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A leading specialist on the Soviet economy presents a detailed overview and evaluation of the history of Western studies of the Soviet economy. Foci of the article include: debates about the nature of the Soviet economic system; the uses of qualitative and quantitative evidence; controversies over rates of economic growth and growth of productivity, comparative size of the economy and the burden of defense expenditures; analyses of the severity of economic problems and their implications for the future viability of the system. The article concludes with an evaluation of the accomplishments and shortcomings of economic Sovietology. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P27, P24, P52.  相似文献   

A leading specialist on Soviet economics examines the heavily politicized debate on the CIA's estimates of the rate of growth and comparative size of the Soviet economy during the period 1960-1985. The author finds little evidence to support the common indictment that the CIA seriously misestimated the Soviet growth record. He finds somewhat greater reason to believe that the Agency's comparative size ratios were overstated. And he finds grounds to question whether CIA dealt effectively with the limitations of the size and growth measures in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: P27, P24, P52.  相似文献   

Two CIA economists present and analyze data on trends in Soviet GNP and productivity from 1960 through 1990. The developments in the 1980s are suitably emphasized and compared with those in the United States. The authors' study and calculations embrace labor and capital inputs as well as total factor productivity. Because measures such as weights to combine labor and capital inputs in the Soviet economy are difficult to derive, the method and findings are discussed in considerable detail. Most estimates are calculated for the business, industrial, agricultural, and nonfarm business sectors. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P27, 040, 052.  相似文献   

Formal schooling was virtually non-existent before the Soviet power in nomadic Kyrgyzstan, as communal life and learning was organized informally at the household and clan level. During the Soviet period, however, educational success became an avenue to a new form of upward social and geographical mobility, and the school provided new and prestigious positions for local teachers and administrators. This paper explores how the externally imposed Soviet collectivization policies reshaped the understandings and meanings of place and community during the twentieth century, a reshaping that centrally involved redefining education and the importance of ‘the school’. In the post-Soviet period, the utility of secondary and higher education in local and national labour markets has diminished, as has the power and prestige of educators. Yet the appeal of education lingers on. The authors seek to document these claims using oral histories, ethnographic interviews and participant observations in the Ylay Talaa Valley of the Kyrgyz Republic.  相似文献   

Afrikanskiy Sbornik: istoriya (African Collection: History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1963, 303 pp.

G. A. Nyersyesov on the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881 (pp. 170–230),

B. M. Dantsig et al., entitled Politika Frantsii v Azii i Afriki (French Policy in Asia and Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1965, 408 pp.

S. R. Smirnov et al., Novyeyshaya istoriya Afriki (The Recent History of Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1964, 500 pp.

Ye. A. Lyebyedyev et al. and entitled Arabskiy Vostok i Magrib: sbornik statyey (The Arab East and the Maghrib: A Collection of Articles), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 232 pp.

N. A. Ivanov's Sovryemyenniy Tunis (Contemporary Tunisia), Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1959, 132 pp.

B. Ye. Kosolapov's Tunis: gyeografichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: A Geographical Essay), Moscow, Government Press for Geographical Literature, 1958, 46 pp.

V. P. Smirnov's Tunis: ekonomichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: An Economic Essay), Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1962, 72 pp.,

V. Gusarov's Tunis (Tunisia), Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1974, 128 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has written a second work on another aspect of Tunisia, entitled Gosudarstvyenniy stroy Tunisa (Governmental Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Government Press for Juridical Literature, 1962, 64 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has also written a historical study, entitled Krizis Frantsuzkogo protyektorata v Tunisye, 1918–1939 gg. (The Crisis of the French Protectorate in Tunisia, 1918–1939), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1971, 400 pp.

Novoye litso: novyelli pisatyelyey Tunisa (A New Face: Stories by writers of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Governmental University of Leningrad, 1974, 78 pp.,

M. F. Vidyasova's Rabochiy klass v sotsiyal'noy strukturye Tunisa (The Working Class in the Social Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and for the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow Governmental University, 1975, 232 pp.

