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Adolescent incest sexual perpetrators seen at an out-patient clinic were interviewed regarding demographic characteristics and occurrence of deviant and nondeviant sexual behaviors. Results indicate that subjects (1) committed more sexual crimes than they had been arrested for, (2) reported a very early onset of sexual behavior, (3) had additional DSM-III psychiatric disorders, and (4) reported previous sexual victimization. Recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty mothers of adolescent sexual perpetrators were interviewed. Mothers of incest perpetrators (n = 48) were compared to mothers of non-incest perpetrators (n = 82). Results indicated that significantly more mothers of incest perpetrators reported having been physically and sexually abused, having a sexual dysfunction, and having been in prior psychotherapy. With regard to their sons, a higher percentage of mothers of incest perpetrators reported that they believed their son had committed the sexual offense, was in need of treatment, and had a history of being physically abused. Additionally, a significantly lower percentage of incest perpetrators had involvement with the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   


People who commit sexual offences are a heterogeneous group, with research suggesting that children and young people commit a large proportion of all sex offences, especially those committed against other children. This systematic review provides a synthesis of literature concerning the characteristics of children and adolescents who exhibit harmful sexual behaviour. There is a particular focus in this review on studies that examine the characteristics of children and young people exhibiting these behaviours within institutional and organisational settings or which take a situational and/or developmental approach to understanding sexually abusive behaviour. Using a developmental and life-course criminology lens, this review explores implications from the literature for the prevention and response to child sexual abuse, with a particular focus on institutional contexts where the perpetrators are children and adolescents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify distinctive clinical and social features of the psychiatric patients who committed homicide among inmates of Italian forensic hospitals. METHOD: Clinical and social characteristics of four cohorts of patients were compared: 64 inmates who committed or attempted homicide (Hs), their 64 matched controls from community services caseloads, 54 inmates who committed other crimes and their 54 matched controls from community services caseload. RESULTS: When compared with other inmates, patients who committed or attempted homicide showed less severe psychopathology (later onset of mental disorders, later contact with mental health services, lower disability scores) except for higher scores at BPRS "hostility" and "suspiciousness" factors; they also showed better premorbid adjustment (socioeconomic status, employment), and surprisingly better behavioural profile (fewer compulsory admissions, fewer previous criminal records, less substance abuse, less frequently in caseloads of community services). When compared with their matched controls, Hs had lower psychopathology, better adjustment, and a similar behavioural profile. CONCLUSIONS: Italian inmates of forensic hospitals who committed or attempted homicide have clinical features and personal histories which are far from the stereotype of the violent and dangerous psychiatric patients. The risk assessment procedures routinely performed in several countries may detect violent, but not homicidal behaviour.  相似文献   

Female homicide-suicide perpetrators: a controlled study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The record files of the Dade County Medical Examiner Department were reviewed and 133 homicide-suicides were identified. Of these, ten (or 7.5%) were female perpetrated. The chart data of these 10 female homicide-suicide perpetrators, chart data of 50 female homicide-suicide victims, and 50 female individual suicides systematically selected as controls were tabulated using a standardized instrument. The results were analyzed for differences using simple statistical methods. The comparisons revealed that female homicide-suicide perpetrators were more likely than female homicide-suicide victims to live in mobile homes, kill their lover or ex-lover, have their crime accidentally discovered, leave a suicide note, kill on a weekend, and be depressed, but are less likely than female homicide-suicide victims to live with a spouse. Additionally, female homicide-suicide perpetrators were more likely than individual female suicides to live in mobile homes but less likely to live alone and to be depressed.  相似文献   

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, increased levels of east to west immigration in Europe partly explains the delinquent activities among a growing number of Eastern Europeans in western cities. Young people from te former Yugoslavia have a reputation for being particularly violent. In this article we argue that the alleged violence among Yugoslav delinquents is not so much a reflection of reality, but rather a myth used instrumentally by Yugoslav delinquents themselves to establish a position on the criminal scene – as doorkeepers, bodyguards, money collectors or other so-called `specialists in violence'.  相似文献   

Although efforts for investigating and prosecuting child abuse cases have increased little attention has been paid to juror response to child testimony. This paper, developed as part of a pilot study to test a questionnaire for polling jurors' opinions in child sexual abuse cases, analyzes a case in which there was a reversal of outcome at retrial. Poll results of the jurors' opinions suggest the need for testimony from law enforcement and child sexual abuse experts to explain children's perception, memory, and recall of a reported experience.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a transitional period when the pressure to engage in romantic and sexual relationships can leave teenagers feeling confused and at risk for sexual coercion. Our studies investigated characteristics of male and female perpetrators and victims of peer sexual coercion, focusing on self-esteem, sexist attitudes, and involvement in nonsexual deviant behaviors, such as drugs and alcohol. The participants, all of whom were in Grades 8 to 11, were from Quebec, Canada. They completed self-report measures. Female victims had lower self-esteem and more sexist attitudes than other female participants, whereas male perpetrators had more sexist attitudes than other male participants. Furthermore, all victims and perpetrators were more likely to be involved in other types of nonsexual deviance.  相似文献   

Core cognitive schemas may play a role in the vulnerability for sexual offending. Identifying these schemas could help to conceptualize sexual crimes and rehabilitate convicted sexual offenders. The aim of this preliminary study was to explore the relationship between early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) and sexual offending, as well as how rapists and child sex molesters differ in terms of these schemas. Thirty-two men convicted for rape, 33 convicted for child sexual abuse, and 30 non-offenders were evaluated using the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ-S3) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Results showed that participants convicted for child sexual abuse presented significantly more schemas from the disconnection/rejection, impaired autonomy/performance, other directness, and over vigilance/inhibition domains than non-offenders, whereas rapists presented more schemas from the impaired autonomy/performance domain than non-offenders. Differences between sex offenders showed that child molesters presented more schemas of pessimism than rapists. Preliminary findings suggested that EMSs may impact sex offender's perceptions about themselves and about the world. Schema-focused therapy (Young, 1990, 1999) may thus be an acceptable approach to sex offender's psychological assessment and intervention.  相似文献   


