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An examination of self-report scales of 160 men and 76 of their partners or former partners found significant correlations between jealousy and abusiveness (for coupled dyads) or intrusiveness (for separated dyads). Jealousy was related to borderline personality and to MCMI-II measures of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Rejection sensitivity leading to pathological acts, such as abusiveness and intrusiveness, is seen as originating in early insecure attachment and exposure to shaming experiences.  相似文献   

A 6-month outpatient treatment program for male abusers emphasized honesty, shame reduction, and group support for change. Ratings on the Abusive Behavior Inventory (ABI) obtained before and immediately after treatment demonstrated a significant decrease in physical and psychological abuse as rated by both the abusers and their female partners. This decrease in male abusiveness was maintained 6 months and two years after completion of treatment for those couples who cooperated in followup. No decrease in male abusiveness was observed during treatment, however, for those couples who did not cooperate in the followup. The authors suggest that the noncooperative female partners may have been afraid to rate their partners because of continued abuse. Therefore, the selective attrition of subjects who did not improve is a major problem in evaluating the apparent long-term success of treatment.  相似文献   

The human eye is an important tool for observing evidence, and visual evidence in turn may be documented onto a photographic medium. The human eye is generally sensitive only to a narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum from about 700 nm (red) to about 400 nm (violet/blue). It is possible to extend the range of radiations over which evidence may be documented by using the natural ultraviolet sensitivity of photographic films. However, photographing evidence with ultraviolet radiation ultimately involves presenting the information to subjects who may have no prior experience at viewing these wavelengths. This study shows that it is necessary to use a calibrated ultraviolet reflecting gray scale to allow meaningful interpretation of results.  相似文献   

This paper presents research findings from a victimization survey of 1442 Texas residents. Specific attention is given to the fear of crime indicators in the survey with comparisons made to other findings on this subject.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scale designed for the measurement of attitudes toward handgun control. A review of the literature was undertaken in order to identify salient questions used in previous surveys measuring attitudes toward gun control in general and, more specifically, toward handgun control. Subsequently, thirteen items were developed and included in a statewide survey of 1,442 Texas residents. The thirteen items were then examined using the Guttman scaling evaluation procedure, and nine items were retained on the final scale. The coefficient of scalability for the nine-item scale was .698, and the coefficient of reproducability was .915. This scale represents the first multi-item instrument available for the measurement of attitudes toward handgun control and, therefore, presents a means for more advanced statistical analysis of the factors influencing these attitudes.  相似文献   

A novel disposable amperometric biosensor strip for determination of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) with small volume of sample has been constructed using screen-printed electrodes (SPE), nanocomposite film and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Firstly, the GNPs-MWCNT-Nafion nanocomposite film modified on a working electrode was made of Nafion-117, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and gold nanoparticles (GNPs). After that Meldola's blue (MB) acted as an electron transfer mediator and the mixed solution of ADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) were modified in order on the nanocomposite film. At last, a hydrophilic membrane which had an eyehole in center was placed at the outermost of the working area to make a reaction tank of 5 μL, then the hydrophilic membrane/ADH-NAD(+)/GNPs-MWCNT-MB-Nafion/SPE was prepared. The detection of BAC can be accomplished with 5 μL of blood sample obtained precisely by siphonage. Optimum conditions of the biosensor were experimentally determined by varying several important parameters: working potential, solution pH value, environmental temperature and interferences. Experimental results indicated that the biosensor possessed a good accuracy and stability, the linear response range was 2.0 × 10(-4) to 25 × 10(-3)mol/L and the detection limit of the biosensor was 5.0 × 10(-5)mol/L (S/N=3). In the measurement of blood samples, the proposed biosensor had excellent detection performance for measuring BAC and showed a good correlation with gas chromatography. The prepared biosensor strip can be valid for the analysis of BAC.  相似文献   

Criminologists have frequently identified broken homes as a risk factor for involvement in crime and delinquency. The association between broken homes and antisocial behavior has been replicated in numerous studies, and despite being entrenched within the study of delinquency, there is a lack of research examining its impact on the development of self-control. This is somewhat surprising given that low self-control has been shown to be a robust and consistent predictor of antisocial behavior. We address this void in the literature by examining the role of broken homes in the development of self-control in early childhood using propensity score matching. Analysis of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study revealed a statistically significant association between broken homes and the development of self-control prior to matching. After matching on six key maternal and paternal covariates, the association between broken homes and levels of self-control was no longer statistically significant. We discuss what these findings mean for criminological theories.  相似文献   