Shabayev's Rabochiy klass stran Magriba (Moscow, 1968)

Werner Plum's Gewerkschaften im Maghreb (Hanover, 1962),

L. P. Zudina entitled Agrarniye otnoshyeniya v Tunisye, 1956–1971 (Agrarian Relations in Tunisia, 1956–1971), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 183 pp.  相似文献   

Rabochiy klass Afriki (The working class of Africa), edited by I. P. Yastrebova, Moscow, Africa Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Nauka Press: 1966.

K. A. Guseynov's Rabochiy klass i Profsoyuzi Afriki {The working class and the trade unions of Africa), Moscow, Profizdat: 1969.

B. A. Shabayev's Rabochiy klass strait Magriba (The working class of the Maghrib lands), Moscow, Asia Institute1 of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Nauka Press: 1968.

Willard A. Beling's important Modernization and African Labor: a Tunisian Case Study, N.Y., Praeger: 1965).

F. M. Atsamba and L. A. Fridman and titled Rabochiy klass stran Azii i Afriki (The working class in the countries of Asia and Africa), Moscow, Moscow University Press: 1966.

F. M. Atsamba's ‘The workers’ movement in Egypt on the eve of the Second World War, 1929–1939’ (pp. 266–94)

Selskohozyaystvenniye rabochiye v stranah Azii i Afriki (The agricultural workers in the countries of Asia and Africa), edited by G. G. Kotovskiy and I. A. Svanidze, Moscow, Oriental Institute and Africa Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Nauka Press: 1969.

Rabocheye dvizheniye v Azerbayzhane v godi novogo revolyutsiyonogo podyoma, 1910–1914 (The workers’ movement in Azerbaijan during the revolutionary progress, 1910–1914), Baku, Soviet Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences: 1967.

A. I. Shamide, Rabocheye i profsoyuznoye dvizheniye v Irane posle vtoroy mirovoy voyni, 1946–1953 (The workers’ and trade‐union movement in Iran after the Second World War, 1946–1953), Baku, Soviet Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences: 1965

Z. Z. Abdullayev, Formirovaniye rabochego klassa Irana (The formation of Iran's workers’ class), Baku, Soviet Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences: 1968.

Sh. M. Badi, Rabochiy klass Irana (Iran's workers’ class), Moscow, the Asia Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Nauka Press: 1965, is a smaller book (130 pages).

M. S. Ivanov, Rabochiy klass sowemennogo Irana (The workers’ class of contemporary Iran), Moscow, Ethnography Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Nauka Press: 1969.  相似文献   

The paper reproduces the 18 × 18 sector Soviet input-output table for 1988 which became available in the West in April 1990, but has not been published in the USSR. The layout (quadrants) and selected elements of the table are described and briefly analyzed. Because the hitherto unavailable statistics facilitate the analysts of a variety of critical issues such as the price reform, defense expenditures, and private incomes and taxation, the input-output table is regarded as an important contribution as well as a milestone in the gradual process of releasing economic data in accordance with the policies of glasnost'. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 027, 052, 222.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the recent official U.S. intelligence estimates indicating a slowdown in the growth rates of Soviet defense spending and military procurement since 1976. The Central Intelligence Agency's explanation for the slowdown is examined. Questions are raised about two of the factors, economic constraints and technical difficulties, and the implications of the CIA's explanation for theories about the relationship of the defense sector to the rest of the economy are considered. The author offers as a possible alternative explanation of the slowdown a change in Soviet military investment priorities de-emphasizing strategic offensive weapons. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 114, 124.  相似文献   

Turcologica 1986, a Festschrift presented to A.N. Kononov on his eightieth birthday (Leningrad: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1986; 303 pp.).

