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新时期的涉烟经济犯罪呈现出网络化、专业化、跨区域等显著特征,公安机关运用传统的打击方式难以彻底瓦解整个犯罪组织。针对这一现象,公安机关可探索集群战役的新型作战模式,充分发挥通力合作的优势,深入研判犯罪线索,统一进行侦查和打击,以达到取缔犯罪的目标。  相似文献   

大数据时代下的犯罪呈现出新趋势:非传统化、多元化威胁,犯罪活力、再生力明显增强,远程非接触式犯罪增大打击难度。这导致传统犯罪侦查模式受到冲击:滞后型打击模式亟需转换,经验型决策模式呼唤科学理性,孤岛型情报模式不利创新实践,科层制组织模式阻碍机制运转。为此,有必要从犯罪预测、侦查破案、侦查办案与侦查组织等方面对大数据视野下的侦查新思路着手,以期在理论上找到新时代下犯罪与侦查的制衡点,并对侦查工作的进一步完善起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

侦查是在一定诉讼制度与理念之下对犯罪行为的处理,因此,侦查的产生与发展以犯罪的出现与存在为前提,与特定的诉讼形态密切相关。侦查的历史发展经历了弹劾式诉讼模式下侦查行为的产生与存在,纠问式诉讼模式下专门侦查阶段与侦查机关的出现,到现代刑事诉讼模式下侦查制度的形成。  相似文献   

瓮安黑恶势力在地方资源开发过程中的某种崛起,特别值得中西部地区警惕 6月29日始,贵州省公安厅从全省抽调280余名侦查专家、骨干组成专案组,以强大阵容开展专案侦查、缉捕逃犯、深挖幕后、打黑除恶等工作。截至目前,公安机关已抓获6·28事件涉案人员360余人,其中黑恶势力成员160多人。专案组的调查显示,瓮安部分帮派成员参与打、砸、抢、烧行为,甚至有组织地运送汽油、凶器等到现场,对事态升级起到了推波助澜的作用。但是,到目前为止,尚未有足够证据说明,黑恶势力是这场群体事件的组织者和策划者。从当地干部群众的反映看,当地治安混乱,重大恶性案件高发,黄赌毒问题严重,群众严重缺乏安全感,黑帮横行,确是不容回避的事实。更值得探讨的是,瓮安黑帮横行的深层原因是什么?  相似文献   

影响侦查效益的因素众多。侦查效益的内部制约因素主要是指侦查机构和侦查主体自身影响侦查效益的相关事实和情况,主要涉及侦查构造和侦查控辩关系、侦查体制、侦查主体组织模式、侦查主体素质、侦查组织和策略设计实施等。  相似文献   

近年来毒品犯罪呈现多发态势,有力打击毒品犯罪、遏制毒品犯罪案件的再发展是当前公安工作的一项重要内容。毒品犯罪案件具有的团伙性、跨区域性、手段隐蔽、智能化对抗性明显和犯罪证据收集困难等特点。毒品犯罪案件的侦查需要注意选择恰当的时机,正确使用技术侦查和诱惑侦查手段,并加强视听资料的运用。  相似文献   

破案战役的犯罪控制作用具有明显和暂时的特点。破案战役与刑侦基础工作既有相互促进的一面,也有相矛盾、冲突的一面。破案战役的战果之一便是形成特定的工作机制,长效机制的形成有助于巩固破案战役取得的成效。破案战役与常规侦查工作是特殊与一般、相互取长补短的关系。作为一种解决非常犯罪问题的非常斗争手段,破案战役具有严厉性、针对性、规模性、有限性等特点。破案战役的组织实施大致可以分为决策、准备、实施和评估与总结等四个阶段。  相似文献   

侦查理论要肩负起给予侦查实践以理性支持的历史任务。侦查统计工作是现代刑事侦查的基础工作。通过比较犯罪统计和侦查统计的区别,并结合侦查理论问题,探讨侦查统计与侦查技术与侦查信息之间的关系。  相似文献   

