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Attention by the courts to what constitutes a market has resulted from litigation enforcement by both the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, especially in connection with the amended section 7 of the Clayton Act. The termmarket is not mentioned in either the Clayton or the Sherman Acts. What constitutes a part of commerce, a line of commerce, or section of the country has been interpreted by the courts to mean a market. A market in antitrust administration then becomes judicial—a process of interpreting the language of the antitrust statutes.  相似文献   

The question considered is whether it is possible to trace a theoretical strategy for a criminal policy on the basis of Marx's work. The answer offered is that Marxian political and economic analysis does not supply any general theory of criminality and that any attempt to formulate such a theory (as in Lenin, Paukanis or Gramsci) necessarily leads to authoritarian and regressive conceptions of crime and punishment. Nevertheless the authors maintain that it is possible to trace three theoretical suggestions within Marxian thought which allow of a fruitful approach to the criminal question. The first suggestion relates to the economic roots of many aspects of modern criminality; the second regards the Christian and bourgeois superstition of moral liberty and individual culpability; the third suggestion deals with the lack of a guaranteed social space as the prime root of crime. These theoretical suggestions permit clarification of the social character of penal responsibility and this character points to the need for the socialization (but not deregulation) of criminal treatment.This essay grew out of a reply to a questionnaire drawn up by La questione criminale, an Italian review which tries to approach the criminal question from a Marxist standpoint.  相似文献   

范伟 《政法论坛》2021,(1):41-53
作为一项现代司法原则,"法官不得拒绝裁判"已然广泛运用于我国司法实践中。在回应实践发展的理论研究中,"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则的本质界定居于中心位置。实践中,当事人视角下的"唯满意论"解读和裁判者视角下的"唯制定法论"解读,使其陷入了绝对化的陷阱,尤其在司法责任之归责模式上陷入"全有"或"全无"的窘境。"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则应当提倡作相对性解读:就整体层面而言,表现为司法解决纠纷范围的有限性;就具体层面而言,表现为司法裁判的过程性与"拒绝裁判"的多元性、"拒绝裁判"评价标准的客观性与合理性以及"拒绝裁判"受司法责任调整的有限性。唯有如此,"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则的规范意涵才能得以彰显。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查手段在犯罪侦查中存在合法性不足的问题,在实践中的运行处于封闭状态,不符合侦查法治化原则。学界对诱惑侦查合法性界定的"两分法"标准存在缺陷,不能合理地解决诱惑侦查手段在毒品犯罪侦查中的合法性及被告人的刑事责任问题,对诱惑侦查合法性标准实行"三分法",可以较好弥补"两分法"标准的不足。最后以"数量引诱"和"打预谋"侦查方法为例,分析其合法性及其刑事责任。  相似文献   

The controversy concerning the taxonomic status of the genus Cannabis has now advanced to a stage where the forensic scientist has limitations to his testimony in identification of "marihuana" plant material in jurisdictions where the law defines "marihuana" as Cannabis sativa L. Whether the genus Cannabis is monotypic or polytypic is as yet uncertain, but recent taxonomic reviews weigh heavily toward the existence of three or more species within the genus. The taxonomists or forensic scientists cannot, therefore, positively state for fact that C. sativa is the only species existing within the genus Cannabis. The popular concept of "marihuana" is actually based on the chemical characteristics of the plant Cannabis, rather than on the taxonomic classification. This is evident in its inclusion as a drug or hallucinogenic substance under Federal and local statutes. It is therefore proposed that "marihuana" be redefined legally to include all members belonging to the genus, in jurisdictions where legal definition warrants such an act, or that these jurisdictions follow the format set forth by Federal rulings.  相似文献   

南京李某“冒用他人名义”购买飞机延误险案的争论本质,是诈骗犯罪中“虚构事实”客观构成要件的“冒用他人名义”行为的界定问题。根据民法规则,“冒用他人名义”所表现的名义主体与实际行为主体的形式不符,并非当然地具有民事违法性,其民事法律效力应根据实质的二阶层路径进行评价。基于统一法秩序要求,刑法中的“冒用他人名义”认定应在民法二阶层评价基础上展开。具体而言,在主体资格特定的法律关系中“冒用他人名义”行为在具有民事违法性的基础上可能构成诈骗犯罪中的“虚构事实”;在主体资格开放性的法律关系中,单纯的“冒用他人名义”行为因不属于民事欺诈,而不能被认定为诈骗犯罪中的“虚构事实”。  相似文献   