I. Ye, and Yu A. Pyetrosyan, on the periodization of the ‘era of reforms’ in the Ottoman Empire (pp.219–24).

Yuri A. Pyetrosyan, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet (now Russian) Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, also contributes a brief, but useful paper on the Turkish emigrant press in the early twentieth century (pp.225–9).

Kh. M. Ibragimbyeyli and N.S. Rashba, entitled Osmanskaya Impyeriya v pyervoy chyetvyerti XVII vyeka: sbornik dokumyentov i matyerialov, The Ottoman Empire in the First Quarter of the 17th Century: A Collection of Documents and Materials (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1984; 214 pp.).

A.A. Vitol's Osmanskaya Impyeriya (nachalo XVIII v.), The Ottoman Empire at the Beginning of the 18th Century (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1987; 136 pp.).

V.P. Grachyev's Balkanskiye vladyenya Osmanskoy Impyerii na rubyedzhye XVIII‐XIX vv. (vnutryennyeye polodzhyeniye, pryedposilki natsional'no‐osvobodityel'‐nikh dvidzhyeniy), The Balkan Domains of the Ottoman Empire at the Meeting Point of the 18th and 19th Centuries: Internal Situation, the Preconditions of National Liberation Movements (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1990; 200 pp.).

M.T. Boddzholyan has written on Ryeformi 20–30‐kh gg. XIX vyeka v Osmanskoy Impyerii, The Reforms of the 1820s and 1830s in the Ottoman Empire (Erevan: Academy of Sciences of Soviet Armenia Press, 1984; 156 pp.).

Osmanskaya Impyeriya: systyema gosudarstvyennogo, upravlyeniya, sotsial'niye i etnoryeligiozniye problyemi. Sbornik statyey, The Ottoman Empire: System of Government, Administration, Social and Ethno‐Religious Problems. A Collection of Articles (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1986; 253 pp.).

Osmanskaya Impyeriya: gosudarstvyennaya vlast’ i sotsial'no‐politichyeskaya struktura, The Ottoman Empire: State Power and Socio‐Political Structure (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1990; 338 pp.).  相似文献   

N. A. Smirnov's Ochyerki istorii izucheniya Mama v SSSR (Essays on the study of Islam in the Soviet Union), Moscow, The Soviet Academy of Sciences’ Press, 1954; 276 pp.

Large Soviet Encyclopaedia (in Russian, 2nd edition, Moscow, 1953).

Soviet Historical Encyclopaedia (in Russian, Moscow, 1965).

  1. E. A. Belyayev's Araby, Islam i Arabskiy Khalifat v rannyeye Sryednyevyekov'ye (The Arabs, Islam and the Arab Caliphate in the early Middle Ages), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1965; 280 pp.

  2. I. M. Fil'shtinskiy and B. Ya. Shidfar's Ochyerk Arabo‐Musul'manskoy KuVtury (VII‐XII vv.) (An essay on Arabo‐Muslim culture from the seventh to the twelfth centuries), Moscow, Soviet Academy of Sciences – Nauka Press, 1971; 260 pp.

  3. I. P. Pyetrushyevskiy's Islam v Iranye v VII‐XV vyekakh (Islam in Iran from the seventh to the fifteenth centuries), Leningrad University's Publishing House, 1966; 400 pp.

A. M. Vasil'yev, Puritanye Islama? Vahhabizmipyervoyegosudarstvo Sauditov v Arabii {Jlie Puritans of Islam ? Wahhabism and the first state of the Sa'uds in Arabia), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1967; 264 pp.

L. I. Klimovich's Islam (in Russian), 2nd enlarged edition, Soviet Academy of Sciences – Nauka Press, 1965; 335 pp.

R. R. Mavlyutov's Islam (in Russian), Moscow, The Political Literature Press, 1969; 160 pp.

D. A. Patrushyev's Islam i ego reyaktsionnaya sushchnos’ (Islam and its reactionary nature), Moscow, Znaniye Press, 1960; 32 pp.