经济犯罪侦查对策是经侦工作制度、侦查措施、经侦科学技术与侦查策略的合理配置方案的总称,其对策体系的确立应充分遵循“深度契合经济犯罪活动的本质特性”和“实现侦查活动的打、防并举职责”两大基本原则。经侦对策的制定应慎重考虑其全局性的战略对策和专案侦查活动的战术对策。战略对策的制定应注重对经济犯罪活动的遏制意义,同时突出其对专案侦查活动的基础性作用;战术对策的设计,应充分彰显其服务于打击犯罪的价值。  相似文献   

从侦查权启动的积极性和运行规律的角度,侦查工作形式可以划分为主动型和被动型两种基本类型。被动型侦查特点是对抗性强、突出的逆向性和确切的证明性。组织实施被动型侦查的要点是:合理分工,明确责任;全面获取线索和证据,精确分析案情;因地制宜地采取侦查措施,周密部署侦查工作。主动型侦查的特点是主动发现预谋犯罪、正在实施的犯罪及其他未被侦查部门掌握的隐案,实现了打击犯罪与预防犯罪相结合、惩罚犯罪与控制犯罪相结合、侦查取证活动与犯罪活动同步进行,强化了证据的证明力和证据力。根据其实施内容和形式的不同,主动型侦查的实施方式有:情报主导侦查、策略性侦查和技术侦查。被动型侦查与主动型侦查形成优势互补的关系。  相似文献   

In the past three decades, “policy entrepreneurship” has emerged as a key analytical concept helping to explain institutional and policy change. Despite this, however, the literature on policy entrepreneurship remains theoretically vexed, producing limited theoretical knowledge or explanatory models able to draw firm conclusions. Theory building on policy and institutional change, for example, how policy entrepreneurs institute and navigate change agendas, using what tools, strategies, resources, and capacities remains opaque. This is especially the case in developing country contexts, where most analytical investigation of policy entrepreneurship has addressed “first world” case examples. This special issue seeks to address this analytical gap in the literature, focusing on cases specific to developing country contexts, deepening our empirical knowledge of policy entrepreneurship in developing countries, but also exploring theoretical and conceptual debates as they relate to developing countries.  相似文献   

Think tanks often present themselves as contributors to a more reflective and informed political debate and their policy advice as based on knowledge and research. Yet, they also claim to be alternatives to university research and research institutes and often use knowledge and expertise to pursue explicitly ideological agendas. How do think tanks handle this balancing act of knowledge provision and ideological commitment? How do they relate to academia and what characterizes their approach to academic knowledge? The paper explores these questions through an investigation of the three main advocacy think tanks in Norway, based on an analysis of their organization, activities, staff and publications, and through interviews with think tank staff. The paper describes the specific ways in which these think tanks gather and utilize knowledge, and how they position themselves relative to academia. It also reflects on possible explanations for this pattern and on its normative implications.  相似文献   


Structural reforms such as the creation of autonomous agencies are a widely heralded solution for a multitude of problems in the public sector. These reforms have effects on public employees. This article shows how the structural disaggregation of ministries into autonomous agencies affects staff satisfaction with the organization. The article discusses three cases, where Dutch public organizations were either disaggregated from a ministry or reaggregated to the ministry. These structural reforms constitute a quasiexperimental setting where effects on agency staff and parent ministry staff are compared. In one case, creating the agency led to a decrease in staff satisfaction with the organization as compared to the staff that remained within the ministry. A second case showed that these negative effects linger and can last for more than eight years. An inverse organizational change—reaggregation—caused inverse effects: increasing satisfaction with the organization.  相似文献   