目的探索外伤性鼓膜穿孔面积大小的测量方法并分析41例病例。方法用图像分析软件Photoshop分析耳内窥镜获得的外伤穿孔鼓膜照片,计算穿孔与鼓膜面积比例并分析外伤性鼓膜穿孔的法医临床学特性。结果外伤性鼓膜穿孔通常为小穿孔,边缘血污部分外翻,形状不规则,左侧居多。结论耳内窥镜可以清晰记录外伤性鼓膜穿孔,图像处理软件可以定量分析鼓膜穿孔大小。  相似文献   

魏崴  余洪猛  王宇澄 《证据科学》2006,13(3):211-214
目的探索外伤性鼓膜穿孔面积大小的测量方法并分析41例病例。方法用图像分析软件Photoshop分析耳内窥镜获得的外伤穿孔鼓膜照片,计算穿孔与鼓膜面积比例并分析外伤性鼓膜穿孔的法医临床学特性。结果外伤性鼓膜穿孔通常为小穿孔,边缘血污部分外翻,形状不规则,左侧居多。结论耳内窥镜可以清晰记录外伤性鼓膜穿孔,图像处理软件可以定量分析鼓膜穿孔大小。  相似文献   

脑温死亡时间测定仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研制脑温死亡时间测定仪。方法根据动物和尸体实验了解脑温下降的规律,并选择针状温度传感器,确定测温入径途径。结果针状传感器的优点是:快速敏感、准确性高、对组织破坏少、插入方便。尽管这种方法仍有误差,但它与现在法医学上常用的方法相比误差已减少了许多。结论所研制的死亡时间测定仪具有体积小,便于携带、探头灵敏,可以迅速方便地探测死者的脑温,并能直接推断死亡时间,避免了某些人为的因素造成的误差。  相似文献   

限定刑事责任能力评定量表的编制   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的编制能对限定责任能力进行客观分级的评定工具。方法结合国内外有关的鉴定理论与实践报道,参考国内外的类似评定工具编制出《限定刑事责任能力评定量表》(DCRRS);并对该量表进行回顾性测试,分析其信度和效度。结果《限定刑事责任能力评定量表》具有较好的内部一致性和稳定性、结构合理,其界限值所划分的不同法定能力等级与专家鉴定间也高度一致。结论DCRRS对于客观地对限定责任能力进行分级具有参考价值。  相似文献   

目的编制能对限定责任能力进行客观分级的评定工具。方法结合国内外有关的鉴定理论与实践报道,参考国内外的类似评定工具编制出《限定刑事责任能力评定量表》(DCRRS);并对该量表进行回顾性测试.分析其信度和效度。结果《限定刑事责任能力评定量表》具有较好的内部一致性和稳定性、结构合理.其界限值所划分的不同法定能力等级与专家鉴定间也高度一致。结论DCRRS对于客观地对限定责任能力进行分级具有参考价值。  相似文献   

A series of investigations were conducted to develop an ego-strength scale from items in the Child Abuse Potential Inventory. Using a two-dimensional model of ego-strength, face valid items were selected. After an initial screening of face valid items using Barron's ego-strength scale, a multiple criterion item validation process was conducted using factors from the 16PF questionnaire. This procedure produced a 40-item ego-strength scale where all items had significant item-total correlations. Internal consistency and temporal stability of the ego-strength scale were found to be adequate. Factor analyses suggested the ego-strength scale is unitary, measuring emotional stability in relationships. Moderator variable effects were found to be modest. Most important, ego-strength scale data collected from nurturing parents, general population parents, at-risk parents, and groups engaging in various forms of family violence yielded scores that discriminate between groups in a predictable manner.  相似文献   

