au Sénégal, pays considéré comme la vitrine de la démocratie en Afrique notamment pour ses alternances politiques pacifiques, semblent susceptibles de modifier cette perception. La transhumance politique, élevée au rang de religion au mépris de la moralité, pourrait aujourd’hui en menacer la stabilité. Les réseaux sociaux dominés par de jeunes militants engagés dans la société civile développent un plaidoyer auprès de l’électorat local centré sur la bonne gouvernance et la démocratie. Antisystèmes, ils proposent une rupture avec un système politique qu’ils qualifient de néocolonial, une justice accusée de partialité et un Conseil constitutionnel qui serait dévoué au gouvernement. Après avoir présenté les conditions de l’élection présidentielle de 2019, analysé les éléments en présence et leur évolution, nous présenterons le nouveau paradigme que représente cette nouvelle génération connectée et globalisée qui réactive sans complexes les théories de Frantz Fanon et de Sankara.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify and understand the important factors that influence citizens’ behavioral intention to take up e-government services. We adopted a research model empirically tested in the United States. The model integrates three established constructs—the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), trust, and computer self-efficacy. We conducted the research in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a leader in e-government development in the Arab world. Our findings are mostly different from the U.S. study and suggest that behavioral intention may be influenced by citizens’ cultural context. This study contributes to a better understanding of citizens’ behavioral intention and adoption factors in e-government, in particular from a cultural perspective. The findings may help governments formulate effective strategies to improve the level of citizens’ uptake of e-government services. This study paves the way for further research on an e-government adoption model that is robust across cultures.  相似文献   

毛泽东的社会主义观强化了社会主义思想史上偏重制度规定、轻视价值目标的倾向,终至造成严重的制度崇拜.从邓小平的社会主义本质论,到"三个代表"重要思想,再到科学发展观与和谐社会理念的提出,是改革开放以来中国特色社会主义发展的三次重大飞跃.从制度和价值的统一中认识社会主义,以并存竞争思维而不是以对立斗争思维把握社会主义与资本主义的本质区别,把知识有限的理念作为认识论的基础,注重吸收借鉴世界各国特别是西方发达国家的一些成功经验和做法,是30年来新社会主义观的探索历程带给我们的重要启示.  相似文献   

The influence of ??ethnic politics?? has been demonstrated in a range of empirical studies of economic growth, violence, and public goods provision. While others have raised concerns about the measurement of ethnic variables in these works, we seek to situate such discussions within a more thoroughgoing conceptual analysis. Specifically, we argue that four conceptual approaches??demographic, cognitive, behavioral, and institutional??have been used to develop theories in which the mechanism that relates causes to outcomes is ethnic political competition. Within this literature, we believe that institutional approaches have been relatively under-appreciated, and we attempt to address that imbalance. We begin by critically reviewing the three main ways in which ethnic variables have been specified and operationalized, delineating the assumptions and trade-offs underlying their use. Next, we describe an institutional approach to the study of ethnic politics, which focuses on the rules and procedures for differentiating ethnic categories. We propose some new indices based on this latter approach that might be developed and used in future research. Subsequently, we analyze the relationship between each of these approaches and patterns of ethnic political competition in a set of six country cases, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, as well as theoretical links between them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the indirect effect of transformational leadership practices on turnover intention of government employees through affective and normative commitment to the organization. A total of 201 respondents were surveyed from the state and local governments in the east region of a mid-Atlantic state in the United States. The results from bootstrapping mediation analysis supported that transformational leadership fosters employees’ affective and normative commitment, which in turn lowers their turnover intention. Furthermore, the strength of the indirect effect of transformational leadership on turnover intention tends to be greater for baby boomers than other generations.  相似文献   


The new concept of social responsibility is strongly linked to the idea of the social enterprise as a living system, that is, a system capable of regenerating itself by producing “knowledge” and “trust” resources. Nevertheless, these resources can only spring from a tight relationship with the reference environment in which the enterprise operates. This paper aims at making some first considerations on the relationship between social responsibility and the environment, and upon how the environment may develop in symbiosis with the “living company.”  相似文献   

‘Responsibility to protect’ (R2P) is an ‘emerging norm’ of international relations, which has been invoked with the intervention in Libya in 2011. Even though this intervention was demanded by several Third World countries and organisations, these have subsequently had second thoughts about the matter and have come to regard R2P as Western neo-imperialism. This article seeks to explain this apparent paradox, with a special focus on India. It also identifies possible compromises by advocating a broader approach to R2P, stressing the responsibility to prevent and to rebuild. It also draws attention to ‘R2P lite’, including the protection of civilians in armed conflicts.  相似文献   

“没有救济的权利就不是权利。”[1]当然,维护权利的方法很多,其中,司法保障作为权利救济的最后一道防线,是维护权利最基本和最重要的方式。这不仅是中外学者的共识,也被有关的国际人权条约如《世界人权宣言》、《公民及政治权利国际公约》所强调。更重要的是,各国历史经验证明  相似文献   

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