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Relationships between foundations and the government in the United States have long been difficult with government attitudes ranging from hostile to at best indifferent in the past. American foundations have long claimed innovation as a distinctive function to perform in society in order to preserve their legitimacy. One hundred years after the rise of the large-scale American philanthropic foundation, however, the relationships between foundations and government have come into flux. Between demands from fiscally-strapped local governments and a new openness of state and federal governments to develop collaborative relationships, a variety of public-philanthropic partnerships have emerged that question the traditional roles and distribution of labor between philanthropy and the state. This article traces the historical development of the government/foundation relationship and discusses its changing nature using recession-induced ad hoc partnerships, the emergence of foundation liaison offices, and the Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund and Investing in Innovation program as examples.  相似文献   

The article indicates that policy transfer has played an important role in the development of policy and legislation in Australia. Indeed, much of what is regarded as Australian policy is borrowed, usually in small part, but sometimes in its entirety, from elsewhere. One of the implications of this view is that Australian policy making processes are often, at least in part, dynamic, policy processes that draw upon a number of sources, both domestic and international. The focus of this article is upon the sources of transfer in the Australian context, both domestic and international, and how the sources drawn upon by Australian state and federal governments have changed over time. The article also indicates that on the evidence available the Australian experience with transfer can be divided into a number of phases. The first, from European colonisation to approximately the middle of the nineteenth century, the second from roughly the middle of the nineteenth century to federation at the beginning of the twentieth century, the third from the establishment of the Australian federation in 1901, to the Second World War, and the fourth phase, from the Second World War to the present.  相似文献   

The literature on marriage norms and aspirations across societies largely sees the institution as static – a tool for the assertion of masculinities and subordination of women. The changing meanings of marriage and conjugality in the contemporary context of globalisation have received scant attention. Based on research in rural Bangladesh, this article questions the usefulness of notions of autonomy and dependence in understanding conjugal relations and expectations in a context of widespread migration for extended periods, especially to overseas destinations, where mutuality is crucial for social reproduction, though in clearly gender-demarcated domains.  相似文献   

Cet article a pour objectif d'examiner le rôle des arguments identitaires de type ethnique dans la mise en place de la démocratie consociative, à partir du cas mauricien. Les théories de la consociation présentent généralement la surenchère identitaire comme une dérive des systèmes consociatifs. Mais nous verrons qu'à l'île Maurice, où la consociation a permis la transition politique de la société plurale vers l'indépendance (1947–1968), l'argument d'un “péril hindou”, agité par les opposants à l'indépendance, a constitué, malgré son caractère stigmatisant, un mécanisme à part entière, voire même un régulateur du fonctionnement de la démocratie mauricienne.  相似文献   

Anwar Ibrahim is former deputy prime minister of Malaysia, now on trial for sedition and sodomy. This article appeared on Anwar's web site and in The Asian Wall Street Journal at the time of the APEC meeting in Kaula Lumpur in mid-November.  相似文献   

时代主题转换与党的对外工作转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖枫 《当代世界》2008,(12):26-28
改革开放30年来,中国共产党的对外工作发生了历.史性的转折和变化。概括起来,就是过去那种从无产阶级“世界革命”的传统战略出发、以“支援世界革命”为己任的“党的对外工作”,在“和平与发展”取代“战争与革命”成为时代主题的新历史条件下,转变发展为“新时期党的对外工作”了,即以党的创新理论为总指导思想、以国家利益为最高准则、以服务于国家总体外交为直接目标、以为国内社会主义建设争取和平有利的国际环境为长期战略任务的“中国特色政党外交”了。  相似文献   

Given advances in digital cartography, mapmaking is straightforward, affordable, accurate and easy to scale. In the absence of reliable contemporary maps of pre-colonial sub-Saharan West Africa, scholars have been compiling paper-based illustrations of the continent for different regions, periods and purposes. In consequence, there is a large collection of maps thematically, spatially and temporally fragmented throughout the historiography of Africa and the African Diaspora. As a means of addressing this crucial problem, this article surveys hundreds of primary and secondary source maps related to the Bight of Benin hinterland in order to examine the inconsistencies of historical maps of pre-colonial Africa. This theoretical and methodological discussion about historical mapmaking is the first step to defragmenting key secondary source maps and improving upon our historical understanding about Africa's internal geography. Part of the solution is a remake of the political map of the Bight of Benin hinterland in c. 1780.  相似文献   

A New System of Slavery: The Export of Indian Labour Overseas, 1830–1920. By Hugh Tinker for the Institute of Race Relations, London, New York, Bombay: Oxford University Press. 1974. Pp. xvi + 432, maps, diagrams and illustrations. £5.75.

Modernization in South‐East Asia. Edited by Hans‐Dieter Evers. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. Pp. xix + 249. £7–25.

Protest Movements in Rural Java. By Sartono Kartodirdjo. London, New York, Singapore, etc.: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. xv + 229, maps, price not indicated.

Economic Prospects of Bangladesh. By Austin Robinson. London: Overseas Development Institute Ltd., 1973. Pp. vii + 59: £1.50.

