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Cities are increasingly outsourcing economic development policy advisory and development to private consultants. To explore the role and influence of consultants, this study undertook a systematic examination of the economic development policy documents of 41 cities in the Province of Ontario, Canada. The findings of this study indicate that a small handful of consultants are key actors in economic development policy advisory in Ontario. The policy documents authored by consultants tend to be similar in style, scope, and language; and from a policy perspective, there is convergence of policy as cities are recommended the same economic development strategies.  相似文献   

Regional collaboration has been suggested as a more effective way to promote economic development than competitive approaches. In Ontario, despite attempts by the provincial government to encourage regional collaboration, research finds that municipalities are still engaging in inter-territorial competition. In this article, we conducted interviews with thirty-seven practitioners to determine if economic development practices in Ontario have shifted towards more collaborative approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article finds that regional collaboration, as an economic development practice, has intensified in the province during the recent pandemic. Practitioners noted three reasons for engaging in regional collaboration: pool resources, reduce duplication, and complete regionally task-oriented goals.  相似文献   

影响FDI的决定性因素——关于中国的实证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡再勇 《外交评论》2006,30(3):89-95
本文以中国为例,实证分析了经济基础因素、国内FDI政策、国际FDI政策对我国吸引外国直接投资的影响。实证结果显示,经济基础变量,如市场规模和潜在的市场规模、交通通讯占GDP的比重、借贷利率、物价波动率是影响FDI的显著因素;而政府关于FDI的政策,如较低的关税税率、其他FDI投资激励政策以及限制性措施的废除、双边投资协定也显著影响FDI流入我国;但我国政府给予外国投资者的各种显性与隐性的税收优惠对FDI的影响不是很显著。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between local government economic development policy and multilevel governance, and investigates whether multilevel governance can be effectively implemented in key sectors, using two case studies of the aerospace and fashion sectors. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What inhibits the formation of multilevel collaborative governance institutions in these sectors? What implications does this have for urban economic development policy for the City of Toronto, and by extension, other cities across Canada? The case study evidence suggests that these institutions are forming in other cities such as Montreal and contributing to their success. So why is Toronto different?  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,我国经济增长的奇迹是人口、资源、环境、出口、改革、制度等诸多“红利”叠加的结果。随着传统红利的弱化或枯竭,我国经济增长减速明显,从一系列宏观经济先行指标(BDI、PMI、PPI、ICS等)疲软反映了当前我国经济运行的窘困。因此,研究我国红利要素构成、演变特点和释放规律,应对经济下行风险,意义重大。  相似文献   

对于一个城市的发展来说 ,城市竞争力是决定因素。评价城市竞争力可从创造积累财富、吸引资金和吸引人才三个方面进行。构成城市竞争力的要素主要有经济发展现状、政治社会环境、科学文化教育水平、城市自然资源环境和城市基础设施等五个方面。中国最具有代表性的四种城市竞争力发展模式分别是 :龙头型城市、新兴卫星城、传统区域中心城市、沿海开放城市 ,在中国经济发展中最值得我们注意  相似文献   

经济可持续发展问题即市场可持续发展问题.如何在激烈的市场竞争中找到企业的营销导向就需要通过分析人口、资源、环境等可持续发展因素,最终选择绿色营销作为我们的营销导向.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines trends in local economic development policies in Canadian and US cities over the past fifteen years. Using data drawn from surveys conducted at four points in time ‐ 1990, 1994, 2001, and 2005 ‐ the study provides a longitudinal assessment of change versus stability in overall approach toward economic development. Findings indicate that Canadian and US cities have followed relatively similar trajectories in the extent to which they use particular economic development policies. Overall, the most common economic development policies in both nations have been and continue to be very similar: infrastructure investment generally, land development, basic promotion, and the use of special events to attract and retain businesses and residents and to promote the community. Thus, there is a visible pattern of the “least of differences” among cities in Michigan and Ontario in their development strategies and approaches. Sommaire: Le présent article examine les tendances qui se sont dégagées des politiques de développement économique local dans les villes canadiennes et américaines, au cours des quinze dernières années. À l'aide des données tirées de sondages réalisés à quatre moments différents, à savoir en 1990, 1994, 2001 et 2005, l‘étude fournit une évaluation longitudinale des changements par rapport à la stabilité dans l'approche globale à l’égard du développement économique. Les résultats indiquent que les villes canadiennes et américaines ont suivi des trajectoires relativement similaires dans la mesure où elles ont recours à des politiques de développement économique particulières. Dans l'ensemble, les politiques de développement économique les plus courantes dans ces deux pays ont été et continuent d‘être très similaires: l'investissement dans l'infrastructure en général, l'aménagement du territoire, la promotion de base, et le recours à des événements spéciaux pour attirer et retenir les entreprises et les résidents et pour promouvoir la communauté. Ainsi, il existe parmi certaines villes du Michigan et de l'Ontario un modèle visible de la “moindre des différences” dans leurs stratégies et leurs méthodes de développement.  相似文献   

上海特大城市卫星城发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国西部大开发的关键是城市化,而特大型城市正需要发展卫星城。卫星城在社会主义市场经济中是一个新生事物,所以在向发达市场经济国家借鉴的同时,需要建立与市场经济相适应的卫星城概念;充分考虑“三转”并存的现实状况;保持建设规划的连续性,防止卫星城建设半途而废;建设与国际大都市目标相适应的卫星城;打破地方分割;用优惠政策吸引居民迁入;利用级差地租;引进高等学校;发展轨道交通;加大建城力度;扩大卫星城建设资金来源;为国际大都市建设置换空间。  相似文献   

