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2009年俄罗斯的政局保持稳定,但政治体系现代化的改革成效不大。金融危机成为影响俄罗斯政治形势的刺激性因素。梅德韦杰夫和普京在政治思想上的差异开始显现。这种差异主要体现在政治哲学观与历史观的不同上。思想观念的不同可能导致政治路线之争。由于普京依然居于权力中心,俄罗斯政局的发展不会完全按照梅德韦杰夫的路线发展。  相似文献   

Two economists at the International Monetary Fund review a selection of empirical studies on privatization experiences in transition countries. The purpose is to examine the relative performance of privatized and state owned enterprises. In so doing the importance of privatization method is stressed, as is the importance of the background market environment. The role of de novo firms in enlarging the private sector in transition economies is also reviewed, along with the question of whether privatization efforts support or hinder de novo private-sector development.  相似文献   

A political scientist examines factors leading to instability in the Russian legislative and executive branches. The article focuses on the design of Russia's “unlinked dual-channel” institutions-particularly, partisan factions and legislative committees in the Duma, and the presidential administration and government apparatus in the executive branch. Media sources and the author's personal interviews with Duma, Kremlin, and ministry officials are analyzed.  相似文献   

Russia and OPEC are major oil producers. Considering the growing energy demand for the global economy, both parties are consistently increasing their exports of hydrocarbons and developing new supply capacities. Meanwhile, both parties have a mutual interest in creating a stable market by cooperating. However, the likelihood of Russian cooperation with OPEC is largely a function of oil prices and the political relations between Russia and OPEC countries. The following article deals with the relations between Russia and OPEC since the collapse of the USSR to the economic crisis in 2008. The author examines the political, cultural and economic conflicts between the two parties and their different attitudes toward the oil market in order to assess their chance to fully cooperate in the long term.  相似文献   

Have there been changes in political institutions, parties, leaders, and regional political orientations in Ukraine after the "Orange Revolution"? If so, are the changes revolutionary or evolutionary? Most previous studies refer to the 2004 presidential elections and mass protest actions as a revolution. To test this claim, this article analyzes political changes in Ukraine. Survey data are used to compare changes in pro-Russian and pro-Western orientation, support for major parties in the 2002, 2006, and 2007 parliamentary elections, and support for leading presidential candidates since the 2004 presidential elections. The implications of these changes for development of democracy in Ukraine are also considered.  相似文献   

Gender inequality in Russia's rural formal economy is examined using quantitative and qualitative data. Rural women continue to be underrepresented in farm managerial positions, and gendered income differences remain the norm. Rural women are underrepresented because they continue to have responsibility for most of the housework and child care. The traditional division of labor inside the household continues to dominate, thereby affecting women's career trajectories and earning potential. Value change about gendered roles in the formal economy has been minimal.  相似文献   

俄罗斯在东北亚地区的对外能源合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北亚在俄罗斯当前能源政策和未来能源战略中的地位非常重要。今后,俄罗斯将进一步加大对中国、韩国和日本的油气出口,推动东北亚地区内国家层次和企业层次的多边合作,最终极大地促进俄罗斯与中、日、韩三国形成长期、良好的能源合作关系。  相似文献   

俄罗斯对外政策的制定与中俄关系的发展是中俄两国政界、学界都非常关注的问题。目前,普京政府奉行一种积极、独立、全方位、实用的对外政策。作为一种新型的,摆脱了意识形态束缚的战略协作关系,《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》将两国世代友好,永不为敌的思想,以法律形式固定下来。目前的中俄关系处于300年来最好的历史时期。  相似文献   

Discussions of Russian history have frequently been marked by a preoccupation with the question of Russian 'backwardness', or, during the Soviet period from 1917 to 1991, with its obverse: the claim of the Soviet Union to play a vanguard role in world history. This paper offers a critical survey of twentieth-century Russian and Soviet history, and of its often highly politicised historiography, in the light of these debates. The extent to which the Soviet 'building of socialism' represented a project of modernisation will be considered, along with differing interpretations of this project by both Western and post-Soviet Russian historians. While the work of the new generation of post-Soviet historians promises substantive advances in our knowledge of the Soviet past, it is suggested here that debates on Russia's past are once again being overshadowed by old concerns about Russia's backwardness vis-à-vis the West.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的亚太政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年俄罗斯的亚太政策思维出现了新变化,为其在亚太地区的活动开辟了更加广阔的前景.俄罗斯亚太政策有五项目标:一是确保远东地缘政治安全;二是加强反恐合作,建立"稳定的弧形地带";三是开发西伯利亚和远东,融入亚太经济;四是扩大机器设备出口;五是推销军火.俄罗斯以在亚太地区的双边和多边关系为其活动支点,当前的活动重心是强化地缘经济联系,并已有所进展.但是,一些业已存在的问题仍会妨碍它与亚太国家的经济合作.  相似文献   

影子经济在苏联时期形成规模 ,并发挥一定的经济和社会功能。在俄罗斯向市场经济转轨时期 ,影子经济进一步蔓延 ,超出经济的框架 ,其机制和规范渗透到社会所有领域。腐败现象贯穿于影子经济形成和扩散的全过程。如何解决这一问题关系着俄罗斯未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Specialists on the Russian rural sector examine the level, extent, causes, and consequences of rural poverty in Russia. Analysis is based on survey data from person-to-person interviews of 800 rural households in five regions within Russia. The article examines structural, behavioral, and psychological factors, comparing the poor with the non-poor on each dimension.  相似文献   

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