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万毅 《法学家》2004,(6):94-100
当前中国的法治建设徘徊在"建构理性主义"和"经验理性主义"两种路径之间.在这种语境下,具体案件有着微观和宏观的双重法治意义一方面,它通过个案纠纷的解决发挥着秩序正统性的再生产功能,从而为法治的生成提供着微观基础,是构筑微观法治的基石;另一方面,它又通过案件审理中的技术操作检测着法治秩序建构的可能性,从而获得了反思宏观法治的契机,成为推动宏观法治发展、完善的阶石.因此,从中国足坛"黑哨"案,可以对现行刑事诉讼制度的诸多问题进行反思.  相似文献   

深入开展社会主义法治理念教育,努力推进司法行政工作又快又好发展,是吴爱英部长讲话提出的一个总要求,也是这次研讨班的主题。司法行政基层工作经历了一个逐步发展壮大的过程,特别是近几年来呈现比较好的发展局面,发挥了多方面的积极作用,基础设施和装备条件也得到了明显的改善,这是积极争取党委政府领导支持的结果,也是司法行政机关和广大基层工作者恪守依法治国、执法为民、公平正义理念,围绕中心、服务大局的结果。在社会主义法治理念教育中,我们越学习越觉得这既是社会主义法治理念的集中体现,也是各地基层工作发展的一个基本经验、一…  相似文献   

罗干同志指出,要始终把加强基层基础建设作为构建社会主义和谐社会的战略性、根本性的任务来抓。吴爱英同志在全国司法厅(局)长会议上强调,全面加强基层基础建设,提高基层服务和谐社会建设的能力和水平。厅、局党委决定,今年在湖北全省监狱系统开展“基层基础工作落实年”活动,  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2008,48(3):146-152
In genocide, victims must represent an ethnic, racial, religious or national group. But is victim identity a question of science or law? Must victims be a socially recognized group or can group identity exist solely in the mind of the perpetrator? This question is relevant to the on-going crisis in Darfur. The “Arab-on-African” violence depicted in the media encompasses identities not shared by Darfurians. This study details an evaluation of victim identity in Darfur, based on field research and literature review. Darfurians are defined by subsistence strategy and economic groups are not protected under genocide law. Whether Darfur is genocide depends on whether victims must conform to scientific group classifications or need only be defined by their relationship to the perpetrators.  相似文献   

Must treatment be provided to subjects who acquire HIV during the course of a prevention study? An analysis of ethical foundation, regulation, and recent argumentation provides no basis for the obligation. We outline an alternative approach to the problem based on moral negotiation.  相似文献   

Most chief financial officers (CFOs) and risk managers have an understanding of their property and liability insurance needs and are comfortable purchasing coverage that protects their companies from a loss due to an insured peril. However, it has been our experience that their comfort level declines dramatically when it comes to business interruption coverage and limits. The uncertainty surrounding business interruption coverage, extensions of coverage, and respective limits of that coverage consistently results in many organizations finding themselves underinsured and short of cash when faced with a major loss. How can you, the CFO or risk manager, avoid that day of reckoning when your company cannot afford the economic consequences of an underinsured loss? Plus, what to do if you have a business income loss from the Gulf Oil Spill.  相似文献   

欧盟作为跨法系实体,欲统一其公司法律制度,关于公司确定资本制度改革刻不容缓。公司确定资本制度既会极度阻碍效益增长,又难切实保障市场安全。纵观债权人利益事前保护、事中保护、事后保护三大环节,公司确定资本制度划定最低资本额所带来的事前保护作用非但不可或缺而且不能取代,将之与到期债务能力测试或资产负债比例原则的事中保护和破产制度的事后保护相结合,债权人法律保护的体系化效用就将彰显无疑。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》(下称《刑法修正案(八)》)新增了有关对判处管制、宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,人民法院可以根据犯罪情况,同时禁止其在管制执行期间、缓刑考验期限内“从事特定活动,进入特定区域、场所,接触特定的人”的规定。  相似文献   

Intended as a short survey text, Kitty Calavita's Invitation to Law & Society expertly summarizes many of the central themes of law and society scholarship as they have developed over the past fifty years. It also clearly identifies the field's object of attention: “real” law. I use this commentary on the book as an opportunity to assess the field as it enters its sixth decade. How has the field changed? What are its defining characteristics? What is “real” law? Does law and society research have a future?  相似文献   

The medical treatment of children is a crucial interface of law and medicine. The problems in this emotive area of law are compounded by the current state of the law in Australia which is uncertain and fractured. It is the purpose of this article to examine the jurisdictions of the various courts that stand competent to order that a child undergo medical treatment in circumstances where the child's parents/guardian refuse to provide consent to such treatment. The problems associated with the present system are identified and proposals for the reform of the current system offered.  相似文献   

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