M. V. Vagabov, it is named Islam i dzyenshchina (Islam and woman), Moscow, Mysl’ Press, 1968; 231 pp.

Kul't svyatykh v Islamye {Saint‐worship in Islam), by V. N. Basilov, Moscow, Mysl’ Press, 1970; 144 pp.

Nugman Ashirov's Evolyutsya Mama v SSSR (The evolution of Islam in the Soviet Union),’ Moscow, The Political Literature Press, 1972; 152 pp.  相似文献   

Richard Frye's The Heritage of Persia, translated as Naslyediye Irana, Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences’ History Section, 1972,468 pp.

Nicolas de Khanikoff's Mémoire sur la partie meridionale de I'Asie Centrale (originally published in Paris in 1862), translated as Ekspyeditisya v Khorasan, Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1973, 216 pp.

Sadeq Chubak, translated from the Persian as hbrannoye (Selections), Moscow, Khudodzhyestvynennaya Lityeratura Press, 1972,224 pp.

Lityeratura narodov Vostoka (The literature of the Peoples of the East), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1970, 190 pp.

Dzh. Dorri, Pyersidskaya satirichyeskaya proza: traditsiya i novatorstvo (Satirical Persian Prose: Tradition and Innovation), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 216 pp.

Iranskoye Yazikoznaniye: Istoriya, etimologiya, tipologiya (Iranian Linguistics: History, Etymology, Typology), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Linguistics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 224 pp.

M. D. Milanyan's Gosudarstvyenniy stroy sovryemyennogo Irana (The Governmental Structure of Contemporary Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Government and Law in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1973,128 pp.

Ye. A. Doroshyenko's book, Shiitskoye dukhovyenstvo v sovryemyennom Irane (The Shiite Clergy in Contemporary Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1975,172 pp.

Sh. M. Badi's Gorodskiye sryedniye sloi Irana (The Urban Middle Classes of Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977,232 pp.

A. Rasadi's Innostranniy kapital v Iraneposlye vtoroy mirovoy voyni (1945–1967 eg.) (Foreign Capital in Iran After the Second World War, 1945–1967), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 1973,126 pp.

N. S. Tikhonov's Zapadnogyermanskiy kapital v Iranye (West‐German Capital in Iran), Baku, Elm Press for the Institute of the Peoples of the Near and Middle East of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, 1972, 100 pp.

U. Z. Sharipov's Byudzhyet i byudzhyetnaya sistyema Irana (The Budget and the Budgetary System of Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 156 pp.

Istoriya Irana (The History of Iran) was prepared by the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad State University and published in Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1977, 488 pp.

Iran: ochyerki novyeyshyey istorii (Iran: Essays on Its Recent History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 470 pp. Edited by A. Z. Arabadzhyan  相似文献   

Nahnu wa‐'1‐'Arab 1988, We and the Arabs, 1988 (Moscow: Progress Press, 1988; 220 pp.).

Z. Gafurov, is entitled, ‘Problems of War and Peace and Contemporary Revolutionary Democracy’ (pp.21–40);

Vladimir Mikhaylov's Irhabiyyu al‐Mosad, The Terrorists of the Mossad (Moscow: Progress Press, 1987; 174 pp. Also published in Russian).

G.I. Mirskiy's al‐Jaysh wa’ 1‐mujtama'wa‐’ 1‐siyasa fi al‐buldan al‐namiya, Army, Society and Politics in the Developing Countries (Moscow: Progress Press, 1987; 228 pp.).

al‐'Alaqat al‐Sofyetiyya al‐Libiyya, Soviet‐Libyan Relations (Moscow: Progress Press, 1986; 213 pp.)

A. Shvyedov and V. Rumyantsiyev, also published in Russian in the same year. Its eight chapters are arranged chronologically, ending with a list of events, 1917–86 (pp.203–12),

Buhuth Sofyetiyya jadida fi al‐adab al‐'Arabi, New Soviet Studies in Arabic Literature (Moscow: Progress Press, 1986; 215 pp.)

