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恐怖行为动因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从根本上说,目前恐怖行为的出现和蔓延是因为种族、民族矛盾和宗教冲突的存在;从思想根源上说,则是因为极端思潮——包括极左和极右思潮的泛滥;从外部环境来说,国际社会政治势力的支持也对恐怖行为起了推动作用,而现代科学技术则使恐怖主义如虎添翼,此外,黑社会与恐怖主义的结合也为恐怖行为的产生提供了机会。  相似文献   

Russian minister of internal affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev calls for developing a positive image of the police.  相似文献   

Terrorism in Pakistan springs from many factors such as, poverty, corruption, inequality, sham democracy, and low-level literacy; however, the effect of terrorism in India over terrorism in Pakistan remains unnoticed. This study explores the role of terrorism in India as a determinant of terrorism in Pakistan. This fangled determinant of terrorism in Pakistan forms the premise of our work. The Johansen cointegration analysis technique confirms the long-run relationship among terrorism in India and Pakistan and unemployment in Pakistan. Error correction model (ECM) resulted 55% of convergence annually. Besides, ECM verifies both short and long-run causalities. The VECM Granger and Modified Wald (MWALD) causality tests reveal that terrorism in India and unemployment in Pakistan Granger causes terrorism in Pakistan, but no reverse causality exists. The study concludes that both terrorism in India and unemployment in Pakistan results in terrorism in Pakistan. Coping with terrorism, Pakistan and India must revisit their respective roles; and simultaneously, Pakistan should address the unemployment problem—which facilitates recruitment for the terrorist organizations.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the attributions of the causes of poverty and wealth in Russia and Estonia in 1991 and 1996 and their determinants. Among the latter are the perceived actual justice of the society, the perceived size of the middle class, and the personal position in the system of inequalities. Despite the economic hardships and a rise in inequalities in both countries, individualistic explanations of wealth and poverty have increased over the 5 years between the surveys. At the same time respondents in both countries demonstrated a growing awareness of the importance of starting positions and connections to achieve wealth. The perceived middle class has a significant effect on attributions of poverty but not on wealth. Russians in Estonia have a particular bias against wealth, whereas non-Russians in Russia are more likely to justify wealth on the basis of individual merit. Explanations of poverty and wealth in Estonia are more rooted in the factors of socialization (age, education, and gender), whereas in Russia they are more rooted in the changes in the family financial circumstances between 1991 and 1996. There was a general increase in support for government intervention in distribution in both countries.  相似文献   

Kelly  Emma  Winlow  Simon 《Critical Criminology》2022,30(2):237-244
Critical Criminology - The concept of organic resistance has stood as a cornerstone of critical social science for decades. Countless authors have claimed that minor acts of...  相似文献   

Aleksandr Lebed, secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, visited Literaturnaia gazeta a few days ago, but it feels as if at least a month has gone by. In the few days since our meeting, Aleksandr Lebed has become the target of militants in the Duma headed by a general from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one who certainly achieved no glory on the Chechen battlefields, and hence attempted to exact his revenge from the podium of the State Duma to the accompaniment of stormy applause from the Communists; as for the latter, one never knows whether they want war or peace.  相似文献   

This article begins with the widespread expectation that ‘followingthe money trail’ would be an effective means of hamperingterrorist activity. So far, however, that effectiveness hasbeen less than certain, and financial services providers arguethat, at most, they would be able to check names against lists(they are adamant that the risk-based approach does not applyhere). Legal difficulties deepen the factual problems: boldstatements in international Conventions that terrorist activitiesare not political crimes, do not really solve the fundamentaldilemma that a distinction needs to be made between freedomfighters and terrorists if combatants are merely aiming at therestoration of the democratic order. On a more practical level,international organizations (namely the United Nations and theFinancial Action Task Force on Money Laundering) have createda system of mechanisms to freeze suspected funds of terrorism.So far, the procedures for freezing and de-freezing do not meetthe generally accepted standards of a fair hearing (as definedby the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsor the European Convention on Human Rights). The author concludesthat the current way of dealing with the issue of financingof terrorism is far from convincing.  相似文献   

尹立 《政法论丛》2005,(2):44-47
WTO反倾销协议首次在其调查程序规则中正式吸收并确立了“可获最佳信息原则”。在反倾销调查程序中,进口国调查当局一旦采用”可获最佳信息原则”进行裁定,对反倾销被诉企业会产生极为不利的影响。本文试图通过对“可获最佳信息原则”设立的目的、适用条件、以及适用后对被诉企业产生的不利影响的深入说明和分析,使我国出口企业认识到,企业只有积极应诉配合调查,才能排除“可获最佳信息原则”的适用,才有可能争取客观、公正的结果。  相似文献   

This essay is an attempt to begin to think through the complex interlacing of Levinasian ethics, violence, terror and war. The question driving this essay is: in the midst of the harrowing debris of body parts that followed the synchronised explosions of bombs in a number of London train carriages and a bus, what can possibly remain of the ethical? This question will be examined in the context of what remains unspeakable in the face of such acts of violence. Framed by the authorising rubric of declarations of law—as ‘that which speaks in the language of legislation and promises certainty in the anxious aftermath of the loss of certainty’, and the attendant concerns with the question of the ‘enemy’ (as clandestine operative of terror and as object of fantasies)—this essay seeks to examine the ‘unspeakable remainder’ of declarations of law, as that which unsettles (legislated) promises of certainty in the anxious aftermath of a terrorist explosion and its ongoing trauma. In the course of this essay, I proceed to think through the contentious relation between violence and ethics in the context of a Levinasian framework, arguing for a Levinas that challenges and unsettles pietistic views of his ethical philosophy. In deploying the neologism necroethics, I attempt to examine anachronic and necrological violence and its relation to the ethical injunction to own responsibility for the dead.  相似文献   

论网络恐怖主义行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文扼要介绍“9.11恐怖袭击事件”后船舶保赔保险战争险除外条款及特别保赔保险战争险(SPECIAL P&I WAR RISKS COVER)的变化,阐明了船舶所有人在市场上安排保赔保险战争险的必要性。  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 2000, thousands of lives were taken in Algeria at the hands of a violence that sought justification in religion—Islam. While these events can be understood as the direct consequence of decolonization and the bloody Algerian War that lasted eight years, it is important to note that the rise of terrorist violence in Algeria has had consequences beyond its national boundaries. For instance, renowned historian Benjamin Stora has argued that the treatment of Islam in contemporary France appears to have been shaped by the long and bloody conflict that resulted in Algeria obtaining its independence. As Stora points out, “the War with Algeria continues through the struggle against Islam, which today is masked as a fight against Islamic ‘fundamentalism’—a word that is curiously borrowed from vocabulary that is specific to Christianity. The observance of a France that is rooted in the purity of a mythical identity, endlessly threatened, is what legitimizes, a priori, all violence, all measures of ‘war’ in a defense against the ‘invaders.’”  相似文献   

杨正鸣 《犯罪研究》2009,(1):13-20,12
2001年9月11日,历史将永远铭记着这一天,作为纽约之骄傲的世贸大厦轰然倒塌,在短短几十分钟内数千生灵灰飞烟灭,从那一霎那起,我们生活于其中的整个世界都为“9.11”这个黑色的日子所带来的毁灭而震撼与惊恐。在此之后,美国几乎所有的政治、军事、外交活动都不同程度地与这一恐怖袭击事件相关联,恐怖分子那种对于无辜生命的漠视与屠戮,已经被永远钉在历史的耻辱柱上,  相似文献   

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