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Three- to nine-year-old children were interviewed about a medical emergency (injury requiring hospital ER treatment) two years after it occurred. Half of the number of children had been interviewed shortly after injury as well as 6 and 12 months later, while the remaining children had had only one prior interview a year after injury. There was remarkably little long-term deterioration in memory by both groups. Having a delayed initial interview had two effects, and both were relevant only to the harder-to-remember hospital treatment event: (a) The late-interview group was less accurate, and (b) early-interview children had more extensive free recall, suggesting that multiple prior interviews teach children the “rules of the memory game' when they are asked open-ended questions. Forensic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The lesions of impact cardiopathy ("cardiac contusion") which fail to heal satisfactorily, leading to delayed heart failure and death, are infrequently recognized, in part because of a general lack of appreciation of the lingering significance of lesser degrees of trauma. The case of a 31-year-old male dying 4 weeks after a vehicular collision provides strong confirmation of the expectable intermediate aspects of this spectrum of post traumatic lesions.  相似文献   

Yao XL  Ding XK 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):301-302
根据胃排空的情况进行死亡时间的推断是法医学常用方法,但有时会出现一定的误差,本文对5例胃排空显著延缓的案例进行分析,探讨提高其准确性的方法。  相似文献   

上海自贸区正式获准成立,这是中国法治转型中的重大创新。上海自贸区内通过临时性的授权调整,逐步推进行政审批体制改革,实行准入前国民待遇和"负面清单"管理模式,以此推进政府职能转变;在投资领域努力扩大服务业的投资开放、促进外商投资准入制的转轨、构筑对外投资服务促进法律体系;在贸易领域积极推动贸易结构的转型升级、提升国际航运服务能级;在金融领域应加快金融制度创新,增强金融服务能力,实现"在岸金融"与"离岸金融"的互动;并在争议解决机制构建方面也进行了卓有成效的探索。  相似文献   

防空识别区属于国家预警机制的组成部分,对于沿海国维护海洋权益和保障国家安全具有重要意义.防空识别区的建立具有国际法上的合法依据,在实践中也被默认.我国海上安全形势严峻,应尽早确立防空识别区制度.  相似文献   

6 cases of suicide by hanging with delayed death are presented in tables laying out the circumstances and the findings. All the persons involved remained continuously unconscious after initially successful reanimation; two were at this time already dead. The survival times lay between 18 hours and 4 days. In two cases intravital vertebral death occurred. In the other cases death was due indirectly to hypoxial brain-damage which had led to a greater or lesser extent to elective parenchymal necrosis. In 3 of 4 histologically investigated cases there was evidence of extensive cell destruction in the PCA muscle which was, however, not specifically related to the process of hanging since lesions of this nature also occur with other cases of delayed death after reanimation. In 7th case the problems encountered in compiling an expert opinion are discussed in cases where there are no corresponding procedural details. A 44 year old man died 3 weeks after having been submitted to bondage in a brothel at his own request (including binding of the neck). Compression of the throat with emphasis on one side was evident resulting in extensive ganglial cell damage in one half of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old boy fell from a 2.5-m height and suffered contusion of the thorax with hematoma in the soft tissues of the lateral chest wall. The rib cage itself remained intact. After 3 days, there was only local pressure sensitivity of the left hemithorax. On day 8 after the trauma, the child, who up to then had seemed to be in good health, suddenly died during lessons at school. Autopsy revealed a full-thickness rupture of the left ventricle with resultant cardiac tamponade. The macroscopic and histopathologic findings are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This article develops two distinct explanations for the failure of potential consequences to influence behavior. Discounting is the tendency to deliberatively devalue the future. In contrast, poor impulse control refers to the failure to consider the future. The implications of this distinction were investigated with data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health. The study produced several findings. First, both forms of present-orientation independently predicted a range of problem outcomes among respondents. Second, high discounting was a better predictor of deliberative or future-related problem outcomes, whereas poor impulse control was a better predictor of urge driven behaviors or conduct involving little forethought. Third, only poor impulse control but not high discounting predicted violent offending among respondents. While both forms of present-orientation were associated with property offending, high discounting was a stronger and more consistent predictor. These three findings were far more evident for males than they were for females.  相似文献   

上海西郊经济开发区是市级开发区。开发区成立于一九九二年八月,一九九三年十二月二十六日经青浦县人民政府发[1993]228号文件批准为县级开发区,也是清理整顿各类开发  相似文献   

