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This paper opens with a brief discussion of the traditional role of the victim in the criminal justice system and the changes which have been made in the Netherlands in order to improve the position of victims of crime. In addition, the author discusses the arguments put forward by policymakers and examines the implementation of victim policy. Next, procedural justice is introduced as a theory from which one could consider the possible impact of victims' experiences in the criminal justice system on their relationship with the justice system. The author goes on to present research which examines the impact of procedural justice on victims' attitudes towards legal authorities. The paper closes with a discussion of the importance of procedural justice issues for criminal justice policymakers and legal practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper reviews two legislative approaches intended to control housing conditions in the rented sector - the landlords' contractual obligations, and the powers of local authorities. The authors argue that the landlords' covenants are almost totally ineffective, and that it now rests on local authorities to protect the health and safety of tenants. Breaches of the implied covenants that houses should be fit and in repair will provide tenants with a legal action against their landlords. However, the tenant's standing is now so weak that these covenants fail to provide protection. The Housing Act 2004 introduced a regulatory framework based upon assessing the risks to the health and safety - the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) - giving local authorities tools to ensure that housing is as safe and health as possible.
The history of the regulation of housing conditions also reveals important insights into the nature of private and public regulation.  相似文献   

赵玉 《法律科学》2013,(4):165-173
私募股权投资基金的隐秘性不应成为弱化其监管的理由,宽松监管必然诱发非法集资,将私募股权投资基金纳入法律规制势在必行。但其"入法"的切入点何在?鉴于基金管理人在私募股权投资基金主体四元结构中居于主导地位,规制基金管理人是监管基金的要害所在,其中基金管理人准入机制又是整个监管体系的前置门槛与成败关键。私募股权投资基金的二元化监管模式符合我国监管机构权力配置格局,基金管理人自愿监管应向强制注册转变,作为受托人角色的基金管理人准入标准必须趋严,披露监管主导之下应辅以实质核查,上述策略四管齐下,或许是整顿当下"PE乱象",实现私募股权投资基金全面"入法"的可行路径。  相似文献   

The prevalent use of “most favored nation” (MFN) clauses in commercial agreements has garnered significant attention in the economics and legal literature and by practitioners and enforcement agencies. From an antitrust standpoint, there is a strong consensus that while MFN provisions can lead to procompetitive outcomes or at least play a competitively neutral role, they may also result in competitive harm and a loss of consumer welfare. Therefore, US and EU enforcement agencies and courts have held that MFNs should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, considering the specific characteristics of both the contractual provision and the industry. While a case-by-case approach is valid, it is not ideal from a variety of standpoints: that of the competition authorities seeking to make best use of their limited resources and that of practitioners seeking to advise their clients. Accordingly, published guidelines on the use of MFNs, containing presumptions and safe harbors, would be both efficient and useful. The paper argues that it would increase the efficiency and accuracy of antitrust enforcement if one of the leading competition authorities issued MFN guidelines. The paper suggests a set of presumptions and safe harbors that should be included in any such guidelines.  相似文献   

This article assesses the ability of widows and other women in Antwerp to act independently of men to defend their economic interests and those of their children. Consideration is given to both legal norms and actual practice in a number of different areas including writing wills, making marriage contracts, managing financial assets and pursuing claims and defending themselves in the civil courts. Analyses of these issues indicate that widows in Antwerp enjoyed in practice a greater degree of independence than was available to widows in many other parts of Europe, despite their weaker position in law.Particular attention is given to the role in Antwerp of women merchants whose position freed them from male control and supervision. It is argued that their favored status did not derive from the desire of the authorities to protect the interests of their male relatives or to advance the economic interests of these women. Rather their legal freedom is seen as reflecting acknowledgement of the importance of their business activities and the wish to safeguard the interests of their customers who could pursue claims against the woman merchant in the event of a dispute.  相似文献   

This article assesses the ability of widows and other women in Antwerp to act independently of men to defend their economic interests and those of their children. Consideration is given to both legal norms and actual practice in a number of different areas including writing wills, making marriage contracts, managing financial assets and pursuing claims and defending themselves in the civil courts. Analyses of these issues indicate that widows in Antwerp enjoyed in practice a greater degree of independence than was available to widows in many other parts of Europe, despite their weaker position in law.