Institute of Ethnography in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, entitled ’Alam al‐Badw, The World of the Bedouins (or: Nomads) (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1986; 213 pp. Soviet Ethnographic Studies, 2).

Idiyulujiyat al‐dimuqratiyya al‐thawriyya al‐Ifriqiyya, The Ideology of African Revolutionary Democracy (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 140 pp.).

al‐lttihad al‐Sofyeti wa‐Ifriqiyya, The Soviet Union and Africa (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 160 pp.).

Shamal Ifriqiyya: al‐tatawwur al‐mu'asir, North Arfrica: Contemporary Development (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1987; 192 pp.)

Al‐Qadiyya al‐Filastiniyya: al‐'udwan wa‐'l‐muqawama wa‐subul al‐ taswiya, The Palestinian Problem: Aggression, Resistance and Ways of Settlement (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1983; 230 pp. = Soviet Orientalism, 3)

Vladimir Belyakov, a newspaperman and radio commentator. Writing on ‘The Soviet Union and the Palestinian Revolution’ (pp.215–28),

Buldan al‐Sharq: al‐siyasa wa‐'1‐idiyulujiya, Countries of the East: Politics and Ideology (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1985; 220 pp. = Soviet Orientalism, 4)

Abhath jadida li‐'l‐musta'ribin al‐Sofyet, New Studies by Soviet Arabists have been published so far in three volumes.8 The first (Moscow: Social Sciences Press, 1986; 261 pp.= Soviet Orientalism, 5)

Aleksiy Vasil'yev's Misr wa‐'l‐Misriyyin, Egypt and the Egyptians (Moscow: Progress Press, 1989; 387 pp.).  相似文献   

Afganistan, Part I (Moscow, All‐Russian Scholarly Association for Orientalism, 1923; 205 pp.)

D. Anuchina and others; I. M. Ryeysnyer,

Afganistan (Moscow, The Communist Academy Press; 267 pp.)

V. A. Gurko‐Kryadzhin, Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, Museum of Eastern Cultures, 1929; 15 pp.)

Yevgyeniy Shuan, Dzhang. Vosstaniye v Afganistanye, Dzhang: Revolt in Afghanistan (Leningrad, Priboy, 1930; 248 pp.)

V. M. Masson and V. A. Romodin, Istoriya Afganistana, History of Afghanistan, 2 vols. (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1964–5).

M. A. Babakhdzhayev, is entitled Bor'ba Afganistana za nyezavisimost’ (1838–1842), Afghanistan's War for Independence, 1838–42 (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 107 pp.).

N. Khalfin's Proval Brhanskoy agressii v Afganistanye (19 v. — nachalo 20 v.), The Downfall of British Aggression in Afghanistan, 19th‐Early 20th Centuries (Moscow, Socio‐economic Literature Press, 1959; 211 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, entitled Ochyerki po novoy istorii Afganistana, Essays about Afghanistan's Modern History (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1966; 143 pp.).

R. T. Akhramovich's Outline History of Afghanistan After the Second World War (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1966; 192 pp.)

Afganistan v 1961–1966 gg, Afghanistan in the Years 1961–66 (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 172 pp.).

E. Nukhovich's Vnyeshnaya politika Afganistana, The Foreign Policy of Afghanistan (Moscow, Institute of International Relations Press, 1962; 108 pp.).

A. Kh. Babakhodzhayev's Ochyerki po istorii Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Essays about the History of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1970; 92 pp.).

L. B. Tyeplinskiy's 50 lyet Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Fifty Years of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studie of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1971, 238 pp.).

Sovyetsko‐Afganskiye otnoshyeniya 1919–1960, Soviet‐Afghan Relations, 1919–1960 (Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1961, 215 pp.).

