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What''''s in a Name?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I often think that Chinese women are wiser than we in the West, as they generally don't adopt their husbands' names upon marrying. There could be something in the Chinese belief that the name given at birth determines the fate of its bearer. Family names and how they are ar-  相似文献   

In China everyone has his/her own family name or surname. There were 521 family names in China according to a traditional pamphlet entitled 100-Family Names published in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). 462 family names were of one-syllable Chinese square-character, and 59 of them, the two-syllable ones. How to begin with the Chinese family name? It is an interesting try for us to trace back to the origin of our family name for we could review a series of wonderful stories during our 5000-year long  相似文献   

Dancing Rose     
LIKE other foreigners in China, Aly Rose has a Chinese name, Luo Hongmei. In fact, the students and teachers of the dance academy, as well as society at large, only know her by this name. While other foreigners may for the sake of convenience create a Chinese name, her name is her identity here. Hence, she may be upset if people, after being told more than once, continue to write the characters of her name incorrectly. "Hong as in red, Mei as in rose. As if I was born in the countryside,…  相似文献   

I often think that Chinese women are wiser than we in the West, as they generally don‘t adopt their husbands‘ names upon marrying. There could be something in the Chinese belief that the name given at birth determines the fate of its bearer.  相似文献   

There are some accusations stigmatizing China made by the international media recently.Coming from a sense of superiority,adopted by some American politicians and media agencies since the outbreak of the pandemic to demonize and stigmatize China,they are now describing Westerners as victims of discrimination in China.Those reports even said that Africa ns,who historically have a deep f「ien dship with the Chinese,have been subjected to acts of'Yacism,*in China.The fact is that some of China's supermarkets,gyms,bars,hotels and other public places do not allow people to enter in groups,neither Chinese nor foreigners,as a measure of pandemic prevention and control.Also,a quarantine period is in place for people entering the country,including Chinese and foreigners.  相似文献   

The TV singing contest continues to draw a devoted audience, but will its impact on Chinese culture fall away like a shooting star? Ask any teenage girl in China to name the finalists of last year's Super Girl show and chances are she will instantly come up with the three big names.She'll probable  相似文献   

At 91,Lin Wusun is a staunch advocate of somersaults,that is,mental somersaults,his name for the act of translating An eminent communicator who spent his career explaining Chinese culture to foreigners and the Western way of thinking to Chinese,Lin donned a translators mantle after retirement became a foremost Chinese translator,and still keeps his hand in.  相似文献   

LIKE many foreigners whocome to China for the longrun, Mr. Jepsen has takena Chinese name: Ye Push-en. Each Chinese namehas a unique meaning - in this case,Ye means "plant," Pu means "general"and Shen is another name for Shanghai.Says Ye Pushen, "I hope to have the vi-tality of a plant and the courage to takeroot anywhere. In other words, I wantour products to be accepted by China'sgeneral public, and Shanghai is whereI live and work! That's the significanceof my Chinese name." Those…  相似文献   

IN a moment of revealing insight, Henry Ford is said to have remarked, "If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse." This quote goes some way in explaining the relationship between originality and industry, and apparently had a big influ- ence on former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. When it comes to China’s originality trailblazers, Bai Minghui and Zhao Yu are two names that definitely spring to mind.  相似文献   

CHINA’s food culture,it seems,stretches back to time immemorial.There are various famous dishes,but to foreigners,the most familiar one might be sweet and sour pork(gulu rou),which is on the menus of Chinese restaurants all over the world. Rou means meat,but the origin of "gulu" in the name is very interesting.  相似文献   

Society/LifeWHEN 54 foreigners appeared atBeijing's bustlingDitan (Temple of Earth) Temple Fair,they caught many Chinese visitors' attention. It is not very oftenthat such a large group of foreignfaces appear on Beijing'sstreets. The group had beeninvited by the Chinese Ministryof Culture to spend the SpringFestival in China.From June to September1999, the Ministry of Culture and106 Chinese embassies andconsulates in 94 countries Jointlyheld a trivia contest entitled "GetTogether in…  相似文献   

正INTERNATIONAL travel is becoming fashionable in China and more people are beginning to explore the outside world.Many countries are trying to attract Chinese tourists.Many foreigners,however,have a somewhat love-hate relationship with Chinese visitors.They love Chinese tourists’high level of consumption,and the economic benefits it brings.However,Chinese visitors  相似文献   

If a question were asked of what China's most important foreign relations are,most Chinese would name Sino-American ties among their sure answers.Indeed,this relation ship is of crucial importance to both nations,  相似文献   

C hinese is an important language on the world stage, but many foreigners hesitate to attempt learning it, believ- ing it also to be one of the hardest languages. Despitethis, many have tackled Chinese in the classroom and on thestreets of China, to varying effect. Why do foreigners chooseto learn Chinese, especially as the number of Chinese nationalsstudying high levels of English (and other languages) are in-creasing every year? Here are the stories of five young wom…  相似文献   

Editor's note:The Chinese nationality is a generous nationality, due to her culture and history. From ancient times to modern times, many foreigners with different complexions, languages, and religions have come to China, where they were never treated with discrimination or persecution. On the contrary, foreigners have received a more than welcoming attitude from the Chinese people. Among those foreigners were Muslims from central and western Asia who came  相似文献   

正There are a lot of online shopping platforms across the globe,but one popular site that caught my attention after coming to C hina from Ghana is Taobao.China’s largest online shopping platform,Taobao is known for being very userfriendly,especially if you can read Chinese characters.I love their services as they are committed to making it a pleasurable experience for the shopper.If you cannot speak Chinese,or you have diffi culties with Taobao’s English transla-  相似文献   

Eastern and Western cultures share a fascination with superstition, especially when it comes to numbers If you are in a skyscraper in Manhattan, don't bother looking for the 13th floor, and if you want to get a new phone num- ber in Beijing,be prepared to pay extra if it has the numeral eight in it.For all the differences Chinese culture and American culture have,they do share a love of lucky  相似文献   

Chinese officials are displaying a far more human public persona these days than their traditionally severe demeanor, a change welcomed by the people. Formerly stem and rigid, they are now animated and unafraid to express enthusiasm in public. Chinese civil servants no longer blend into a solid gray wall of officialdom, one indistinguishable from the other by virtue of the dry-as-dust officialese they speak. In the interests of promoting their work and achievements, officials are now happy to stand out as individuals.  相似文献   

ACCORDING to Li Guiling, deputy director of the National Office for TeachingChinese as a Foreign Language, more than 80 universities in the United States offer degree programs in Chinese, and more than 700 American universities offer Chinese courses. Surprisingly enough, not only overseas Chinese and the children of foreign citizens of Chinese origin are motivated to learn Chinese, but also many foreigners of non-Chinese origin.20 Million People Study ChineseThe office has come up w…  相似文献   

There are too many tea varieties, factories, and styles of packaging and too few registered trademarks and known domestic and international brands. No brand name means no market, let alone reputation or consumer loyalty. Beneath the superficially prosperous Chinese tea industry there lurks a nagging insecurity over its dearth of brand names.  相似文献   

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