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Liverpool Law Review - European islands and other remote territories areas have specific features and constraints and they thus require a targeted assistance at EU level. As a result, the EU has...  相似文献   

The drafters of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court were presented with a unique opportunity to shape the future of victim participation in international criminal legal proceedings. They were also faced with a critical dilemma – how can the International Criminal Court promote the interests of victims while simultaneously protecting the accused’s fair trial rights? In many respects the final draft of the Rome Statute left the task of defining the parameters of these potentially competing interests to the Court. As a result, a body of case-law has emerged, highlighting textual ambiguities in the Rome Statute and giving rise to novel developments in sphere of victim participation. Amongst the most prominent of these developments is the recognition of the right of victims to introduce evidence at trial. However, viewing this procedure simply as a fixture of the International Criminal Court’s regime of victim participation masks its true significance and potential. This article explores the idea that the Court’s approach to the evidentiary procedure regulating victim participation has given birth to quasi-investigative powers that have the potential to dramatically reconfigure the future of international criminal litigation.  相似文献   

Article 35 of the GDPR introduces the legal obligation to perform DPIAs in cases where the processing operations are likely to present high risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. This obligation is part of a change of approach in the GDPR towards a modified compliance scheme in terms of a reinforced principle of accountability. The DPIA is a prominent example of this approach given that it has an inclusive, comprehensive and proactive nature. Its importance lies in the fact that it forces data controllers to identify, assess and ultimately manage the high risks to the rights and freedoms. However, what is first and foremost important for a meaningful performance of DPIAs, is to have a common and objective understanding of what constitutes a risk in the field of data protection and of how to assess its likelihood and severity. The legislature has approached these concepts via the method of denotation, meaning by giving examples of (highly) risky processing operations. This article suggests a complementary approach, the connotation of these concepts and explains the added value of such a method. By way of a case-study the article also demonstrates the importance of performing complete and accurate DPIAs, in terms of contributing to improving the protection of personal data.  相似文献   

李立娟 《法人》2015,(3):81-82
对待投资人,周辉用的是欲擒故纵之计,用一定的神秘感营造一种雾里看花的状态P2P(Peer-to-Peer lending)即点对点信贷,是通过第三方互联网平台进行资金的借贷双方的匹配。对于P2P平台的白话描述就是你有钱,他就要,我搭个台来撮合。P2P网贷平台作为互联网金融中的新宠儿,在迅速发展中给各企业带来种种商机,但是,周辉案也引发社会对P2P平台的安全性思考。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):56-84
Although a wealth of research has substantiated the relationship between self-control and offending independent of an array of theoretically relevant covariates, little is known about the contextual variability of this relationship. Our study contributes to the literature by assessing neighborhood variability in the explanatory effect of self-control on individual offending in two Eastern European cities: Lviv, Ukraine and Nizhni Novgorod, Russia. Using data elicited from interviews with 1,431 respondents across 41 neighborhoods, we examine the extent to which the relationship between self-control and offending is moderated by neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES), and investigate the role of illegal opportunities and neighborhood morality as intervening processes accounting for the cross-level interaction between self-control and neighborhood SES. Estimates from hierarchical linear models indicate that self-control effects on offending are contingent upon ecological characteristics. However, neighborhood morality, and not neighborhood SES or neighborhood opportunities for crime, is a direct moderator of these effects.  相似文献   

In the run-up to the elections of 18 September 2016, suggestions were made that a change in the rules for electing the State Duma (a return to a mixed majority-proportional system) would affect the qualitative composition of the deputy corps.11. See for example Kynev, Lyubarev, Maximov 2015; Mintusov (ed.) 2016; Mixed districts 2016. Today, a year since the Duma campaign, we already have sufficient information to move from hypothetical arguments to a specific study not only of the composition, but also the style of work of the new parliament.

Existing data allow us to say that two different tendencies exist in the Duma. One of them is connected with the change in the composition of the deputy corps, caused by the addition of a majority component, which has influenced the principles of selecting candidates, and by a number of other causes—from the assumption of a low turn-out to the emergence of new bans and restrictions in legislation. Another involves the change in style of work of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly. Besides efforts directly toward reducing scandalous behavior and overcoming the reputation of a “maniacal printer,” this concerns attempts by the leadership of the Duma in general and individual parliamentary groups to regulate and centralize the lawmaking process as much as possible. If the first tendency involves increasing political independence of deputies (as a consequence of the increase of the importance of their personal qualities at elections), the second means an even greater reduction of their influence on decisions taken by the Duma. This article provides a detailed analysis of these tendencies.  相似文献   

The case law of the CJEU on the economic free movement of people has departed from the traditional requirement that a nexus must be established between individual free movement and cross‐border economic activity, which has led to an extension of its scope. It is submitted that concerns with the protection of fundamental rights of European citizens are driving this process, and that the CJEU has sought to protect these fundamental rights through the market freedoms in two ways: by arguing that market freedoms are fundamental right themselves, and/or that European Citizenship has changed their normative underpinnings and status. This Article criticises both lines of argument, and defends a third: that the protection of these fundamental rights must be achieved at European level, if at all, through a conception of European Citizenship able to stand on its own.  相似文献   