颅内出血体积测量方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tan QF  Yu Q  Gao SH  Huang FJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(5):335-337
目的探寻一种能够运用于法医临床学实践的测量颅内出血量的方法。方法比较多田公式、体视学技术和软件边界法测量颅内出血的准确性,并比较它们的实用性。结果体视学法和软件边界法的测量值是准确的,而多田公式测量不规则血肿误差很大。结论体视学法是法医临床学中测量颅内出血量最适用的方法。  相似文献   

Social learning theory is one of the most prominent general theories of crime. Yet recent research has called into question its applicability to all offenders. Specifically, the influence of antisocial peers has been found to exert a stronger effect among those individuals evincing higher levels of criminal propensity (deemed social amplification), whereas other components of the theory have either not been shown to interact with criminal propensity or not been tested. This study examines several social learning theory components to determine whether its influence is dependent on an individual's level of self-control. Results suggest little support for the social amplification hypothesis as the components of social learning theory were found to operate similarly across individuals regardless one's level of self-control. Implications for criminological theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Many analysts advocate patient exit as a strategy for consumers who experience poor-quality care. Exit is believed to have the potential to improve patient welfare by having patients leave (or "exit") poor-performing health care providers, thus signaling their dissatisfaction with the quality of care they have received and thereby admonishing those providers to improve. However, the validity of exit as a signal of consumer dissatisfaction hinges on how closely it reflects dissatisfaction. Intergroup differences in the propensity to exit could also result in unintended consequences. This article examines the association between consumer experience and the decision to change one's usual care providers. It also investigates if there are any intergroup differences in the propensity for changing providers according to insurance status, gender, and race or ethnicity. Data come from household surveys conducted by the Center for Studying Health System Change. Results show significant intergroup differences in propensity for switching usual source of care for voluntary or involuntary reasons related to insurance, rural residency, age, income, race, and ethnicity. Policy implications of the empirical results on exit, voice, and consumerism are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evaluations have suggested little or no effect of batterer programs on reassault but are compromised by methodological and analytical issues. This study assesses program effect using propensity score analysis with a quasi-experimental sample in an attempt to address these issues. The sample consisted of 633 batterers and their partners from three geographically dispersed batterer programs and a 15-month follow-up with their female partners. Subclassification on propensity scores was used to balance program completers and program dropouts. The propensity score was estimated as the probability of completing the batterer program conditional on observable characteristics. Direct adjustment indicates that program completion reduced the probability of reassault during the 15-month follow-up by 33% for the full sample, and by nearly 50% for the court-ordered men.  相似文献   

This paper builds upon two prior papers by Haviland and Nagin (Psychometrika 70:1–22, 2005) and Haviland, Nagin, and Rosenbaum (Working paper, 2006) that attempt to bring the key attributes of an experiment to the analysis of non-experimental longitudinal data. Using a case study of the facilitation effect of gang membership on violence, it systematically examines the contribution of group-based trajectory modeling to the achievement of covariate balance in observational data. In this case study, inclusion of the posterior probabilities of group membership (PPGM), from a model on the pre-treatment measures of the outcome variable, created closer balance on these key covariates than did analyses that did not include them. Still closer balance was obtained on these key covariates by stratifying the analysis by trajectory group. This stratification was achieved by fitting separate propensity score models and matching gang joiners to gang abstainers within trajectory group. In addition, we demonstrated that further balance could be obtained on additional covariates by including PPGM from a model on pre-treatment longitudinal data of these covariates. While this case study is only one empirical example, we believe that it provides useful empirical evidence on the value of performing within trajectory group causal inference in observational longitudinal data and on the use of the PPGM in achieving balance in propensity score-based causal inference.
Daniel S. NaginEmail:

Amelia Haviland   (Ph.D., Statistics and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University), is an Associate Statistician at RAND Corporation. Her research focuses on causal analysis with observational data and analysis of longitudinal and complex survey data. Dr. Haviland has published articles on delinquency outcomes related to gang membership and employment, economic outcomes related to racial and gender discrimination, and health outcomes related to gender and heart disease. She currently works on applications in criminology, health and health economics. Daniel S. Nagin   is Teresa and H. John Heinz III Professor of Public Policy and Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include the developmental course of violent and other criminal behavior, the preventive effects of criminal and non-criminal sanctions, and statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. He is the author of Group-Based Models of Development (Harvard University Press, 2005).  相似文献   

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