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This article analyzes the relationship between the growth of large Australian Aboriginal art fairs and shifts in the fine art market and state policies; audience and art insiders' experiences; and the implications of art fair participation for artists and art centers. In contrast to the traditional gallery model, the art fairs draw buyers and artists together in regional centers, along with families, managers, curators, commentators, administrators, and politicians. Using the assemblages concept, we analyze the emergence of a new engagement that prioritizes social, cultural, and interpersonal aspects of art making and where buyers consume “relational goods” linked to their purchasing context.  相似文献   

This article addresses the current focus within urban cultural policy on using art as a tool in urban development. Based on theories of participation, democracy, and public art, the article sets out to investigate critically the concept of placemaking. The discussion is based on an analysis of the public art project Placemaking, which took place during 2015 in eight municipalities around Copenhagen in Denmark. I argue that, when used as a tool in urban development, participatory public art engenders contradictory encounters. These encounters challenge the cultural political effort to democratize art and culture.  相似文献   

The authors build on the summer 2005 The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society article "Muddy Waters: Consigned Artwork and the Vagaries of the Legal System in Massachusetts," which discussed the Consignment of Fine Art Law in Massachusetts. Since that time, revisions to the law have been enacted, in reaction to high-profile cases and a desire in the Massachusetts legislature to streamline the economics of the gallery system. The authors provide an update on the new statute in Massachusetts.  相似文献   

How do “classical” big art institutions (museums, the ballet, the opera, symphony orchestras) react to phenomena of globalization such as migration flows, the “denationalization” of artistic movements, the enormous growth of the number of artists, the trend of a global cultural branding of cities, etc.? And which cultural policies do governments develop to interfere in the relationship between those art institutions and their changing environments? Those were the central questions I asked while doing research about the position of art institutions in society today. The research concentrated on a very diverse sample of big art institutions in Europe. The research begins with the insights of Actor Network Theory and the political philosophy of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt and leads to an ideal typical two-dimensional model to classify the possible strategies that such institutions and their responsible governments can use on the local, national and international level.  相似文献   

This article analyzes research and legal cases about authorship, authenticity, and intellectual property in Aboriginal art. The concepts of Aboriginality, authenticity, and ownership are used to show the complexities of Aboriginal law, legal copyright, and the moral rights framework. The clan ownership of Dreaming makes Aboriginal artists' relationship different to other artists' individual ownership of their work. Research on this topic by members of the Faculty of Business and Law unit of the Centre for Leisure Management Research at Deakin University was undertaken for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. This article provides significant contextual analyses of major issues leading to Commonwealth Government inquiries and legislation in Australia during 2006-8.  相似文献   


Ever since the earliest forms of mass media, the dichotomy of mass culture/high culture has been a topic of debate. The concept of cultural democracy has developed as a way to acknowledge a variety of cultural activities. Despite attempts to develop a broader understanding of culture, cultural policy still seems to reproduce the dichotomies, and to value one over the other. In this article, we would argue for an expanded understanding of cultural democracy, which may serve as a starting point for a turn of perspective of arts advocacy and cultural policy—the perspective we call an expressive cultural democracy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore some questions around the process of engaging in research in restorative justice in the contemporary political and economic climate of the UK. Its key concern is to endeavour to create a framework in which it is possible to develop an understanding of the process whereby restorative justice was transformed from the ‘dead duck’ of the late 1980s to its current popularity. It takes as its example for understanding this transformation the problems and possibilities of engaging in research in restorative justice and how such research needs to be contextualised within a wider understanding of the policy and political process. This paper does not set out to offer any answers to the questions it raises, but is primarily concerned to bring to the fore some of the absences that can be detected within the contemporary embrace of restorative justice in the UK.  相似文献   

Artistic works can be utilized in an environmental-focused educational capacity, particularly when installed in the public realm. While some research on “ecological art” has been conducted in other countries, little attention has been paid to its application in Canada. This article addresses insights derived from in-depth interviews with members of three not-for-profit art organizations in the City of Toronto that are engaged in producing public artworks intended to provoke thought about the environment. Our findings reveal three key impediments to the application of public art as a tool for environmental outreach.  相似文献   

曹连观 《金陵法律评论》2006,42(2):121-126,149
文艺有着深刻的伦理学内涵,优秀的文艺作品的道德意义就在于它是人性的敞亮与主体性的高扬。缺乏伦理学的视野,就无法全面把握文艺的本真特质。文艺作品不同于道德教科书,文艺所传达的不应是抽象的直白的信条,而应该是活的生活———经过作家审美创造的生活。但文艺毕竟不是超人类的存在,文艺展示自然、社会、人际、心灵,提供测试人生价值和人生态度的光谱,文艺家的主观命意、文艺作品的客观意蕴以及受众的解读与再创造,本身就是一定价值的自觉选择和自然涵纳。伦理道德在文艺作品中必须是符合审美要求的存在,明晰的个性化(典型化)与生动的感性化,是其按照美的规律进行创造的实现机制。  相似文献   

