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Web-based accountability continues to be an important consideration for nonprofit organizations. This research examines the impact of certain variables on web-based accountability in the arts, culture, and humanities sector. A content analysis of eighty nonprofit organizations was performed and multiple statistical analyses were used. Findings indicated that regulatory measures, including the prosecution and a detection index, are the most significant variables for determining web-based accountability for this group of nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

我国非营利组织信息公开法律制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于非营利组织自身的特殊性,非营利组织信息公开制度相对于营利组织信息公开制度更具有现实意义,它是政府、捐赠人、社会公众等实现对非营利组织监督管理的基础。我国非营利组织信息公开法律制度尚未能够针对公益性组织和互益性组织、不同规模的组织做科学、合理的分类管理;双重管理体制下的双重信息公开有悖于效率的基本原则;社会团体和民办非企业单位信息公开专门制度缺失且缺乏强有力的保障措施。因而,应以功能优化为目标,在基本内容、基本途径和基本要求三方面来完善我国非营利组织信息公开法律制度。在基本内容上重点强化公益性和互益性组织、不同规模组织的分类管理;在基本途径方面完善税务部门对非营利组织信息公开的管理;在基本要求方面应逐步建立社会团体和民办非企业单位信息公开专门制度并健全信息公开法律责任制度。  相似文献   

This article provides a framework for the conceptualization of arts entrepreneurship in the US by first examining a range of perspectives on the boundaries of the “arts and culture sector” in the US and then exploring in some depth four theories of entrepreneurship and how such theories may be realized within the arts and culture sector. Theories of firm formation are considered both generally and as potentially applied to the arts and culture sector, with examples of firm formation drawn both from existing literature and the author's direct observation of entrepreneurial activity. Finally, the essay connects these theories in a means and ends framework to provide a context for understanding arts entrepreneurial activity, especially in the US arts and culture sector. The theory that emerges from the examples provided to illustrate the framework is a simple one: artists form firms or otherwise undertake entrepreneurial action toward the end of creating art sustainably and they do so by discovering or creating new connections between their means and that desirable end.  相似文献   

This study examines the recent spontaneous emergence of nonprofit cultural alliance organizations in the U.S. Cultural alliances are community-based associations, formed by arts/cultural organization members, which provide member interaction, collaboration, networking, resource sharing, and professional education opportunities. This research accomplishes three objectives: (1) generation of a body of knowledge about cultural alliances, (2) development of a cultural alliance member satisfaction model, and (3) quantitative analysis of member survey data to assess services provided, service quality, and member satisfaction. The results indicate that the survey instrument is an important assessment tool for use by association boards of directors and executive directors.  相似文献   

社区民间组织具有基层性、规模需求和影响相对小、数量多的属性。目前对社区民间组织的法律治理已基本做到了有法可依,各地也积累了一定的实践经验,但社区民间组织在成立门槛、竞争主体、活动资源、内部自律和外部监督等方面还存在诸多问题。当前应针对社区民间组织本身的特点,结合实践经验,完善社区民间组织的立法,并通过立法和法律的实施建立促进该组织发展的准入、竞争、激励和监督等四大法律治理机制。  相似文献   

The author questions the arts support system in post-Communist Romania, examining whether the cultural policies during 1990-2006 have contributed to the development of the arts sector, the enhancement of artistic creativity, and the independence of artists. His analysis focuses on the institutional framework and the financing mechanisms that support artists. The author argues that the institutional configurations and the collective mentalities that dominate the cultural sector and public policy have strongly influenced cultural policy in Romania. Along with the economic difficulties, the weighty legacy of the centralized authoritarian state and the paternalistic attitude that dominated for so long in Romanian history have acted as constraints on the public support for the arts and artists. The post-Communist cultural policy remains dependent on historical patterns and, despite some attempts of reform in the late 1990s, it is only recently that a noninterventionist policy and a more effective arts support system emerged.  相似文献   

This article discusses state support of artists in the United Kingdom, focusing on the Arts Council England. To understand the present—or the future—support of visual artists, one needs to understand the past. Accordingly, the article begins with a brief history of the Arts Council of Great Britain from 1946, discussing Thatcher's reforms after the 1979 election. Tony Blair's New Labour continued many of the same strategies instituted by the Conservatives. At the same time as fiscal constraints and "enterprise culture" were imposed, the mission of the Arts Council was broadened to include both geographical representation and a more populist agenda. A review of the contemporary arrangements for state support of artists in the United Kingdom shows that many of the tensions that exist within today's Arts Council were institutionalized in its early days. The article concludes with a comment on what the current situation may portend for the future.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which public higher education institutions participate in state-level arts policy through a history of selected budgets and a textual analysis of performing arts presenting centers at public higher education institutions in Virginia. Evidence from this research suggests that the arts policy field is altered by the emergence of public higher education institutions as policy actors. The findings have financial and decision-making implications for arts policy makers, university administrators, and arts agencies as the participation of public higher education institutions affords new opportunities and challenges for the state encouragement of the arts.  相似文献   