数字城市:一种新的城市生存发展方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字城市是城市现代化的必然结果,也是一种新的城市生存发展方式。我国数字城市发展呈现出“城市数字化工程初见成效、信息化试点城市逐年增多、数字城市基础设施建设初具规模、数字城市解决方案问世、数字城市论坛与日俱增”等特点。数字城市是一项复杂的社会系统工程,构建中国式数字城市必须采取综合政策措施,这对于推进中国城市化与信息化的协调发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

"中三角"包括长江中游城市群中以武汉、长沙、南昌、合肥为核心的41个城市,是区域经济的重要增长极。"中三角"经济圈承载着中部崛起的希望,应力争成为继"长三角"、"珠三角"、"京津冀"城市群之后,引领中国经济增长的"第四极"。"中三角"是个区域,只有"中三角"四省形成要素资源集聚效应,才能加速共同发展。近几年,江西外向型经济发展速度较快、区域经济发展较好、节能减排成效明显、进位赶超后发优势凸显,但从经济发展总量、农业规模、消费水平等方面看,江西落后于"中三角"其他省份。作为同属"中三角"地区,湖北、湖南、安徽推动经济发展的以结构调整为主线、以区域发展为重点等相关举措值得关注。为此,江西应加快做好基础设施建设、鄱阳湖生态城市建设、产业集群建设、现代旅游业建设等五个方面建设,积极融入"中三角"区域发展。  相似文献   

高新科技、市场经济、跨国公司的发展、地区合作、全球化营销等成为经济全球化的推动因素,中国企业的营销现状比较落后,经济全球化对中国市场营销提出了挑战,企业应在营销理念、营销策略、营销技术手段等方面进行创新。  相似文献   

当前我国电子商务存在着基础设施不足、物流配送体系不完备、电子支付安全性无法得以保障等问题 ,已严重影响了电子商务的健康发展。因此 ,改变我国的微观经济基础尤其是信用基础 ,改善电子商务的基本支持系统 ,加强税收征管和相关法律法规建设 ,对我国电子商务的发展有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国企业进行绿色营销是适应21世纪经济全球化发展趋势的必然选择。面对绿色经济大潮涌动的新世纪,加入WTO后的中国企业必须积极开展绿色营销战略、策略,促进企业和社会的协调发展。  相似文献   

长三角内部在实际利用FDI和经济发展水平上存在明显差异,上海、苏州遥遥领先于其他14个地区,内部统筹协调发展有待进一步加强;除上海、苏州之外,以实际FDI为标准划分的不同板块之间在经济发展水平上的差异并非想象中那么明显,其中利用外资规模较小的地区正呈现出民资替代外资的态势,经济发展的自主性和内生性趋势明显;浙江杭州湾地区和江苏中部地区有可能在未来成为长三角新的增长极和集聚中心,同已有的龙头共同支撑长三角经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国农村非营利组织无论是从法律规制、政府管理的视角,还是从自身生存和发展能力的视角来剖析,都显示出它与现实社会的发展与需求之间的差距。借鉴国外农村非营利组织的立法经验,提出从降低取得主体资格的门槛、放宽对经营性活动的限制、给予合理的反垄断豁免、税收激励、完善外部监督和内部治理等方面构建农村非营利组织激励与约束法律机制。  相似文献   

The Government of Canada has been engaged in a massive redistribution of wealth and income from some provinces – usually British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario – to the other provinces and territories. This redistribution has been accomplished through a number of federal government programs that may have been presented to the public as having nation‐wide applicability and not necessarily designed to meet the needs of any particular province or territory. These federal programs are part of a coherent redistributive whole, but each demonstrates how redistribution has been accomplished. They include transfer programs, such as Equalization and Territorial Formula Financing, that have explicitly addressed the horizontal fiscal imbalance. They also include transfer programs like the Canada Health Transfer, the Canada Social Transfer, labour market training and development, and infrastructure that have implicitly moved federal fiscal resources to various regions of the country. And they include direct federal spending programs like Employment Insurance, immigrant settlement and regional economic development. The extent of this redistribution is discussed, as are the reasons for this redistributive focus and the impact of such large‐scale federal transfers on provincial budgets. Finally, an assessment is made of why the degree of redistribution appears to have been reduced in recent years.  相似文献   

Performance management (PM) is a major administrative mechanism for assessing efficiency and effectiveness, and for exacting accountability from organizations and individuals. Many have argued, however, that using PM in such ways creates perverse incentives and may lead to undesirable behaviours, such as the obstruction of accurate performance measurement in an effort to avoid public mortification. By examining the introduction of standardized testing in the Ontario public school system, this article adds to the debate on whether PM leads to undesirable behaviours and distorts the representation of actual performance by public sector employees. It argues that, while PM in the public sector may be well intentioned, it may generate a system that produces undesired results.  相似文献   

城市公用事业是我国经济中的一个非常重要的部分,它为经济发展提供必不可少的基础和保障,它的发展水平是整个经济社会发展水平的一种标志。混合经济是实现资源配置的一种重要的方式,用混合经济改造城市公用事业,使其摆脱过去体制单一、政企不分、效益低下的局面,建立现代企业制度和适应市场需求的经营机制,以保证其健康、持续、快速发展。  相似文献   

20 0 5年我国经济仍处于上升通道的合理区间。延长经济上升期既有有利方面,也有国际不利因素,以及国内的经济结构矛盾、粗放经济增长方式与体制性障碍等的制约。“双稳健”政策,加强区域政策、竞争政策的指导作用,特别是关键领域的体制改革等构成今年经济运行的主旋律。  相似文献   

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