鞠海亭 《河北法学》2004,22(6):82-85
新修订的《婚姻法》是否具有溯及力问题直接影响到有关案件的处理结果。从最高院的司法解释来看,《婚姻法》的新修订部分具有溯及力。但法律是否具有溯及力应由法律本身作出明确规定,不能由司法解释来决定。我国《婚姻法》新修改部分的实施时间是明确的,并未规定有溯及力,最高院规定其有溯及力的司法解释违背了全国人大常委会《关于修改〈婚姻法〉的决定》,也不符合我国《立法法》的有关规定。  相似文献   

任强 《现代法学》2001,(1):20-27
本文运用马克斯·韦伯的“理想类型”与维特根斯坦的“家族类似” ,对休谟的“事实判断”与“价值判断”的划分进行了扩展研究 ,完成了休谟这一理论从绝对理性的本质主义向相对理性的非本质主义的过渡 ,并以非本质意义上的“事实判断”与“价值判断”为基础 ,以先秦儒家的礼法思想为例证 ,提出了中国传统法律思想研究范式的两种“理想类型” :还原与解释 ;推展与原创。作者认为 ,依照这两种“理想类型” ,就能厘清目前中国传统法律思想研究方法的盲目和混乱 ,在解释与对话中确立起码的规则 ,从而深化思想的研究 ,推动思想的创造。  相似文献   

网络服务提供者的"转通知"义务,起源于美国《数字千年版权法》创设的"避风港"制度,其价值定位是作为沟通"通知-删除"规则与"反通知-恢复"规则之间的"辅助性措施"。随着网络技术与商业实践的持续更迭,传统"避风港"立法列举的"删除、断开链接"等制止网络侵权的必要措施难有用武之地。鉴于此,我国司法实践率先作出破局实验,将传统的辅助性的"转通知"义务扩展为网络服务提供者必须采取的制止网络侵权的"必要措施"。但是,司法对"转通知"义务的扩展,不仅与我国相关立法违背,而且在制度体系、制度平衡及实施效果等方面存在诸多质疑,不宜继续被采纳。我国《民法典》新规总概性地将"转通知"义务界定为独立于制止网络侵权"必要措施"之外的前置性措施。对此,本文建议,未来除应以《民法典》新规为基础,还应进一步深入明晰其适用的主体范围,扫清其实施的技术障碍,强化其执行的制度保障。  相似文献   

施鹏鹏 《中国法学》2014,(2):275-302
"职权主义"最早起源于欧陆,最初的含义系查清案件事实的方法,后演变为大陆法系国家普遍的诉讼形态。"职权主义"与"当事人主义"的对立并非历史的产物,而系诉讼法学者的理论创设。"职权主义"的核心内涵也非一成不变,随着时代的发展在不断丰富。当代的"职权主义"可界定为"诉讼以社会利益优先为导向、国家权力为主导、实质真实为目标,审前程序凸显侦检机关的优势侦查权,审判程序凸显法官主导控制权的正当程序模型"。时下学界对"职权主义"存在较大的批评,这主要源于对传统职权主义诉讼的误解以及对当事人主义的理想化。中国因国家权力主导的制度背景、追求客观真实的司法传统以及原有职权主义诉讼的基本构架,既应避免进入"当事人主义"或"对抗制"的陷阱,也不应设立理念混乱、制度杂糅的"混合式诉讼",而应坚持走职权主义的道路。  相似文献   

Recently an increasing amount of violent racism has been directed at foreigners in Germany. Current theoretical explanations are deficient because they fail to recognize the historical role of the political culture. This paper argues that political elites are responsible for initiating rhetoric and policy that has created an environment where xenophobic and racist violence can flourish. Positive normalization is defined as a process for the neutralization of the violent Nazi past and the reconstruction of a German nationalist identity. Negative normalization is described as responsible for the decriminalization and trivialization of xenophobic and racist violence. It is argued that unless changes within the German political culture are taken into account, criminological perspectives on the current situation will inevitably be limited.  相似文献   

This paper provides possible explanations for two previously misunderstood circumstances surrounding cases of so-called "spontaneous human combustion"--the nearly complete cremation of human bone, and the failure of such fires to spread to nearby combustibles. Two experiments were conducted. The first involved the cremation of "healthy" and "osteoporotic" human bone and observing the resulting fragmentation and color change. Osteoporotic elements consistently displayed more discoloration and a greater degree of fragmentation than healthy ones. The second experiment involved the combustion of a sample of human tissue and observation of the flame height and burning area in order to calculate the effective heat of combustion. The resulting heat was 17kJ/g indicating a fire that is unlikely to spread. These results, which are among the first obtained for human samples, lend further support and credence to previous scientific explanations for "spontaneous human combustion."  相似文献   

