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In an interview with the PLA Daily before Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou's trip to the United States, Qian Lihua, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of China's Ministry of National Defense, discussed the oft-strained military ties between China and the United States as well as China's core interests and concerns. Excerpts of the interview follow:  相似文献   

<正>Capital’s central axis will be renovated as part of World Cultural Heritage status application Whenever the layout of Beijing is mentioned,its iconic central axis will immediately come to mind.It is so important that the Beijing Government  相似文献   

You'd never run out of green net- working opportunities in Beijing. Thankfully, mixes of expats and locals have wrapped environmen- talism and socializing into one package of discounted drinks and offbeat venues.  相似文献   

正The plan to make the megacity more of a pure capital takes shape On January 11,a flag-raising ceremony was held in front of the new office building of the Beijing Municipal Government in Tongzhou District in east Beijing.After being in the very center of Beijing’s downtown area for 70 years,the  相似文献   

Beijing authorities recently announced the extension of the city's vehicle restrictions for another year, from April 11, 2009 to April 10, 2010, excluding legal holidays. According to the first round of auto restrictions designed for the Beijing Olympics, private vehicles were banned from roads from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, alternating  相似文献   

I was in Beijing seven yearsago, and will never forget staying awake all night, waitingfor the IOC decision. I wasamong the thousands of disappointed Beijing people. However,I eventually realized that asBeijing would bid again, we hadgained more than we had lost,because in its efforts to win thebid, the capital would accelerateits development. The achieve-ments that have taken place inBeijing over the space of just a fewyears would normally take five orten.Many, including the Westernmedia,…  相似文献   

北京四坛是指天坛、地坛、日坛、月坛,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地日月的祭坛.四坛的格局形成于明嘉靖九年(1530年).因为建在都城东南西北四郊,当时叫做四郊坛.  相似文献   

Shared Legacy     
正While dramatists Tang Xianzu and William Shakespeare lived and worked on two different continents,they shared a literary legacy.As this year marks the 400th year since their passing,a series of cultural events are being held to commemorate the literary masters.Several commemorative activities were held in April in Shakespeare’s hometown,Stratford-upon-Avon,by the Chinese  相似文献   

Green Legacy     
The curtain went down on the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai,yet the exploration of better city, better life will not end.Many green technologies exhibited at the World Expo will have a  相似文献   

Darwin's Legacy     
Why does the world exist and what or who created it? These are the questions humankind asked for thousands of years. Before Charles Darwin gave his answers, only creationism and uniformitarianism were turned to as possible reasons.  相似文献   

为北京市旅游纪念品市场把脉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游纪念品经营现状 --11家景区的旅游纪念品销售情况逊于北京景区旅游纪念品总体销售情况  相似文献   

城市排水是城市基础建设重要项目之一。结合北京的污水、污泥及污染物排放量的现状,预测2000年城市污水、污泥及污染量,就此问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

正In October 2018,German Chancellor Angela Merkel already announced that she would not participate in the elections taking place this year in September and would step down at the end of her fourth term.  相似文献   

Every month, Su Zhiyin sets aside four or five days for her favorite hobby— singing nanyin. As a resident of Jinjiang, southeast China's Fujian Province, the 60-year-old retired business woman has been practicing the art for over two decades. Nanyin is a musical performing art that originated during the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) and is central to the culture of the people living in the southern part of Fujian, as well as residents on China's southeastern coast and overseas Chinese of south Fujian origin.  相似文献   

古都北京是人类城市发展史上的瑰宝。作为元、明、清三朝帝都,宫观、坛庙金碧辉煌,构成经典的皇城物质文化,沉淀着丰富的文化价值。  相似文献   

A Great Legacy     
After running for 184 exciting and lively days, the curtain has finally descended on the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. As this great world event ends, heated discussion has started up about its significance, both internationally and for China.  相似文献   

正A late poet's great granddaughter retraces his footsteps inthe U.S.to find a continued linkWhen Wen Ting walked into the International House in New York City for the first time in 2018,she felt a spiritual connection with her great grandfather Wen Yiduo,who used to live on the ninth floor of the building 95 years ago.Wen Yiduo (1899-1946),one of the prominent poets in early 20th century China,was among the students chosen by the government in 1922 to pursue fine arts and literature in the U.S.He went to Chicago first but his last stop in the U.S.was the Art Students League in New York.a private art school.  相似文献   

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