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20世纪美国文官制度的历史回顾   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石庆环 《美国研究》2001,15(2):99-113
本文从美国文官制度管理体系的发展与完善、美国政治结构的倾斜与文官政治角色的变换、美国文官政治势力的膨胀与官僚主义的泛滥等三个方面对20世纪的美国文官问题进行了分析.作者认为,文官势力的崛起,使20世纪的美国社会陷入了两难的境地文官既是政治运行过程中不可缺少的因素,又在一定程度上威胁现行的政治体制.因此,美国文官制度改革的根本任务应该是,在保留优点、发挥作用的前提下,建立健全的控制机制.  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济增长与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯经济会出现奇迹吗?这种可能只有在制度和文化发生变化的基础上,建立起有利的投资、创新和个人发展的环境,只有把大批自由主义的经济和政治改革文件真正实施才能实现。  相似文献   

《German politics》2013,22(3):159-190
This article addresses the occupational change resulting from the recent public service reform in Germany and its consequences for gender relations in the civil service. It is argued that the reorientation towards micro-economic conditions brought about by the reform movement has put an end to a traditional concept of the civil service. It is shown that this concept originated in the period when the German civil service was seen as a profession, and that it is closely linked with the role of the man as breadwinner. In addition, the compatibility of the reform with an equal rights policy for the civil service is discussed. The conclusion is that the effects of the reform on gender relations are ambivalent, in that the decline of the male breadwinner model is hastened whereas measures to safeguard equal rights are opposed by the individualising tendency of the reform.  相似文献   

苏联解体后格俄关系的走向,主要由俄罗斯政府及其政界对格鲁吉亚所持的态度决定.俄地政治家的思想和观念长期形塑着俄罗斯的政策,他们的核心主张是抑制格与西方的接近,分裂格鲁吉亚,最终消除俄在南高加索地区的障碍.在格鲁吉亚方面,虽然在不同时期采取了不同的策略,但恢复其领土完整是不变的目标.俄格不同的定位,使得后苏联时期双方的关系异化,并导致了2008年的冲突.糟糕的是,这场冲突并没有改变俄格任何一方的立场,反而强化了各自固有的目标.  相似文献   

俄罗斯权威主义的复兴   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
八十年代末苏联掀起民主主义热潮,叶利钦借助于这个热潮走向权力顶峰。然而,叶利钦时代开始后,严酷的社会、经济形势促使人们加强对俄罗斯变革的反思,重新寻找出路。社会舆论的新取向和宪法确定的国家体制为新时代的俄罗斯权威主义开辟了道路。俄罗斯的权威主义复兴及其民众政治心态的转化引起国际社会普遍关注。本文回顾这一转化过程,分析其内在原因和俄罗斯权威主义的一些特点。  相似文献   

How have fluctuating approaches to federalism in post-Soviet Russia affected its legal system? This article examines the core legal subjects, processes, and institutions composing the Russian legal system. The source of legal changes, as Russian federalism has shifted from decentralized beginnings under Yel'tsin to the current centralized system under Medvedev and Putin, is evaluated. Seeds for centralization in the original 1993 Constitution and the roles of "top down," "bottom up," and "outside in" pressures to centralize the federal system are examined. The degree of unification and centralization of Russian law and the de facto nature of the legal system are analyzed.  相似文献   

As Putin's second term ends, the tone of Western opinion toward the president has turned increasingly rancorous. Those who feel embittered by the emergence of semi-authoritarianism and crony capitalism out of the communist collapse might consider blaming the theory as well as the man. This article characterizes the post-communist Russian state and Putin's legacy as state builder. Drawing on the Russian studies literature, the article looks at the underlying mechanisms that have long shaped state—society relations in Russia. Using the concept of power resources as an analytical tool, the article attempts to illuminate these mechanisms and, in so doing, examines what is new and what is familiar in the post-communist Russian state.  相似文献   

Ethics management is a rather new topic in public administration literature. The authors compare civil service ethics in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. By comparing statistical data, they describe models of civil service and features in civil service, analyze institutional arrangements and legislative frameworks and explore predominant values among Baltic civil servants. While there are some common features in the ethical management of all three countries, the authors conclude that the implementation of ethical management principles differs due to differences in the civil service systems.  相似文献   

A specialist on Russian politics and society analyzes Russian President Vladimir Putin's academic work on mineral resources in the Russian economy. Mr. Putin defended a kandidat dissertation in economics and subsequently published an article outlining his view of the appropriate role of the Russian state, and of vertically integrated financial-industrial groups, in the mineral resource sector, and particularly in the oil and gas industry. Connections are drawn between the views expressed in Mr. Putin's publications and policy during his second presidential term.  相似文献   

