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The Draft Conception of the Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the Russian Federation in the Bodies of Internal Affairs outlines the goals and tasks of selecting, recruiting, training, and supporting personnel as well as preventing corruption among MVD employees.  相似文献   

Now, at the end of the twentieth century, the world socialist movement has come to a turning point in its history. The decline and fall of the USSR is only the final stage in a process that began ten years ago. The events taking place in the socialist countries in the eighties—first the wave of strikes in Poland, then Gorbachev's reforms in the Soviet Union, the student disturbances in Peking, and, toward the end of the decade, the fall of the Communist regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe, and now even the dismantling of the Communist system of power in the former Soviet Union following the failed putsch—have changed the world so much that one can even say that one era in the history of socialism, which began in 1917 with the first successful socialist revolution, has come to a close. A new era has begun.  相似文献   

The Islamic finance industry is relatively new and vibrant. It is becoming a mainstream industry in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa). The industry is based on a number of Sharia’a maxims and in particular the prohibition of Riba. Islamic law scholars’ emphasis on the ethical dimension of this industry and how it can be seen as a solution to existing capitalism. The current financial crisis presented this industry with an unprecedented test and an opportunity to influence and merge into main stream finance. This paper presents an evaluation of Islamic finance industry in the current financial crisis and whether the governance and ethical foundation of Islamic finance institutions distinguished itself from conventional finance. Thus, this paper begins with an overview of Islamic finance, then it discusses the governance framework structure of Islamic finance institutions and the role of its organs. In addition, this paper will compare between the ethical framework of the Islamic finance institutions and the conventional institutions. Finally, this paper will discover the ethical failure of the current global financial system and its relation with the current financial crisis.  相似文献   

陈云鹏 《检察风云》2012,(19):29-31
虽然伦敦奥运会上的俄罗斯金牌数还称不上"大户",但在世界经济的"奥运会"上,8月23日,俄罗斯结束了自己长达18年的入世"马拉松",正式成为世界贸易组织的第156个成员。俄罗斯将面临制度和法律等各方面一系列的变革。富饶和强大之国俄罗斯资源总储量的80%分布在亚洲部分,除森林和水力资源,还有丰富的矿产资源,如煤、石油和天然气以及铁、  相似文献   

The 2011 recertification of the Russian police force has been accompanied by numerous violations of legal procedures.  相似文献   

Who will have the last word in the return to a presidential-parliamentary republic?…  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来,我国逐步建立起了适应经济社会发展要求的村民自治制度。其中的启示是:村民自治必须把党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国有机地结合起来,走中国特色的社会主义基层民主发展道路;在发展村民自治的过程中要继续完善相关法律法规,协调好村民自治组织与其它组织之间的关系。  相似文献   

文宏  林彬 《公共行政评论》2020,(2):7-22,193
粤港澳大湾区建设上升为国家战略,将带来区域经济社会的发展和国家整体竞争力的提升。但过去,中央和地方调控关系放松后,地方政府间缺乏体制性的规则约束,竞争的客观存在使得自主协同与合作常流于形式。论文认为,随着粤港澳大湾区政策层级的提升,在央地互动过程和中央政府介入程度二维框架下,形成了国家战略嵌入的府际合作新模式;特征表现为,地方政府通过自主试验推进政策创新,中央政府介入后推动地方改革走向规划整合。国家战略对地方发展的政治嵌入,使得府际合作需考虑战略规划带来的要素作用,以及嵌入后形成的府际关系转变:(1)在理论要素上,形成了依托行政权威、制度规则和法律规范的强制约束,同时兼顾平台搭建、利益协调与政策激励的宏观引导;(2)嵌入是地方自主探索与顶层设计互动作用的关系样态;(3)地方合作经历了地方发展的自主竞争-地方政策的先行先试-国家战略的高位推动-国家方案的稳步出台四个状态,体现了国家战略嵌入对府际合作关系的根本性改变。论文的理论价值在于提出了国家战略嵌入的府际合作模式,剖析了竞争型地方发展转向合作的影响要素和演进过程。  相似文献   

The articles in this issue examine the role played by nationalism in present-day Russian politics, focusing particularly on potential policy approaches to dealing with the various nationalist discourses that have gained in prominence in recent years.  相似文献   

颜武 《检察风云》2012,(5):32-34
俄罗斯如今仍是一个存在严重腐败的国家。 2008年,透明国际清廉指数排行榜上俄罗斯在全球180个国家和地区中位列147位;去年,又从2009年的146位下滑到154位。媒体称,俄罗斯是20国集团成员中最腐败的经济体,也是欧洲最腐败的国家,在“金砖四国”中的腐败程度也首屈一指。  相似文献   

Prevention and intervention research has indicated the malleability of hope in a variety of populations and the positive impact on treatment outcomes in general clinical settings and substance use treatment. However, despite its prospective role in improving well-being, research on hope is not often situated behind bars. Thus, the current project intended to explore the nature of theory-driven hope discussions for women involved in justice systems. The aim was to maintain and enhance hope, activate positivity, and thereby enhance the quality of life.

Four weekly focus group sessions were conducted with women detained at a local jail (n?=?23), with discussion prompts based on Snyder’s theory of hope (goal setting, agency thinking, and pathway thinking). Using interactional delivery methods, we emphasized hope among jailed women by: (1) facilitating the development and maintenance of hopeful thinking; (2) developing concrete goals towards rehabilitation and a positive life; (3) enhancing the capacity for developing enduring, cross-sectional strategies for goal attainment; and (4) facilitating self-analysis on their overall ability to produce workable plans required to reach the goals. Weekly journaling was also included to complement the process.

Results from the qualitative analysis suggest hope for these jailed women was constructed as belief in a better future and was also often embedded within a religious worldview. Further, jailed women’s perceptions of meeting goals were heavily dependent upon outside sources that would provide structure and discipline. Implications include providing strength-based reentry programs, offering mentorship, emphasizing goal-setting strategies, and reviewing visitation policies.  相似文献   

Whilst clarifying that given their complexity internationalcriminal trials cannot be considered unreasonably long, theauthor maintains that the procedural framework in place at theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia issuitable for ensuring fair and effective proceedings. However,for expediency to be achieved, it is imperative that judgesbe more actively involved in the pre-trial phase. In particular,the author suggests that pre-trial judges appointed in eachcase should personally preside over all (or most) preliminaryhearings and should then be members of the Trial Chamber thatwill hear the case.  相似文献   

The main object of this article is to reveal the reasons for cohabitation among Catholics in Kovno gubernia, the biggest administrative district in Imperial Russia's province Lithuania, from the nineteenth to the start of the twentieth centuries. The article also seeks to answer the questions: how widespread was cohabitation in Lithuania, and what were society's attitudes towards cohabitation? The research is heavily built on archive sources. The most important group of them used in this article are the so-called files ‘Trials on Depraved Lifestyles’ (‘Дело о блудной жизни’), documents from the Curia of the Samogitian Diocese from 1813–1915.  相似文献   

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