在系统论的视角下,儿童绘画评价既是美术治疗中的一个重要因素,同时也是一个有机的系统.在美术治疗中,儿童绘画评价要立足于治疗过程中治疗师与儿童的互动关系,综合考量儿童所处的生活背景对儿童的"绘画动机"、"绘画过程"和"绘画作品"的影响,进而对儿童的行为表现等作出全面、系统的诊断和评价,最终制定和实施有针对性的治疗方案.  相似文献   

In most developed democracies, parties adjust their positions to polls and public opinion. Yet, in a coalition government, the policy that emerges is often the outcome of negotiations between governing parties. We argue that the credibility of exit threats by current coalition members and the importance of outside parties for the formation of potential alternative coalitions both matter for policy adoption. Building on a new data set measuring the expected coalition‐inclusion probabilities of parties in parliamentary democracies, we estimate the effect of coalition prospects on an important policy outcome—environmental policy stringency—in nine European countries between 1990 and 2012. Our findings demonstrate that only polling shifts that alter coalition probabilities affect outcomes. Changes in the coalition‐inclusion probability of green parties—regardless of whether they are in government—predict changes in the environmental policy stringency of sitting governments. Political polls, in contrast, do not.  相似文献   

袁燕谊 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):80-82
刑事录像是刑事科学技术的一个重要组成部分,是刑事技术中的一种新手段。加强刑事录像课教学,推广、普及刑事录像技术,使之更好地为刑事侦察工作服务,是我们公安院校面临的急需解决的问题。本文主要从刑事录像在公安实战中的作用;加强刑事录像课教学的必要性及具体的几点措施等几个方面作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The apparatus of legal principles we use has, far more than we realise, transformed the way we think about the control of private power in the name of social justice. The actual sort of equity that the legal and political system is searching for is not reflected in our major political theories, nor indeed in the official rhetoric of many such systems themselves. The reason for this mismatch has to do with the need to accomodate change – a space opened by the law and unacknowledged by theory.
This article sets out the current theoretical frameworks within which the regulation of private power is analysed, and it contrasts these with a different approach to the problem of justice at work in employment and corporate law that does not find its way into theory. Once that approach is given a formulation, its place within a larger theory of justice is proposed, and its wider implications for the relationship between state and civil society are investigated.  相似文献   

"艺术来源于生活又高于生活"是毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》中着重阐述过的文论观点.艺术何以来源于生活,又是如何高于生活的,其深层意蕴值得探索.从西方马克思主义学者的研究看来,日常生活的边缘性与奠基性是其产生艺术等高级意识形态活动的原因;同时由于日常生活的重复性、实用主义、平均状态等特性,又要求艺术对生活有所超越.这一文艺命题同时蕴涵着毛泽东关于"生活"概念的特指意义及其改造日常生活的特定方式.  相似文献   

关静 《行政与法》2012,(3):25-28
政策变迁通过对政策目标、政策内容、政策手段等某一方面或几个方面的调整,使政策合理化。任何政策都不可能一成不变。可以说,政策变迁贯穿于每个政策过程;并且政策变迁本身就是政策过程的一个子循环。所以,政策变迁是对现行政策进行的变革活动。可能引起政策变迁的原因是多方面的,如:政策主体主观认识的变化、政策自身缺陷的显现等。针对中国政策实践和相关理论研究的实际,既要加强对政策变迁问题的探讨,又要为合理的、必须的政策变迁创造条件。  相似文献   

This article reviews the December 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali. It considers expectations for the meeting and whether the event delivered on these expectations. It also evaluates the long-term context of the meeting and examines the discussions in Bali on the post-2012 period (when the Kyoto Protocol's first 'commitment period' expires). The article finds that the Bali meeting did not necessarily meet public expectations or respond directly to the latest scientific assessments calling for urgent action. However, the article also finds that Bali was successful in the context of the prevailing political and diplomatic realities and the immense complexity of the climate change challenge – a problem that does not lend itself to a 'quick fix' solution. The article concludes that Bali produced a solid outcome that gives direction to future talks and sets a clear deadline for their completion. Finally, it argues that, contrary to some experts' opinion, the lack of detail in the Bali outcome may prove to be a strength rather than a weakness, since it provides flexibility to negotiators as they try to craft a consensus by the end of 2009.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the economic analysis of the European rules on the circulation of works of art. After reviewing the relevant literature, an economic framework of the international circulation of works of art is provided (social goals, efficiency and distributive aspects, an economic rationale for a general free trade rule integrated by selective protectionism). Using this framework the European system of circulation of works of art—resulting from the combination of the Maastricht Treaty with Regulation 3911/92 and Directive 93/7—is analysed. The main results of the analysis are: 1) the general free trade principle ruling the Single European Market is strongly limited by rules protecting national artistic heritages of member states; 2) this protectionism—working towards countries both outside and inside the European Union—is applied according to the national laws of each member state, while, contrary to what the Maastricht Treaty would call for, an artistic heritage of European significance is not defined and no autonomous role is recognized in this field to European Institutions; 3) this system shows some inconsistencies with economic theory, as strict limits to trade are not provided when they should be required by the preservation of the physical or artistic integrity of works of art, while in other cases an unduly restrained trade may derive from highly protectionist national laws and export-licencing policies of member states. Enforcement provisions are also analysed and some proposals to improve the system are advanced.  相似文献   

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