In the context of state reform and democratisation in Latin America, reinforcing public institutions becomes critical to sustaining and consolidating realised gains. In this area, civil service reforms are critical. But civil service reform initiatives in Latin American countries were designed with different degrees of compatibility with countries’ administrative traditions and with the role played by the civil service within the political system. The results of different initiatives are described in a brief review of six key features of nine Latin American civil services. Discussion of these results allows us to draw conclusions about the capacity to generate learning dynamics. A new conception of the civil service and its role in the political system appears more evident, unless the required political consensus for implementing and consolidating the new reform strategy for most Latin American public administrations is not confirmed.  相似文献   

What happens to a country's system of labor laws when its government embraces market‐oriented reforms? In a twist on the prediction that labor regulations will be repealed, researchers find that laws remain in place but are not faithfully enforced, a phenomenon known as de facto flexibility. This article examines the case of Brazil to understand its near‐opposite; namely, resilience and renewal in the enforcement of labor regulations. It finds that labor unions have combined the corporatist authority they gained under state control with the autonomy they acquired under democratization to devise new modes of action and to safeguard existing regulations. Meanwhile, labor inspectors and prosecutors rely on existing laws to combat precarious work conditions and promote formal employment relations, which strengthen the unions. This mutually supportive arrangement is neither perfect nor free of tension, but it shows how workers can be protected even when employers are subjected to global competition.  相似文献   

文学在后苏联没有消亡,甚至年度的文学生产量远超过苏联时代的每年文学创作.然而,后苏联文学的存续及其所显示出的生命力,不能视作是反意识形态的产物,也不可以仅仅看作是文学产业化的结果,倒是应该看到,文学在后苏联的独特性是后苏联社会进程的一个部分,同时也是对其审美的表达.这种情形接续了文学在俄国的传统,从而继续与欧洲文学相区别.造成后苏联文学的如此特质,正在于俄罗斯自身的帝国传统在俄联邦时代不是中断了,而是公开化和合法化了,使俄国重建有了国民认同的依据,文学则成了在审美上促成俄国人认同俄罗斯国家的重要力量.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between ideas, interests, and institutions in the 1996 reform of the civil service in Uruguay. Beneath the appearance of a process led by technocratic principles, the reform's agenda and content were shaped by legitimating principles, strongly institutionalized interests, and the political legacy of earlier failed reform attempts. Reformers sought a strategy of a reform "without losers," which, instead of gathering support for adoption and implementation, sought to minimize opposition. This deliberately low-profile strategy left people unaware of the reform's achievements and thereby reinforced a political culture that has made resistance to change both a political virtue and an inescapable condition.  相似文献   

即将于2008年举行的俄罗斯总统选举广受世界各国关注.俄国内政治生态将对此次总统选举产生直接影响.无论是就民意的偏好、政党格局的出新、精英层的嬗变等各个方面来看,由普京总统所主导的2008年总统大选的整个程序正在上述各要素的互动中有条不紊地向前推进.2008年选举还对俄政治格局的继续演进和俄西方关系的可能变化具有举足轻重的作用.中俄关系将有望保持其延续性和稳定性,出现有利局面,但不意味着中俄关系的进一步发展会是一个不需要任何努力的自然过程.  相似文献   

俄国1917年革命开辟了一条由农民社会向社会主义社会的演进之路,它引起了俄国内、外学界的关注。经过几十年的探索,俄国学者虽然积累了可观的研究成果,但并没有对“农民俄罗斯走向斯大林之路”得出清晰的认识。西方关于苏联农民史的研究比苏国内更为多元化,但他们研究方法缺乏变革中社会人们所具有的问题意识。  相似文献   

Two British specialists on Russia report the results of a nationwide survey of 2,030 Russian adults, randomly chosen from each of 50 provinces of the Russian Federation. A survey instrument containing 300 questions was administered in face-to-face interviews during summer 1993, and explored attitudes toward the market, privatization, social order, minority rights, and nationalism. Testing three alternative explanations for the results of the December 1993 Russian elections, the authors present a nuanced argument that the Russian public has been drawing negative lessons about market democracy from the transition itself, as experienced since January 1992. A higher voter turnout, they find, would have augmented the strength of anti-government parties and candidates. Journal of Economic literature, Classification Numbers: H19, P29  相似文献   

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