N. M. Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Pikulin's Razvitiye naisional'noy ekonomiki i kulturi Afghanistana 1955–1960, Development of the National Economy and Culture of Afghanistan, 1955–60 (Tashkent, The Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Press, 1961; 152 pp.)

Voprosi ekonomiki Afganistana, Problems of Afghanistan's Economics (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1963; 248 pp.)

A. A. Polyak, Ekonomichyeskiy stroy Afganistana (ochyerki), The Economic System of Afghanistan: Essays (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 164 pp.)

N.I. Chyernyakhovskaya, Razvitiye promishlyennosti I polodzhyeniye rabochyego klassa Afganistana, Development of Industry and Working Class Conditions in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1965; 171 pp.).

Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Yu. M. Golovin's Afganistan, ekonomika i vnyeshnyaya torgovlya, Afghanistan: Economics and Foreign Commerce (Moscow, Foreign Commerce Press, 1962; 168 pp.).

V. A. Pulyarkin's Afganistan, ekonomichyeskaya gyeografiya, Afghanistan: Economic Geography (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1964; 256 pp.).

Ryeysnyer, Razvitiye fyeodalizma i obrazovanye gosudarstva u Afgantsyev, The Development of Feudalism and Formation of Government by the Afghans (Moscow, The Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences Press, 1954; 416 pp.)

A. Davidov and the above N. Chyernyakhovskaya entitled Afganistan (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1973; 168 pp.).

Agrarniy stroy Afganistana (osnovniye etapi razvitiya), The Agrarian System of Afghanistan: Basic Stages of Development (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 183 pp.).

Afganskaya dyeryevnya (syel'skaya obshchina i rassloyeniye kryest'yanstva), The Afghan Village: Rural Society and the Stratification of the Peasantry (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1969; 263 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, A. Sh. Shamansurova and R. T. Rashidov, is Ryemyeslo i myelkaya promishlyennost’ Afganistana, Artisanship and Small Industry of Afghanistan (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1976; 116 pp.).

M. A. Babakhodzhayev. The first is Ochyerki sotsial'no‐ekonomichyeskoy i politichyeskoy istorii Afganistana (konyets 19 v.), Essays About the Socio‐Economic and Political History of Afghanistan: The End of the 19th Century (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1975; 196 pp.).

Afganistan (voprosi istorii, ekonomiki i ftlologii), Afghanistan: Problems of History, Economics and Philology (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1978; 124 pp.).

T. I. Kukhtina's Prosvyeshchyeniye v nyezavisimom Afganistanye, Education in Independent Afghanistan (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 140 pp.)

V. A. Yefimov's Yazik Afganskikh Khazara. Yakaulangskiy dialekt, The Language of the Afghan Kazars: The Yakaulanian Dialect (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1965; 99 pp.).

Afganskaya klassichyeskaya poeziya. Classical Afghan Poetry, translated from Pushtu by A. Gyerasimova, K. Lyebyedyev and L. Yatsyevich (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1975; 224 pp.)

Afganskiye skazki, Afghan Tales, translated by the same K. Lyebyedyev (Moscow, Government Press for Artistic Literature, 1955; 160 pp.).

Skazki i stikhi Afganistana, Tales and Verses of Afghanistan (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1958; 312 pp.).

Afganiskiye narodniye poslovitsi i pogovorki, Afghan Popular Proverbs and Sayings, translated from Pushtu by the above Lyebyedyev and Yatsyevich (Moscow, Foreign Literature Press, 1961; 67 pp.).

Afganskiye Skazki i lyegyendi, Afghan Tale and Legends, translated from Pushtu by various hands (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972; 280 pp.).

G. P. Yedzhov's Nash sosyed Afganistan, Our Neighbour, Afghanistan (Znaniye Press, 1965; 32 pp.).

Afganistan (spravochnik), Afghanistan: A Reference Work (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 276 pp.).

Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 504 pp., maps).