Affirmative action and diversity can serve as a powerful framework for helping arts management educators address the challenge of diversity in the arts. This article encourages arts management educators to use affirmative action and diversity to proactively recruit diverse students into academic degree programs.  相似文献   

This article investigates brand architecture by analyzing stakeholder perceptions of brand images when a new joint brand is created for the existing brands of three arts organizations. The theoretical framework is based on previous literature on brand architecture and brand image. The empirical study is based on a quantitative, 418-respondent survey among stakeholders of these three arts organizations. The study makes two major theoretical contributions. First, the results show that the new joint brand can be endorsed by the existing sub-brands, contrary to brand-architecture literature. Second, even in the case of a new brand, stakeholders perceive the functional attributes as important.  相似文献   

In this article, I present a review of financial and management accounting literature on the arts and cultural sector. My objective is to understand to what extent this literature is able to offer a critical perspective on the study of performance evaluation practices in arts and cultural organizations, as it is currently missing in the arts management literature. Adopting a critical perspective means shifting the focus of research from the technicalities of evaluation rules and procedures to their embodiment by the different organizational and societal actors of the arts and cultural sector.  相似文献   

和谐文化是一种先进文化,它具有导向、激励、调控三大社会功能。和谐文化能够为和谐社区的构建提供思想基础和精神动力,为和谐社区的管理提供精神支柱和思想纽带,为和谐社区的健康发展提供价值导向和思想保证。因此,建设中国特色的社区和谐文化,一是要继承和弘扬中国优秀的传统文化;二是要批判地吸收外国文化的有益成分;三是要坚持"以人为本",实现和谐文化的共建共享。  相似文献   

农村社区文化作为新农村建设的一个重要方面,己不仅仅是一种文化娱乐、文化设施,还影响和包容着人们的行为规范、信仰观念、人际关系等。基于一项全国性调查数据(CGSS2005)的分析显示,当前我国农村社区文化活动从绝对数量和相对数量上看都非常的匮乏。相关分析显示,农村社区社会资本与社区文化的发展状况之间存在显著的正相关关系,加强农村社区文化建设不仅有利于增进农村社区社会资本、强化社区认同感、增进地缘关系和人际关系,而且对于使村民超越个体私利形成具有集体责任感和归属感的农村社区具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Choral music is the leading form of public participation in the arts in the United States. This article describes choral music from an organizational perspective, using a strategic management framework to examine total market scale, scope of activity, and internal structure. While many tens of thousands of choruses are embedded in educational and religious institutions, this article focuses on independent, community-based choruses. Data from public and private sources, including the leading national service organization for choruses, shows that an estimated 3,000 of these choruses operate in the U.S. They are typically organized along club models, with significant contributions to finances and governance made by chorus singers. Summary data in the article show variation in governance and program activity within budget ranges and among chorus types including professional, symphonic, volunteer, and children/youth.  相似文献   

高师文科生科学文化素质的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该调查报告,以国际公认的公众科学素养的标准,调查江苏高师文科生科学文化素质的现状,发现文科生科技知识贫乏,科学素养低下。高师对在文科生中开展科学文化教育不重视;已开设综合性科技知识课程的,又存在教学内容上的缺陷,忽略科学方法、科学思想、科学精神的教育。报告探讨了在高师文科生中开展科学文化教育的必要性,提出了选择科学文化教育内容的原则,以及开展科学文化教育的方式与关键  相似文献   

Arts education in the United States, especially in public schools, has been neglected and its public funding has decreased. This is partly due to the difference in the conception of public education policies and the arts. The theory of economic goods and an analysis of two current education policies demonstrate that public education is treated as a public good that is needed by all people, and therefore funded with tax dollars. Because the arts are common goods that different people value in their own terms, education in the arts is treated as nonessential and funded sporadically in public school settings. Based on the theory of the commons, the author suggests that nonprofit arts organizations are equipped to deal with the common good and diverse nature of the arts and can provide sustainable arts education that fills the gap of arts education in public schools.  相似文献   

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