Particular attention is given to the role in Antwerp of women merchants whose position freed them from male control and supervision. It is argued that their favored status did not derive from the desire of the authorities to protect the interests of their male relatives or to advance the economic interests of these women. Rather their legal freedom is seen as reflecting acknowledgement of the importance of their business activities and the wish to safeguard the interests of their customers who could pursue claims against the woman merchant in the event of a dispute.  相似文献   

The Human Rights Act 1998 finally came into operation on 2 October 2000 for all jurisdictions of the United Kingdom. The Act, which incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into the UKs domestic laws, means that it will be unlawful for public authorities, which includes the DfEE and LEAs, to act in a way which is incompatible with the fundamental human rights set out in the Convention (found in Schedule 1 to the HRA). Bodies such as schools and their governing bodies, whose functions are of a public nature, are also covered by the legislation. The articles of the Act which have a particular relevance for schools and education are identified. It is probable that pupils and their legal advisers will invoke the Act in disputes over a wide range of educational issues, for example, bullying, exclusions and suspensions. Some of these issues are examined and where possible existing European human rights case law is cited. It is likely that the HRA will create interesting legal challenges involving schools and education, some of which cannot be anticipated at the moment, and that the Act will cause changes to education laws and schools regulatory procedures .  相似文献   

In November 2001, an HIV-positive health-care worker brought legal proceedings to prevent the National Health Service from notifying his previous patients that he is infected. The health authorities had intended to carry out a "look back" exercise to notify patients that they may have been exposed.  相似文献   

Family law     
In response to the Legal Education Training Review (LETR) the professional bodies have revisited the competencies required for legal practice. The SRA has prepared a draft competency statement for day one solicitors which focuses on the “key activities required for effective performance as a solicitor”. The impact of this more comprehensive competency statement on legal education is not yet clear, but one option is that it opens up a route to qualification where competency is achieved in the workplace or other non-academic settings and assessed outside the educational establishments. This article considers how to assess competency in legal education in both educational and work based settings. It charts the development of an outcomes orthodoxy in legal education in England and Wales and in other jurisdictions and draws on research in medical education to identify key principles in the design of an assessment methodology for professional education. The article takes a broad “view from the bridge” and reviews a range of assessment methods already in use in legal education and in other professions such as accountancy, medicine and conservator restorers. It argues that a move to a complex competency orientated training system will require a different approach to both the method of assessment and its programming.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study designed to assess and evaluate how the law shapes the public health system's preparedness activities. Based on 144 qualitative interviews conducted in nine states, we used a model that compared the objective legal environment with how practitioners perceived the laws. Most local public health and emergency management professionals relied on what they perceived the legal environment to be rather than on an adequate understanding of the objective legal requirements. Major reasons for the gap include the lack of legal training for local practitioners and the difficulty of obtaining clarification and consistent legal advice regarding public health preparedness. Narrowing the gap would most likely improve preparedness outcomes. We conclude that there are serious deficiencies in legal preparedness that can undermine effective responses to public health emergencies. Correcting the lack of legal knowledge, coupled with eliminating delays in resolving legal issues and questions during public health emergencies, could have measurable consequences on reducing morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Criminological research on legitimacy has focused almost exclusively on citizens’ normative assessment of legal authorities. However, this line of research neglects power-holders’ own assessment of their legitimacy or self-confidence in their moral validity of their claims to power. This paper examines the conditions on which prison officers as power-holders base their legitimacy claims. Data from semi-structured interviews and observation of prison officers in Ghana shows that prison officers in Ghana exude high power-holder legitimacy underpinned by favourable assessment of their “self-” and “perceived audience” legitimacy in the eyes of prisoners. While officers’ self-legitimacy was underpinned in their legal status (e.g., legality) and the uniforms (e.g., state insignia), perceived legitimacy was anchored in officers’ maintenance of authority via self-discipline, good and close officer–prisoner relationships, respect for prisoners as humans, and professional competence or making a difference in the lives of prisoners.  相似文献   

朗戴尔法学教育理论和教学法是美国法学院占主导地位的教育模式,备受推崇。然而在理论上,它具有明显的缺陷;在实践中,则造成了学生与法律实践相脱节的后果。它认为法律学科的全部资料都储存在出版物之中。封闭性、复古性、考据性成为构建朗戴尔方法的基石,形成了一个建立在书本资料上的伪科学体系。法学院应当完全抛弃朗戴尔教学法,直接面对社会问题,在更高层次上回归学徒制度,以律师事务所模式为法学教育的核心,以执业者为教师,以现实社会中的法律问题为教学内容,刻不容缓地推行法学教育实验。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the neuropsychology of decision making in the elderly. Topics covered include diagnostic considerations, basic issues (e.g., terminology), ethical and legal issues, and guidelines for competency/capacity evaluations. The intended audience is those with some familiarity with clinical psychology and neuropsychological assessment. As our society is aging, psychologists are likely to increasingly evaluate elderly clients, and capacity issues are likely to be salient in many of these cases.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the effects of legal punishment tend to drift to the family members, friends, and larger communities of convicted offenders. Instead of conceiving of punishment drift as incidental to legal punishment, or as merely foreseen but not intended by state authorities and thus permissible, I argue that efforts ought to be undertaken to limit or ameliorate it. Failure to confine punishment drift comes perilously close to punishment of the innocent and is at odds with other legal doctrines and broader penal practices that hold offenders, and offenders alone, responsible for their crimes. Numerous arguments urging tolerance of punishment drift, or more assertively defending it, are examined and found wanting.  相似文献   