周叶中  祝捷 《现代法学》2008,30(1):136-146
我国台湾地区"司法院"大法官凭借所谓"释宪"机制,在两岸关系发展中扮演着重要角色。其针对两岸关系,已作成"法统"型、权利型、制度型三类共16个解释。大法官在解释两岸关系时,综合运用了文义、论理、历史、体系等传统解释方法,以及"政治问题不审查"、"结果取向解释"以及"宪法解释宪法"等新兴解释方法。经过数十年的发展,大法官在选择解释两岸关系的方法时,表现出所谓"去政治化"倾向。而"台独"分裂势力也正是利用大法官解释两岸关系时的"去政治化"倾向,力图通过维持形式上"中立"的法学方法,为其"台独"目的提供"正当化"外衣。  相似文献   

This article examines a period of profound crisis about the English bar. The metaphor of "moral panic" is invoked in assessing the impact of five notorious cases of barristers' misconduct which riveted public attention between 1859 and 1863. Four of the barristers involved were subjected to "professional discipline" in what was the first spate of disciplinary proceedings for breaches of bar "etiquette." Professional "ethics" were applied in remarkably selective ways and amounted to a "shutting down" of laissez-faire professional practices. This was a crucial turning point in the English legd profession, and the effect was to transform the bar from a relatively open, unregulated status group into something akin to a rule-bound disciplinary regime.  相似文献   

战国六国文字,即“古文”。楚简中的“佱”、“灋”、“廌”三个字,就是古文“法”字。运用郭店简、上博简、包山简以及金文中的材料,对照传世文献,分别对三个古文“法”字进行考释,从而提出了一个值得大家思考的课题:探求“法”字的来龙去脉,关乎“法”的渊源及其演变历程,关乎我国早期“法”概念形成脉络的把握。  相似文献   

EMU represented an important change in the economic constitution of the European Union. It is, to a large extent, a culmination of a process of Franco-German reconciliation and understanding. However, in the postwar period, there were significant differences in thought and economic policy-making in Germany and France. France was dominated by the tradition républicaine, giving a central role to the state in economic life. In Germany, the federal structure of the state went together with the social market economy. In this paper an analysis is presented of these differences in thought and economic policy-making, how they evolved through time, and how they contributed to shaping the nature and economic constitution of the European Union. The focus of the paper is on the Rome Treaties, the Werner Report and the Maastricht Treaty process.  相似文献   

长期以来,我们没有把学习宪法学的意义讲准确、讲清楚、讲全面、讲透彻,从而难以最大限度地激发起学习主体的学习兴趣与热情,不利于在全社会营造"认真学习宪法学"与"认真对待宪法学"的氛围.要改变这一状况,关键是要以变"要我学习宪法学"为"我要学习宪法学"为一个重要目标,始终把宪法学当作生活之学,始终把学习宪法学这样一种要求与学习主体的愿望紧密结合,始终把学习宪法学这样一种活动与学习主体的生活紧密结合.只有这样,学习宪法学的意义才会清楚而不模糊,深刻而不肤浅,具体而不空洞,水到渠成而不牵强附会.  相似文献   

刘超 《政法论丛》2022,(1):86-96
《民法典》侵权责任编第1232条规定的环境侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,是一项新增制度.从内在机理审视,惩罚主义理论或功利主义理论均难以为环境侵权惩罚性赔偿制度的"惩罚"功能提供理论支撑.从规则体系审视,若赋予该制度"惩罚"功能,则错置了侵权责任的保护客体,混同了生态环境保护中私法机制与公法机制,忽视了"环境损害"救济法律机制体...  相似文献   

论侵权责任法草案二次审议稿的侵权行为一般条款   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《侵权责任法》如何规定侵权行为一般条款,是极为重要的问题。我国《侵权责任法草案》对此曾经做了不同的规定,至二次审议稿提出了一个较为独特的文本,即第2条"侵害民事权益,应当承担侵权责任。"这个与众不同的侵权行为一般条款,实际上采纳的是最新的侵权行为一般条款的立法模式,但存在一些缺点。在作出改进后,可以作为具有中国特色的侵权责任法的核心条款,起到统帅全文的作用。  相似文献   

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