This article examines organized efforts by citizens to provide medical aid to unauthorized migrants in Germany. A case study of an activist organization in Berlin highlights how prevailing forms of governance through citizenship are disrupted. Three major themes are explored. First, historical contingencies and policy realities explain why, given examples of grassroots protest by migrants in other settings, efforts in Germany have been driven primarily by citizens. Second, migrants' biolegitimacy shapes specific ideas of relative deservingness. As a result, advocacy for some groups, such as survivors of torture or refugees from specific geopolitical settings, is more highly valued than that which addresses needs of unauthorized labor migrants. Finally, although their sustained efforts have resulted in challenges to policy and called into question prevailing notions of citizenship, medical activist organizations have become increasingly institutionalized, which may jeopardize their goals. As this case illustrates, the distinctive ethics associated with providing medical care has the ability to disrupt the scaling of citizenship by the state by treating noncitizens – especially ‘illegal’ noncitizens – ostensibly as citizens, thus protesting citizenship as the exclusive organizing principle of German society.  相似文献   

This article analyses the concept of international administration by a multilateral organization through the lens of the effective authority of example missions, arguing that the United Nations Interim Administration of Kosovo (UNMIK) and the United Nations Transitional Administration of East Timor (UNTAET) are very specific and distinct attempts at statebuilding. The article’s main argument is that the two most-cited cases in the interwar years – the Saar Territory and the Free City of Danzig, as well as the international administration of West New Guinea by the United Nation (UN) – while presenting interesting parallels with and providing useful insights into the challenges faced by the contemporary international administrations of Kosovo and Timor-Leste, are in fact drastically different endeavours in terms of the effective authority exerted on the ground. The article builds on this special section’s contribution on authority building, analysing the five international administrations through the prism of claimed, recognized, and exercised authority.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in using local community organizations to assist in the development process. Observers who evaluate the contribution of such groups frequently classify them into two clusters: those which are closely tied to the government and focus on service delivery, and those which guard their autonomy and engage in development rather than service delivery. This dichotomy, however, downplays the developmental role of groups allied with local governments and obscures some important contributions they can offer. Three different models are proposed and two case studies of service-oriented groups in Cairo are presented. The cases suggest that an important criterion in assessing voluntary groups is the extent to which their service delivery role enables them to develop an organization. From this perspective their role is potentially much broader than expediting government services.  相似文献   

关于公安机关“追缴赃款赃物及退赃“措施的法律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赃款赃物的性质只能够由国家授权的特定司法机关或者行政执法机关通过法定程序作出的生效裁决来确定,这是认定赃款赃物在程序上的决定性要件。公安机关在侦查阶段不能够称其扣押或者调取的物品为赃款赃物,追缴赃款赃物更是荒谬,因为其本身没有法律依据。针对“赃款赃物”及其追缴措施,应当通过完善刑事诉讼法、制订有关司法解释来解决和完善。  相似文献   

我国的刑事诉讼法再修改正在运作之中,侦查程序成为此次修改的重中之重,但焦点大多聚集在羁押及其司法审查、如何遏制刑讯逼供等方面,这些当然是目前迫切需要解决的问题,但法律的修改与制定,绝不能离开它的本土环境去运作。中国是一个无论在地理环境上还是人口素质与数量以及国家结构与体制上都很特殊的国家,而这些恰恰是法律实现的社会基础。侦查模式的重新构建,要高于现实,但绝不可脱离现实。  相似文献   

胡建勇 《学理论》2011,(33):71-72
农村的经济发展关乎国计民生,对于农村山区具体情况进行调研和分析,深入地探究农民收入增长动力,增加农民收入的策略和途径,具有特殊的重要意义。  相似文献   

DAVID LEVI‐FAUR 《管理》2006,19(3):367-382
The rationale behind this special issue’s stepwise analysis of cross‐sectoral and cross‐national variations and similarities of regulatory reforms is explained. The processes of case selection and inference are clarified and justified. At the same time, the article offers a strategy for an increase in the number of cases without compromising the strength of case‐oriented analysis. William Whewell’s notion of consilience is employed to (a) justify the inclusion of sectoral as well as national cases; (b) justify different degrees of in‐depth analysis according to the inferential role of the case in the research design; and (c) suggest a distinction in the inferential process between comparisons that enhance internal and external validity. The article concludes with a systematic examination of cross‐sectoral and cross‐national variations in a table that provides a “panoramic snapshot” and “holistic picture” of the combination of variations and commonalities of the cases analyzed.  相似文献   

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