Afghanistan: Past and Present (Moscow, Social Sciences Today Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1981; 272 pp.)  相似文献   

Chez les voisins de l'Afghanistan: l'Asie Centrale Soviétique (Moscow: Progress Press, 1983; 174 pp.)

’Islamskiy faktor’ v myedzhdunarodnikh otnoshyeniyakh v Azii, ‘The Islamic Factor’ in International Relations in Asia (Moscow: Nauka, 1987; 192 pp.)

Islam v SSSR: osobyennosti protsyessa syekularizatsii v ryespublikakh Sovyetskogo Vostoka, Islam in the Soviet Union: Characteristics of the Secularisation Process in the Republics of the Soviet East (Moscow: Misl’ Press, 1983; 175 pp.)

Oktay Efyendiyev's Azyerbaydzhankoye gosudarstvo Syefyevidov v XVI vyekye, The Azerbayjanian Government of the Safavids in the 16 Century (Baku: Elm Press for the Institute of History in the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbayjanian Soviet Republic, 1981; 308 pp.)

Kavkaz i Sryednyaya Aziya vo vnyeshnyey politiki Rossii: vtoraya polovina XVIII – 80ye godi XIX v., The Caucasus and Central Asia in the Foreign Policies of Russia: From the 18th Century to the 1880s (Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1984; 328 pp.)

Zapiski o Bukharskom Khanstvye, Notes on the Khanate of Bukhara (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1983; 150 pp.).

M. Annanyepyesov's Ukryeplyeniye Russko‐Turkmyenskikh vzaimootnoshyeniy v XVIII‐XIX vv., The Consolidation of Russo‐Turkmenian Mutual Relations in the 18 and 19 Centuries (Ashkhabad: Ilim Press for the Institute of History in the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmenian Soviet Republic, 1981; 267 pp.).

G. Kh. Saparova's Revolyutsionniy komityet Turkmyenskoy SSR kak Pyerviy visshiy organ gosudarstvyennoy vlasti ryespubliki, The Revolutionary Committee of Soviet Turkmenistan as the First Supreme Body of Political Power of the Republic (Askhabad: Ilim Press for the Institute of History in the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmenian Soviet Republic, 1981; 132 pp.).

I.V. Pogoryel'skiy's Istoriya Khivinskoy ryevolyutsii i Khoryezmskoy Narodnoy Ryespubliki 1917–1924 gg., History of the Revolution in Khiva and the Popular Soviet Republic of Khorezm, 1917–1924 (Leningrad: Leningrad University Press, 1984; 228 pp.).

Kh. Sh. Inoyatov's Narodi Sryednyey Azii v bor'bye protiv intyervyentov i vnutryennyey konterryevolyutsii, The Peoples of Central Asia in the War with the Interventionists and with Domestic Counter‐Revolution (Moscow: Misl’ Press, 1984; 464 pp.).

Basmachyestvo: vozniknovyevniye, sushchnost’, krakh, The Basmachi Movement: Rise, Nature and Downfall (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 246 pp.)

Basmachyestvo: pravda istorii i vimisyel’ fal'sifikatorov, The Basmachi Movement: Historical Truth and Fabrications of the Falsifiers (Moscow: Misl’ Press, 1986; 256 pp.).

M. Syeytakova, entitled Obraz Russkogo chyelovyeka v Turkmyenskoy Sovyetskoy prozye, The Image of the Russian Person in Turkmenian Soviet Prose (Ashkhabad: Ilim Press for the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmenian Soviet Republic, 1981; 57 pp.)

A.K. Rzayev, entitled Azyerbaydzhanskiye vostokovyedi XIX vyeka: ochyerki, Azerbayjanian Orientalists of the 19 Century: Essays (Baku: Elm Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbayjanian Soviet Republic, 1986; 141 pp.)

Tatarskaya lityeratura i publitsistika nachala XX vyeka, Tatar Literature and Journalism of the Early 20 Century (2nd edition, Kazan: Tatar Book Press, 1983; 352 pp.).