Few previous studies have explored the characteristics and dynamics of adolescent sibling incest. The objectives of this paper were twofold: first, to conduct a literature review that accounts for earlier research in the area, and secondly, to conduct a clinical study to explore differences regarding the characteristics of a group of adolescent sibling incest offenders (n=21) compared to a group of adolescent non-sibling offenders (n=24). Comparisons were made regarding variables such as family dysfunction, the offenders' prior victimization and offending behaviour. The data were derived from intake assessment files and semi-structured interviews with 45 adolescents who had sexually offended. The sibling incest offender group had grown up more often in dysfunctional families. Moreover, the results indicated that the offending behaviour in the sibling incest group was more severe. The study gives some empirical support for the possibility that sibling incest can be one sign, among others, of maltreatment during childhood.  相似文献   

This study describes the self-reported histories of four women who experience long-term negative effects from childhood incest with their older brothers. In all of these cases the women describe symptoms of low self-esteem and guilt, in relation to their role in the incest. Other perceived long-term harmful effects vary according to the amount of force or coercion used by the brothers, the duration of the incest, and parental response to the incest. These include depression, difficulties with trusting others, and sexual dysfunction. The women also describe the dysfunction in their families-of-origin that contribute to their perceptions of the incest.  相似文献   

Most bias crime literature focuses on adults despite the fact that youth account for a large proportion of prejudice-motivated violence. The LA County Commission on Human Relations data for all bias crimes from 2002-2008 was used to examine similarities and differences between adult and youth suspects of bias-motivated crimes. Findings showed youth victims of racial bias crimes were 12 times more likely to be targeted by youth suspects and over five times more likely to commit property offenses. Public places were nearly three times more likely than resident places to be the location of the bias crime by youth suspects. Female perpetrators of racial bias crimes were two times more likely to be youths. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the largely hereunto-ignored perceptions of the offenders within the specialist sex-courts in Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa. Various factors potentially affecting such perceptions within this group of individuals are identified by way of theoretical orientation. Respondents were inclined to view the Court for Sexual Offences as biased in process and excessively punitive with regard to sentencing. The specialist sex-court was also perceived to be inefficient and slow. Female prosecutors were judged to be overly involved in cases to the extent that their objectivity was impaired. The need for additional research in various related areas is also explored.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Hu JN 《法医学杂志》2006,22(5):361-364
目的探讨鉴定医生评定凶杀案例责任能力时的主要依据及影响因素。方法对总计105例凶杀案的精神病司法鉴定案例进行回顾性分析。结果无责任能力者41例(39.0%);限定责任能力者28例(26.7%);完全责任能力者36例(34.3%);与刑事责任能力的评定密切相关的因素有:凶杀行为是否由精神病理因素引起(Gamma=0.906,P=0.000),临床诊断是否为重性精神病(Gamma=0.761,P=0.000),被害人是否为家人亲属(Gamma=0.412,P=0.000)。结论从技术层面看,鉴定医生评价责任能力考虑的三个主要方面按重要性依次是:凶杀行为是否由精神病理因素引起,被鉴定人是否患有重性精神病,被害对象是否为家人亲属。  相似文献   

This article describes the need for professional recognition of the magnitude of the problem of incest and the long-term effects on the lives of survivors. It suggests that women can be empowered to make positive lifestyle changes through long-term support. The educational opportunity provided for graduate students is also addressed. The intake process and the three phases of the group which extend over 56 sessions are described in detail.  相似文献   

Recent research on incest suggests that it is a complex phenomenon which assumes a variety of forms in different situations. A tentative typology based on prior research and clinical reports is presented. A preliminary framework for recognizing and dealing with various types of incest is outlined and a discussion of intervention and prevention strategies is provided.  相似文献   

People suffering from mental illness are increasingly referred to the domestic violence court. Yet the typical diversion programs available, including batterer's intervention programs, are inappropriate for those with serious mental illness. As a result, the Miami-Dade Domestic Violence Court has developed a new approach for dealing with this population that applies mental health court techniques in domestic violence court. This article will describe and discuss this pioneering model. It also will situate this model within the context of other problem-solving courts and discuss how the court uses principles and approaches of therapeutic jurisprudence. The paper presents some preliminary data that describe the social and legal characteristics of 20 defendants in the Domestic Violence Mental Health Court followed over a two year period between 2005 and 2007.  相似文献   

This analogue study (written vignettes and videotapes) examines the influence of victim-perpetrator relationship (spouse or acquaintance), sex of perceiver, and type of abuse (psychological vs. physical) on attributions about victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse. College student participants (73 men, 108 women) were randomly assigned to condition. As expected, type of relationship influenced observer perceptions. Specifically, participants rated the victim of marital violence as more psychologically damaged and disturbed by the abuse than the victim of acquaintance violence. Furthermore, interaction effects showed that men, more than women, rated the actions of the married perpetrator as more of a victim's rights violation than the actions of the acquaintance perpetrator. Second, type of abuse was shown to influence perceptions of the perpetrator but not the victim. Sex-of-perceiver effects were also obtained. Women held the perpetrator more responsible and assigned less blame to the victim than did men. Legal and clinical implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

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