Disaster in Bangladesh: Health Crises in a Developing Nation. Edited by Lincoln C. Chen. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. xxviii + 290, figures, tables, glossary, index; £4.25 (cloth); £2.70 (paper).

Socialisms and Development. By Rene Dumont with Marcel Mazoyer. London, Andre Deutsch, 1973. Pp. 352. £3.50.

Economic Growth and Development in West Malaysia, 1947–1970. By David Lim. London: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. xvi + 346. £9.95.

Land and Family in Pisticci. By J. Davis. London: The Athlone Press, and New York: Humanities Press, 1973. Pp. x + 200, maps, diagrams. £3–50.

The Green Revolution in West Pakistan: Implications of Technological Change. By Leslie Nulty. New York: Praeger and London: Pall Mall, 1972. Pp. xxi + 150. £5.25.

Taxing a Peasant Society: The Example of Graduated Taxes in East Africa. By Kenneth Davey. London: Charles Knight and Co. Ltd., 1974. Pp. 226. £2.50.

Regional Development Banks: The Asian, African and Inter‐American Development Banks. By John White. New York: Praeger and London: Pall Mall, 1972. Pp. vii + 204. £5.25.

Human Fertility in India: social components and policy perspectives, by David G. Mandelbaum. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1974. Pp. ix + 132. $6.00 and £3.00.  相似文献   

Using data obtained from a series of nation-wide market surveys in Uganda, this article attempts to document and assess the domestic rice market at all stages in the post-harvest marketing chain from the farm gate to metropolitan area retail outlets. The criteria used are quantities marketed, prices, marketing margins, marketing costs and net returns to traders. The results show that the regional rice markets are integrated into the national market and that on average little surplus is left for rice traders at all market stages if marketing costs are accounted for. The spontaneously developed indigenous crop market works reasonably well.  相似文献   

While many developing countries have devolved health care responsibilities to local governments in recent years, no study has examined whether decentralisation actually leads to greater health sector allocative efficiency. This paper approaches this question by modeling local government budgeting decisions under decentralisation. The model leads to conclusions not all favourable to decentralisation and produces several testable hypotheses concerning local government spending choices. For a brief empirical test of the model we look at data from Uganda. The data are of a type seldom available to researchers–actual local government budgets for the health sector in a developing country. The health budgets are disaggregated into specific types of activities based on a subjective characterisation of each activity's ‘publicness’. The empirical results provide preliminary evidence that local government health planners are allocating declining proportions of their budgets to public goods activities.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from empirical research exploring recent developments in healthcare rationing in the UK, and how far these were influenced by the National Health Service (NHS) internal market. Results suggest explicit rationing has continued to spread, but the focus has shifted from exclusions of whole treatments from NHS provision towards a reconciliation of implicit and explicit approaches. There is growing interest in explicit criteria to guide decision making, within which clinicians exercise discretion in indi-vidual cases. The market contributed to the growth in explicit rationing, notably by decoupling healthcare purchasers (health authorities and GP fundholders) and providers (hospital and community health services) from their previously shared responsibility to manage resources. However, other factors have been influential, especially concern to control rising expenditure. Having originally prompted more explicit decisions (especially exclusions), resource pressures are now rekindling interest in fixed provider budgets and implicit clinical decision making. The paper concludes by considering the implications for rationing of proposals to abolish the NHS internal market.  相似文献   


This article is an in-depth profile of the public administration system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It specifically focuses on the relationship between the state, the market and civil society, the structure of the government and the civil service system and its functional areas. Reform initiatives undertaken in all these areas over the last decade have also been discussed. The findings reveal that the public administration system in the UAE has demonstrated considerable developments in facilitating the market forces, opening space for civil society and modernizing the civil service system.  相似文献   

Using original data from client-community assessments, we examine motivations in the Ugandan NGO sector. In general, client-community satisfaction with NGO interventions is high, even though some NGO staff are viewed as unresponsive, underskilled, or self-serving. We find evidence that NGOs endeavour to redress the balance between rich and poor, although more remote communities suffer neglect, possibly for cost reasons. NGOs are less inclined to maintain a permanent presence in more remote and poorer client-communities, which impacts negatively on their assessment scores. We also find evidence that NGOs too often operate in the same location, resulting in some duplication of effort. Finally, results indicate that community participation enhances satisfaction.  相似文献   

Most people in developing countries spend up to 60 per cent of their income on food, even though the majority of them are farmers. Hence, a change in food prices affects both their revenue as well as expenditure, and it may thereby affect their labour market decisions. Using the Uganda National Panel Survey and monthly regional food prices, this paper examines the effect of changes in food prices on child labour. The empirical evidence shows that an increase in food prices is linked to an increase in the probability and the intensity of child labour. We find the effect of food price increases to be smaller among landowning households, which is consistent with the view that landowning households can better compensate for price shocks. The empirical results suggest that periodic shocks in food prices may have longer lasting effects on economic development in developing countries through the channel of child labour.  相似文献   

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