Azat Akhmadullin's Gorizonti Tatarskoy drami: lityeraturno‐kritichyeskiye stat'i, The Horizons of the Tatar Drama: Papers of Literary Criticism (Kazan: Tatar Book Press, 1983; 216 pp.)

R. U. Amirkhanov's Tatarskaya dyemokratichyeskaya pyechat’ (1905–1907 gg.) The Tatar Democratic Press, 1905–1907 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1988; 190 pp.).  相似文献   

V.I. Dyamlov, ’Natsional'niye myenshinstva i natsional'naya burdzhuaziya Yegipta (pyervaya polovina XXv.)‘

Arabskiye strani: istoriya i sovryemyennosC, Arab Countries: History and Present

(Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1981; 248 pp.).

M.A. Rodionov's book is Maroniti: Iz etnokonfyessional'noy istorii Vostochnogo Sryedizyemnomor'ya, The Maronites: APart of the Ethno‐Confessional History of the Eastern Mediterranean (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy

of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1982; 136 pp.).

Z.A. Myentyeshashvili's Byerbyeri v obshchyestvyenno‐politichyeskoy dzhizni Marokko (50–70‐ye godi XX v.), The Berbers in Morocco's Socio‐political Life, the 1950s to the 1970s

(Moscow: Nauka Press for the Tiflis State University, 1985; 152 pp.).

Kurdskoye dvidzhyeniye v novoye i novyeyshye vryemya, The Kurdish Movement in Modern and Contemporary Times (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Armenian Soviet Republic, 1987; 301 pp.)

Natsional'noye dvidzhyeniye Kurdov v Iranye (1918–1947 gg.), The National Movement of the Kurds in Iran, 1918–47 (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1988; 168 pp.), by O.I. Dzhigalina

Present‐Day Asia: Ethno‐Cultural and National‐Political Processes (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1989; 173 pp.).  相似文献   

An American economist describes recent Soviet thinking on monopoly and traces its impact on the reform process up until 1991. After an overview of industrial concentration in the Soviet economy, the study proceeds to examine the content of Gorbachev's antimonopoly policy, focusing on policy toward dominant firms, mergers, and entry of firms. Drawing on this background and antitrust experience in Western countries, it concludes by analyzing the role of antitrust policy and import competition in the transition to the market. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P20, L40.  相似文献   

As readers of Middle Eastern Studies know, this Journal has attempted, beginning with its first issue, to give some account of the characteristics and achievements of Soviet Middle Eastern scholarship. In pursuance of the same objective, we give below the translation of an article by L. P. Milogradova which appeared in Voprosy Istorii for July 1965. We reproduce it in the belief that it constitutes a noteworthy and a curious document, and we leave readers to appreciate for themselves the distance which seems to separate Geoffrey Wheeler's original article from the comment which it has drawn.  相似文献   

An American sovietologist assesses the economic pressures on the constituent republics of the Soviet Union from the outset of the Gorbachev era through early December of 1991. Following an overview of the center-periphery relations within the command-administrative system in the early 1980s, the author evaluates the impact of perestroyka on republic economies prior to the political transformation of the governments in the 1990s. The implications for territorial integration in the wake of the coup in August 1991 and the subsequent efforts to structure a new economic union between the republics are presented and analyzed in the concluding section. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P20, P24.  相似文献   

A prominent American economist pieces together and analyzes Soviet assessments of economic reforms in other socialist countries. Included in the author's analysis are studies of Soviet specialists investigating changes in the administrative organization of the state sector, planning, pricing, banking, labor, agriculture, nonstate activity, and foreign economic relations, within the framework of a socialist planned economy. Also covered are more recent Soviet studies focusing on privatization, marketization, and government regulation in the transition to a capitalist market economy—work that influenced decisions about economic reforms in the Soviet Union. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P21, B20.  相似文献   

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