董精英 《法人》2014,(10):80-81
正三无产品P2P在新规出台之日,将是其终结之时。是谁在行业涨潮时裸泳,届时便自有分晓9月27日,银监会创新监管部主任王岩岫在深圳互联网金融论坛中发言时,明确提出P2P监管最新十大原则,引发P2P行业的热烈关注。业内专家指出,相较于此前的四条红线,随着监管层对网贷行业了解的深入,监管思路和原则进一步细化。无门槛,无规则,无监管,是为P2P的三无。再加上在互联网浪潮的狂澜下,天下熙熙的皆为利来往者陆续投入三无产品的怀抱。投资者需要盈利的项目,项目需要资金  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of mafia groups in Bangladesh. Drawing on the views and experiences of 22 street children, 80 interviews with criminal justice practitioners, NGO workers and community members and over 3 years of participant observation of the criminal justice system, the paper considers the ‘mastaans’: Bangladeshi mafia groups. The article draws on both theories of protection and behaviour to develop a social protection theory of the mafia. The article considers the social networks of mastaan groups, their prevalence, where they operate, divisions of labour, the crimes that they commit and the associations that they have with politicians and the police. The paper demonstrates that mastaans work in alliance with corrupt members of the state and they provide access to services, resolve disputes, commit extortion and carry out a wide array of criminal activity, much of which relies on their monopolisation of violence to protect their illegal industries. The paper demonstrates—for the first time—that mafias operate in Bangladesh and draws on data gathered from both adults and children, the implications of which are discussed.  相似文献   

On May 15-16, 2014, Procurator General, Chairman of the Committee of National Security, the Head of the Financial Police, and Ministers of Defense, Internal Affairs, Health Care, and Education and Science, signed a joint order on the interaction between their agencies and participants in the National Preventive Mechanism.  相似文献   

Research Summary Precursors to serious and chronic delinquency often emerge in childhood, stimulating calls for early interventions. Most intervention efforts rely solely on social service programs—often to the exclusion of the juvenile justice system. The juvenile justice system has been reluctant to become involved in the lives of relatively young children fearing net widening or further straining resources that could be used for older youth with documented delinquency histories. We report here the results of an early intervention program sponsored by and housed in a district attorney's office in Louisiana. Using a quasi-experimental design, we examined outcomes associated with program involvement as well as whether the obvious involvement of the prosecutor's office was associated with further reductions in problem behavior.
  • 1 : The results revealed that significant reductions in problem behaviors of young children could be attributed to program participation.
  • 2 : The obvious involvement of the district attorney's office, however, was associated with limited, albeit significant, reductions in specific problem behaviors.
  • 3 : These findings show that successful early intervention efforts can be made part of the juvenile justice system and that in some limited situations prosecutorial involvement can result in positive outcomes.
Policy Implications The expansion of early intervention programming into the juvenile justice system offers opportunities to address early problem behavior. Our study and its results have the following policy implications.
  • 1 : Closely coupled partnerships between schools and the juvenile justice system can effectively address, mitigate, and perhaps prevent an early onset of antisocial behavior.
  • 2 : Even so, coupling early intervention efforts to the mission of the juvenile justice system warrants debate. Net-widening, resource diffusion, and the potential for officials to rely too heavily on the deterrent characteristics of the justice system represent serious threats to the integrity of effective early intervention programs.
  • 3 : We suggest substantial debate and consideration is given before coupling early intervention efforts to the juvenile justice system.

崔莹莹 《法人》2005,(12):102-103
作为最受欢迎的P2P网络共享软件之一。BT(BitTorrent)也不得不面对一个一直伴随着互联网发展历程的问题:在技术进步的同时如何兼顾版权保护?  相似文献   

The 1970s and 1980s meant an ethnic politicization of the indigenous movement in Ecuador, until this moment defined largely as a class-based movement of indigenous peasants. The indigenous organizations started to conceptualize indigenous peoples as nationalities with their own economic, social, cultural and legal structures and therefore with the right to autonomy and self-determination. Based on this conceptualization, the movement developed demands for a pluralist reform of state and society in order to install a plurinational state with wide degrees of autonomy and participation for indigenous nationalities. A part of those demands was the double strategy to fight for legal pluralism while already installing it at the local level. Even if some degrees of legal pluralism have been recognized in Ecuador since the mid-1990s, in practice, the local de facto practice prevails until today. Another central part of the demand for plurinationality is the representation of indigenous peoples in the legislative organs of the state, developing since their first appearance in the 1940s in a complex way. This article will analyze the development of right-based demands within the discourse of the indigenous movement in Ecuador, the visions of the implied state-reform and the organizational and political background and implication they have. Based on an analysis of the central texts of the indigenous organizations, conceptualizations of rights and laws and their appropriation within an autonomist discourse and a local practice will be highlighted.  相似文献   


This article addresses the issue of whether the international criminal tribunals are under an obligation to fund family visits for indigent detainees. It examines the concept of positive obligations and its relation to the detention situation and describes the practice of funding family visits as it has developed at the International Criminal Court. It further analyses relevant developments in the Court’s case law. It argues that the Court is indeed obliged to fund family visits. In this regard, the mere recognition of a detainee’s right to family visits in the tribunals’ legal frameworks andin international soft-law penological standards can be said to inadequately reflect the particularities of international detention.


The role of emotion in the relationship between traumatic experiences and physical pain was examined via path modeling by using a sample of hospital outpatients (N = 138). Most of the participants reported being traumatized (77%) and experiencing chronic pain (69%). Trauma survivors and nontraumatized individuals did not differ significantly on mean symptom scale scores (i.e., depression, anxiety, anger, dissociation, somatization and pain). However, a moderate effect size was found for dissociation. There were also significant associations found between trauma levels and levels of adult symptomatology. Interestingly, sexual abuse was less highly correlated with symptomatology than other types of traumatization, such as neglect. None of the three proposed path models describing the relationship between trauma, pain, and emotion fit the data successfully. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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