Antitrust enforcement officials and practitioners generallyagree that customers should have a prominent role in the mergerreview process. The question of the appropriate level of reliancethat competition authorities and courts should give to customertestimony has been the subject of considerable debate sincethe Arch Coal and Oracle decisions. This paper contains a comprehensivediscussion of the use of customer testimony throughout the U.S.merger review process, from the initial merger notificationfiling to injunction proceedings in federal court. We discussthe benefits from and problems with the use of customer testimony,including how these problems have led to litigation losses forthe U.S. antitrust authorities. What is the appropriate roleof customer testimony and when is it most probative? We contendthat customers can provide investigators and judges with informationregarding several relevant issues in an acquisition, includingindustry structure, geographic and product demand substitution,and acceptance of potential market entrants. In contrast, customerswill have considerably less information relevant to the likelihoodof entry, the extent of any merger-specific efficiencies, andthe validity of a failing firm defense. They will almost neverbe qualified to offer legal conclusions, such as the propermarket definition or likely competitive effects of a proposedmerger. We conclude that courts have generally remained consistentin their reliance on customer testimony, including in the ArchCoal and Oracle cases, and that customer testimony, despiteits limitations, should and will continue to be important ateach stage of the merger review process.  相似文献   

Medical receptionists play a crucial role in any practice as they are usually the first points of contact for patients and the intermediaries through whom contacts with medical practitioners are made. This article reports the findings of a qualitative study of medical receptionists undertaken to explore their role in general practice, particularly in relation to activities involving direct patient assessment, monitoring, counselling and therapy. The findings highlight a number of significant issues in relation to the potential liability of receptionists, medical practitioners, medical centre owners and insurers.  相似文献   

Educational research is increasingly subject to legal restrictions designed for the protection of human subjects of research. In this article the author discusses legal restrictions–both in the courts and under HEW regulations–on educational research, comparing these restrictions with those on biomedical research. He finds that although educational research in particular instances may give rise to suits for damages for invasion of privacy or intentional infliction of psychological distress, the legal issues relating to educational research will most often be resolved in proceedings before institutional review boards charged by HEW with the responsibility for passing upon proposals to conduct research on human subjects. He argues that the interests protected in proceedings before institutional review boards are not limited to those that have received judicial recognition in suits for damages. The author finds that the requirement that the informed consent of subjects be obtained presents difficult issues for educational research. He notes in particular the problems presented by research proposals that as an element of the research design contemplate the observation of subjects without their knowledge and the use of children as research subjects.  相似文献   

李有星  杨俊 《时代法学》2012,10(4):74-81
我国证券法没有证券定义并缺乏功能标准,法定列举了股票、公司债券及国务院认定的证券为其调整范围。证券法定范围的不足造成具有实质性功能的证券活动无法科学判定,企业难以借用股票和公司债券以外的权益证券融资,打击非法集资及非法证券活动的范围过于宽泛。借鉴引入美国证券法中的投资合同、证券私募和小额融资豁免制度,扩展我国的证券范围,赋予证券监管机构与法院证券认定裁量权,可解决我国证券定义不足造成的困境。  相似文献   

Upon leaving school, young people are expected to play an active part as citizens in a democratic society. Are schools providing them with the tools to do this? Citizenship is taught in schools, but to what extent is it practised? Many safety issues concerning student behaviour and student conflict confront school authorities. In what ways are students learning to take responsibility for the safety of their school environments? Generally, schools in New Zealand and in comparative jurisdictions continue to operate on a traditional authoritarian hierarchical basis. Within these structures students could rightly feel that schooling is something which is ‘done to them’ rather than their being engaged as active participants. School authorities have a moral and legal responsibility to maintain a learning environment which is physically and emotionally safe and free from hostility. Traditionally reactive measures such as searching, drug testing and exclusion are used by schools with the aim of fulfilment of that duty. Research indicates that these measures have met with limited success in terms of school safety, and that in any event they may expose school authorities to challenge from students on the basis that their rights have been violated.  相似文献   

阮昊 《政治与法律》2020,(1):107-115
《私募投资基金监督管理暂行办法》对于私募股权投资基金设立、基金管理人和基金托管人权利义务等一系列重要问题未作出规范,由此导致法院在处理部分私募股权基金纠纷案件时只能选择参照适用我国《证券投资基金法》作为裁判依据。 我国《证券投资基金法》未将私募股权投资基金纳入其调整范围。 法院此举缺乏正当性。 事实上,私募股权投资基金与证券投资基金在行为性质上同属金融活动,在法律关系的构建上均主要以信托关系为基础,两者产生的法律风险亦具有同质性,将两者一体规范能解决司法裁判适法正当性的问题,既有必要性和可行性,也能提高监管效率、促进行业发展。 我国应当将私募股权投资基金纳入《证券投资基金法》,实现私募股权投资基金与证券投资基金的一体规范。  相似文献   

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