1案例简介 1.1案情 张某。女性。70岁。2003年1月6日,张某因CO中毒去某卫生所接受治疗。后被诊断为C0中毒迟发性脑病。张某的家属认为卫生所在对张某施行的治疗中存在过错。2003年9月17日,某市医学会医疗事故技术鉴定书结论为:诊断明确,为CO中毒,诊所在发病早期没有将病人转移到上级医院行高压氧治疗,在治疗措施上存在缺陷。  相似文献   

制定循环经济基本法是目前学界讨论的热点。从现实基础看,我国尚不具备制定循环经济基本法的现实条件;从法律基础看,制定循环经济基本法会和现有法律制度产生难以解决的重叠和冲突;从思想基础看,现阶段制定循环经济基本法,不仅在论证理由上不充分,更是一种“法律工具主义”的倾向。因此,目前不宜制定循环经济基本法,而应该加快研究制定各循环经济单项法和特别法。  相似文献   

试论中国保税区向FTZ转型的法律定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙秀君 《法学论坛》2006,21(4):57-63
在国家提出发展循环经济的背景下,保税区正在尝试向自由贸易区转型。在转型的过程中,我国还缺少在自由贸易区方面的立法。尽管现有的《海关法》中出现了保税区的名称,但是国家立法对于保税区尚没有给出准确的法律定位。国家应该在转型之前,加快我国的自由贸易区立法进程。  相似文献   

I do not believe that the banking sphere in Russia is seriously criminalized. Accusations of this sort are constantly being made against banks by Russias press (which is prone to see criminalization in every instance). They speculate about the criminal origin of a considerable proportion of bank capital in Russia, citing different figures (as a rule, several dozen percent). These allegations, however, are rather doubtful. One can hardly imagine that proper "criminal groups," which obtained their money by racketeering, robbery, and so forth, might not only have billions of dollars at their disposal but also take the risk of utting them in banking, a sphere kept under the closest control by the authorities (the origin of a banks own capital, unlike the money in its accounts, can be effectively traced through rather elaborate procedures).  相似文献   

互联网时代的信息共享使"足不出户可知天下"成为可能,而网络零售和快递服务的迅猛发展更让现代人享受到了足不出户可拥天下的便利,但伴随而来的快递纠纷也层出不穷,其中"快递不快"久居投诉榜首的地位。面对现有救济手段不足且赔偿金额微薄的窘境,如何才能既保护消费者的合法权益,同时又让快递行业持续发展,已成为我们亟待解决的问题。分析现行快递延误纠纷救济方法,并改进快递延误救济机制,不失为预防、减少和化解这类纠纷之良策。  相似文献   

开发区管理委员会的法律地位   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在开发区发展壮大的过程中,开发区管理委员会发挥了重要作用,但也存在一些问题,法律地位不明确便是其中之一。把开发区管理委员会归类为“法律、法规授权组织”或“派出机构”都明显不妥,而将其界定为一级政府的派出机关更符合实践现状。应积极推进相关立法,明确开发区管理委员会的法律地位,并加强其在职责权限、机构设置、领导体制和管理模式等方面的制度建设,以适应开发区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

专属经济区作为《联合国海洋法公约》设立的新制度,没有明确规定其中的外国军事活动性质,各国对《公约》的相关条款的理解形成两种对立的观点:即认为专属经济区内的外国军事活动是他国的自由;或是该事项为沿海国的专属管辖权。通过分析《公约》制定的背景以及立法宗旨,专属经济区内的军事测量应事先得到沿海国的同意,具体内容尚需国际习惯法或者双边或多边条约规范。  相似文献   

目的探讨骨折延迟愈合、骨折不连接伤残等级评定条款的适用。方法从患者的性别、年龄、骨折部位/种类、合并疾病情况、治疗方式、骨折愈合时间、伤残等级等资料分析66例骨折延迟愈合、骨折不连接的评残案件。结果进行伤残等级鉴定60例,其中八级2例,九级11例,十级28例,未构成伤残19例,还有6例未申请伤残鉴定。结论现行国家鉴定标准尚无骨折延迟愈合、骨折不连接的明确条款,故有一定的不适应性,在实践中可比照最相类似条款进行评残。  相似文献   

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